The Council has a number of planning guidance documents and other useful information. These documents are listed below with links to electronic versions where available. Documents marked (*) are not available as an electronic version. You can obtain copies/view these documents by contacting Forward Planning.

Draft Clydebank Business Park Planning Guidance

 The Council has prepared Draft Planning Guidance relating to Clydebank Business Park. This guidance sets out additional guidance on how the Council will assess proposals for non-industrial/business uses in the Business Park. The consultations runs until 22 December 2023, and responses can be submitted via the following online survey  -

Local Development Plan (LDP2) Supplementary Guidance

The following Supplementary Guidance documents have been prepared in association with LDP2. They have been consulted on and amended to reflect comments received. The status of these documents is 'Finalised' and they are a material consideration in decision-making. These documents will be submitted to the Scottish Ministers for approval to adopt, when the associated LDP2 becomes adopted.

Planning Guidance

Land Use Audits

Developer Contributions

Other Useful Information