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New 5K Road Race introduced by West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

A new 5K Loch Lomond Road Race is being introduced to the programme of outdoor events this year by West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust.

Published : 25 February 2022

Playdrome site set to be sold for housing in £5.675m deal

Image of the Playdrome site
The former Playdrome site in Clydebank is set to be transformed into a housing development after a £5.675million sale.

Published : 18 February 2022

Finalists in Council Employee Recognition Awards announced

employee recognition finalists
A group of employees who regularly go above and beyond in their duties has been selected as finalists for this year’s Employee Recognition Awards.

Published : 15 February 2022

Clydebank High pupils show their love to people seeking protection

Image of pupils with orange hearts
Pupils from Clydebank High School have created displays and heart-warming messages to welcome people to their town who have been forced to flee their own homes.

Published : 11 February 2022

Eco-friendly Energy Centre shortlisted for another national award

More recognition for green energy centre at Clydebank's Queens Quay.

Published : 02 February 2022

Have your say on active and sustainable travel in West Dunbartonshire

active and sustainable travel
Residents are being given the opportunity to shape and influence West Dunbartonshire’s transport future to ensure better value, fairer and greener modes of travel.

Published : 02 February 2022

Active Schools launch a new app for activity bookings

Active Schools App advert - download
West Dunbartonshire Leisure’s Active Schools team has launched a new sports app to help families quickly and easily book extra curricular activities in schools and sessions at local sports clubs.

Published : 01 February 2022

Have your say to improve walking and cycling in Participatory Budgeting

Tenant Feedback
Clydebank residents are being given the chance to influence how Council money is spent in their area as part of a pilot initiative.

Published : 28 January 2022

Drive seeks new volunteers for children’s hearings

Children's Panel - Children's Hearing's Scotland
Children's Hearings Scotland have launched a campaign to recruit new volunteer Panel Members in West Dunbartonshire.

Published : 27 January 2022