The Council has a Business Support Team and a Regeneration Team who are committed to developing and regenerating the local area.

Over the last couple of years COVID-19, Brexit, rising inflation and the energy crisis have all had and continue to have a significant impact on the economic climate and as a result the policy context at national and local level has had to change in order to address these economic challenges. This has led to an increased requirement for the development of a new Economic Development Strategy for the local area.

A new West Dunbartonshire Economic Development Strategy has therefore been developed which provides an updated economic vision and strategic priorities for West Dunbartonshire for a five year period from 2022-2027. This will replace the previous Economic Development Strategy 2015-2020 and will align with the Glasgow City Regional Economic Strategy and Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

Our Vision is ‘By 2027, West Dunbartonshire will have an inclusive and vibrant economy through the creation of fairer jobs, a drive towards net Zero, and the development of prosperous places in partnership with our communities and businesses’.

The new Strategy aims to achieve this vision through the following key strategic priorities:

  • Stimulating economic investment and growing the business base
  • Establishing an inclusive economy by improving the skills of our people and supporting them into work
  • Creating a prosperous place where people choose to live, work, visit and invest
  • Addressing climate change and supporting a green recovery
  • Building stronger partnerships and new approaches to delivery

A copy of the full draft Economic Development Strategy 2020-27 can be found at the following link:

Thank you for responding to our recent survey on the new Economic Development Strategy.  Your views will inform the final Strategy which will be published in the near future