Information on how you can pay for additional childcare in West Dunbartonshire.

You may be able to obtain childcare at our nurseries. Childcare can be in addition to your child's entitlement from the Scottish Government, or where there is no entitlement.

Childcare entitlement for 3-5 year olds

Your child is entitled to a childcare place in our nurseries in the two years before starting primary school. The entitlement becomes valid at the start of the school term after their 3rd birthday.

Arranging additional childcare

Additional childcare is available in half-days (4 hours), full days (8 hours) and or as a full week (40 hours) with the total monthly hours calculated per session.  

To apply for additional childcare:

  • contact the ELCC to check availability to suit your needs
  • if available,  you will be sent a contract, which should be signed and emailed / returned to the centre
  • by signing the contract you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and agreed to pay the appropriate fees
  • your child’s place will be confirmed only once the signed contract has been received by the centre

Please email or return signed contracts to ELCCs as soon as possible so that we can provide your child’s place.  Changes to your contract / hours mid-session will be processed only with the agreement of the ELCC.

Further information on purchasing additional childcare for our ELCCs


Childcare will now be based on a minimum of a half session (4hrs). 

Childcare costs are calculated monthly per term based on the signed contract.  Our invoice is sent to you at the start of each session which will confirm the agreed monthly payment for that term. Payments will be invoiced in advance, payable via a monthly Standing Order.

Your additional childcare will be in place for the full term and payment required for this period.  

Please note refunds are not available.


Child Care
Age Session Type New Rate from April 2023

Age 3-5

Half day session



Full day session



Full week session





Age 2-3

Half day session



Full day session



Full week session





Age 0-2

Half day session



Full day session



Full week session



Example of new charging in use:

  1. If you need 50 additional hours of childcare across the month, it will be charged as:

         1 full week + 1 full day + 1 half day

         40 hours  +  8 hours  +  4 hours  =  52 hours

In this example, the parent / carer can use up to 52 hours of childcare in the centre each month.

  1. If you require 4 extra hours across the month, split as 1 hour per week. You will be charged for 1 half day regardless of how these hours are split across the month.

Changes to your additional hours

You should contact your ELCC if you require a reduction in purchased hours.  We require a minimum of one months’ notice if you require a change in additional hours.  Your changes will take effect at the start of the next term.

These changes do not affect out of school care.

Statutory provision

The Council has a duty to accommodate statutory requests for places in our ELCCs, and these must take precedence.  If this impacts your additional hours, you will receive either a:

  • credit note for the unused duration for the next term
  • or refund where the contract would cease at the end of the term

Child illness

If your child is ill, then we will still charge you.  Please contact your ELCC as soon as possible to let them know of your child’s absence.


Our ELCCs provide lunches and this should be paid directly to your ELCC.  More information is available in the related links section. 

Holidays and in-service days

If you wish to know about childcare during these holidays then please contact the Head of Centre of your child’s ELCC.

All centres are shut on in-service days and you will not be charged for these days.

Cancellation of childcare

If you need to cancel your contract, then we need 1 month’s written notice.  Your centre can provide you with the correct form and please give the completed form to the Head of Centre at your child’s ELCC.

More information

Should you have any question about the new arrangements, please speak to the team at your ELCC.