A person other than a roads authority who wishes to construct a new road or extend an existing road is required to obtain consent (as per Sections 21 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984) from the local roads authority.
It should be noted that the granting of Planning Permission does not necessarily imply the granting of Roads Construction Consent. Any work on existing roads needs separate authorisation. Additionally, it is an offence to work without obtaining the appropriate consents.
If the RCC is linked with a private housing development then the developer must provide a security in terms of a Road Bond. Further information can be found within the SCOTS Guide for Road Construction Consent and the Road Bond Process.
Please refer to section 2.4 of the National Roads Development Guide for guidance on the documents required to be submitted for a Roads Construction Consent application.
We will complete an initial review of the RCC application only when all required documents have been submitted together. Missing items will result in a delay. A checklist for submission can be found within the WDC Flooding, Drainage and Roads Construction Consent guidance below.
On receipt of the documents, we will compile a list of comments detailing additional information or amendments required. Until this additional information is supplied the application cannot be processed further.
A Consultation Certificate will be required indicating that Scottish Water and SEPA are in agreement with the proposed drainage layout.
All designs must be in accordance with national, regional and local design guides: