Grit Bins managed by West Dunbartonshire Council

The map below shows the location of the Grit Bins managed by West Dunbartonshire Council. Residents of West Dunbartonshire can also obtain small quantities (up to 10kg) of rock salt for private use from any Council grit bin. However large capacity community bins are placed at Strategic Locations as listed below:

Overview of winter maintenance and gritting routes.

Reporting a problem with a grit bin

If you see a damaged, empty or missing grit bin, please contact us using the details below.

Request road gritting or grit bin

You can contact us to request a new grit bin. Please be aware of the following

  • a new grit bin will not be sited within 300 metres of another bin
  • grit bin will not block the passage of pedestrians or be sited in a private area
  • grit bin will not be removed outwith the winter period.
  • your street is on a particularly steep hill then you may be eligible for a new grit bin.

Contact Us

More details about our grit bins are available on our Winter maintenance page.