Please help us to recycle more by putting the following items into your blue bin.
Paper products including:
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Brochures
- Leaflets
- Paperback books
- Soft-backed catalogues
- Envelopes including window envelopes
- Unwanted mail (no cellophane)
- Telephone directories (including Yellow Pages)
- Office paper
- Copier, fax and note paper.
Cardboard and cartons including:
- Cereal boxes
- Ready meal sleeves (no food trays)
- Cardboard egg boxes (no polystyrene types)
- Food and drink cartons e.g. fruit juice cartons, soup, milk or custard cartons
- Toothpaste boxes
- Insides of kitchen rolls and toilet rolls
- Cardboard packaging (no polystyrene or other plastic packaging)
- Boxes from toys, games and household goods (no plastic packaging).
Plastic bottles (clear and coloured) including:
- Fizzy drinks - Coca-Cola, Irn-Bru, etc.
- Water - Highland Spring, Evian, etc.
- Beer, lager or cider (no liquids)
- Detergent - Persil, Bold, etc.
- Household cleaners - Mr Muscle, Domestos, etc.
- Fabric softener - Comfort, Lenor, etc.
- Washing up liquid - Fairy, etc.
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Liquid hand wash
- Cosmetics.
Please remember to remove all lids from plastic bottles, labels do not need to be removed.
Plastic tubs including:
- Yoghurt pots
- Butter/margarine tubs
- Clear plastic fruit tubs
All tubs need to be rinsed out to remove all food residue
Aluminium drinks cans and foil including:
- Fizzy drinks cans - Coca-Cola, Irn-Bru, etc.
- Beer cans - Tennents, Guinness, etc.
- Cider cans - Woodpecker, Strongbow, etc.
- Aerosol cans - Hairspray, Deodorant, etc.
- Clean Aluminium foil pie cases
- Clean Aluminium foil cake cases
- Clean Aluminium fast food trays
- Clean tin foil
- Metal lids
Steel food tins including:
- Soup tins
- Baked bean tins
- Vegetable tins - Tomatoes, mixed veg, etc.
- Fish tins - Tuna, salmon, etc.
- Meat tins - Corned beef, Fray Bentos, etc.
- Pet food tins
- Baby food tins
- Biscuit tins
Please rinse any food or drink from bottles, cans and tins to reduce any contamination.
Please do NOT place into your blue bin:
- Glass
- Food waste
- Plastic bags
- Plastic film and black plastic food trays
- Polystyrene or other plastic packaging material
- Paint tins
- Foil wrapping paper
- Hard backs from catalogues or books (inner pages can be recycled)
- Photographs
- Paper/kitchen towels
- Cardboard contaminated with food e.g. Pizza take-away boxes.