Have you ever wondered what happens to the contents of your blue, brown and black/green bin once it has been collected? Well, here we explain the journey of your waste.

Blue bin

Once your blue bin has been collected, our vehicle takes the accumulated material to a recycling processor where it is separated into its component parts (paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, tins and cans) and then recycled into new products.


Glass bottles that have been collected by the Council are melted down and recycled into glass products. This is the most effective way of collecting and recycling glass as it ensures that we use less raw material in the production of glass, using less energy in the process and sustaining our natural resources.

Brown bin

Once your brown bin has been collected, our vehicle takes it to a processor where it is put into large vessels to be air and heat treated. This can be used for agricultural purposes.

Food Waste

Once your food waste bin has been collected, our vehicles take the accumulated material to Barr Environmental in Alexandria where it is processed and used for industrial fertiliser or biofuel.

Green/black bin

Once your general waste bin has been collected, our vehicle takes the accumulated waste to Barr Environmental in Alexandria where it is landfilled.