Self-build housing is where an individual (by themselves or with a group) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence. The self-build list helps us to understand the demand for self-build housing in the area.

You can project manage your build with sub-contractors or use one contractor for a turnkey solution. This does not mean you have to do all the physical work yourself, it's your choice.

The self-build list covers the following types of self-build:

  • Self-build housing - where a person builds their own house or appoints their own builder.
  • Custom-build housing - where a person tasks a house builder to tailor a home to their preferences before it is built.
  • Individual self-build - A single person, family group or household builds their own home.
  • Collective self-build - where a group get together to build their homes.
  • Co-housing - an intentional, mutually-supportive community with shared communal space. It involves people coming together to build a neighbourhood that embodies particular values.
  • Self-provided housing - includes self-build housing, custom-build housing and collective build housing.

You can sign up for the list here:

How the list will be used

Understanding the demand for self-provided housing is important for both the Council’s plan-making and decision-taking. This list of people with a registered interest in acquiring land in the Council’s area for self-provided housing, will be monitored alongside broader housing market data and help to inform policies and proposals in the LDP.

By signing up, you will help us find out more about the demand for self-build plots in the Council where people would like their plot to be and the type of house that they would like to build.

We will use the information to explore ways in which it might be possible for people and plots to be brought together. Registration does not however guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or become available for you.

Registering on the Self-build list

You can sign up for the list here:

Please note that West Dunbartonshire Council is not the Planning Authority for its area within Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. If you are seeking to self-build within the National Park area you should register on the National Park Authority’s self-build list.

Publication of the list and data protection

Under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended the Council as the “planning authority are to publish the list in such manner as the authority consider appropriate (as for example by means of the internet”.)

The list will be published on the council's website.

All of your responses will be handled in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Council's privacy notice. The council will not publish your personal details such as name, address, contact information and your personal situation.

The Council will publish information on the type of home, size of home and general location you are interested in building. This information helps us to understand demand for self-build homes in the area.

To ensure the information is up to date, the list will be updated every year. The Council will contact you on a yearly basis to check if you wish to remain on the list. Should you wish your details to be removed at any other point (i.e. you no longer require a self-build plot), please contact the Council to request this at

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