Street naming and numbering is essential for the use of the emergency services, public utilities, postal services and the general public,

In selecting a new street name, consideration will be given to the history of the site.  The local councillors, community council and Royal Mail amongst others are consulted on the new proposed street name.


All street naming and numbering applications can be made by submitted SNN online form together with plans and the relevant fee.


Street Name and Numbering Fees
Application Fee
Naming of new street (per street) £129.00
Naming/renaming of property/plot/unit (single) £95.00
Street Name and Numbering Fees
Application Fee
2-5 plots/units £139.00
6-10 plots/units £191.00
11-25 plots/units £385.00
26-50 plots/units £642.00
50-100 plots/units £963.00
101+ plots/units £1284.00
Street Name and Numbering Fees
Application Fee
Re numbering historic addresses £128.00
Official confirmation of existing address £45.00

Payment of fees can be made online.  You will need your building warrant number or address and a valid debit/credit card.

Pay it

The timescales for processing these applications will vary depending on exactly what has been requested. Property naming and numbering can be processed in a few days.  Street naming, however, depending on the need for local consultation can take up to eight weeks.

West Dunbartonshire Council, under Section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, has the responsibility for:

  • naming and numbering new streets within West Dunbartonshire (including the area within Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park)
  • numbering new buildings erected on an existing street
  • naming buildings which are located on a street but where neighbouring properties do not have a street number
  • naming buildings which are not located on a street.

Planning and Building Standards undertake this responsibility on behalf of the Council. Further information is available within the policy below.  This policy was updated in May 2015.


Street Names

In selecting a new street name, consideration is given to the previous history and use of the site.  Local Elected Members and Community Councils are consulted on any proposed street names, prior to the proposal being submitted to the appropriate Council Committee for approval.

Property Names

If your property has a name but no postal number, and you wish to change the name of the property, you will need the approval of the Council.

If you have a postal number and wish to name your property as well, the name should only be used on an informal basis and will not form part of your postal address. Replacing a postal number with a name is not an option as this could cause problems for deliveries and the emergency services.


Issued by The Royal Mail following notification of any new addresses from ourselves, West Dunbartonshire Council will then notify the applicant of the full postal address.

Corporate Address Gazetteer (CAG)

West Dunbartonshire Council, in common with all local authorities in Scotland, now maintains a definitive Corporate Address Gazetteer, which contains addresses for all properties within West Dunbartonshire Council.  All addresses are created in accordance with the national standard for addressing and can be searched at One Scotland Gazetteer.

Further Information

To enquire about any aspect of Street Naming and Numbering not covered in the above, please contact Technical Support