What is a Letter of Comfort?

On occasions unauthorised works come to light when a property is due for sale.  In such circumstances Building Standards may be requested to inspect a property with a view to issuing a Letter of Comfort.

Letters of Comfort are only available for works carried out between June 1964 and 1 May 2005.  For works carried out after 1 May 2005 you must apply for a Certificate of Completion where no building warrant was obtained (LATCOM). You should apply for this via the eBuilding Standards portal

A Letter of Comfort does not state that the works comply fully with the Building Regulations. Rather that the Local Authority has inspected the works and have no immediate concerns.

Fees as of 1st April 2021

All fees are payable in advance.

Letter of Comfort Fees
Estimated value of Works Fee 
£0.00 to £10,000* £388.00
£10,001 to £20,000 £606.00
£20,001 to £40,000 £750.00
£40,001 to £60,000 £894.00
£60,001 and above £965.00
Works already has Building Warrant Approval but no Completion Certificate £388.00

How to apply for a Letter of Comfort

You can apply for a Letter of Comfort by completing the application form below.

Please note once the application form and fee is received this is treated as an application fee and is non-refundable

Letter of Comfort Application

What happens next

On receipt of the application, arrangements will be made to inspect the property, following which;
  1. A Letter of Comfort will be issued, or
  2. A letter listing items requiring remedial work will be issued.

How to apply for a Letter of Comfort Re-inspection

If following our inspection of the work we are unable to issue a Letter of Comfort. We will write to advise of any remedial work that requires to be carried out.  Once you have completed the remedial works a re-inspection application will require to be made and appropriate fee of £107.00 paid.

Please note once the application form and fee is received this is treated as an application fee and is non-refundable

Letter of Comfort - Re-inspection Application