Our Housebound Service is now available, please contact us on 01389 608037 or email mobile.library@west-dunbarton.gov.uk for more information.

Do you enjoy reading, listening to talking books or music, but can’t get to the library owing to ill health, disability or age?

Let us bring the Library to you!

The Home Delivery Library Service is FREE to all residents in West Dunbartonshire who are unable to visit a Branch or Mobile library owing to age, disability; long or short term illness which normally confines them to their home.  Customers are visited in their homes by trained staff every four weeks.

When you apply to use the service, library staff will contact you and ask you about the type of books you prefer, whether large or ordinary print, hardback or

paperback or audio books. FREE magnifying sheets are also available on request to assist with reading.

We will select and deliver books and CD’s to your home and collect any items for return.

For enquiries about the housebound service, or to request a visit, please contact the housebound library team.