Lifestyle Membership

Only £20 per month or £200 paid in full

  • Unlimited Swimming, Gym, Health Suite & Group Fitness Classes

For residents and non-residents of West Dunbartonshire who are either;

  • in receipt of eligible benefits*
  • full time students*
  • GP Referral Scheme members
  • aged 14-15 years (£15 direct debit)
  • aged 16-18 
  • aged 60+ (£3 admin fee applies)

Download the Concessionary Membership Form for more details and to apply.

*An Access to Leisure card (£10) will also be required to be purchased. Proof of eligibility is required. 

To purchase a membership please pop into one of our leisure centres:

  • Clydebank Leisure Centre, Queens Quay, Clydebank, G811BF
  • Meadow Centre, Meadow Road, Dumbarton, G82 2AA
  • Vale Pool, Main Street, Alexandria, G83 0UE

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