5 day Fun Sports Camps

at the Meadow (8 – 12yrs) 

  • Week 1 - 10 July to 14 July - Full
  • Week 2 - 24 July to 28 July - Full

Fun camp sessions run from 9.00am – 3.30pm. Kids will take part in a programme of sports hall activities including sports coaching and organised games and pool inflatable sessions. Children require to bring their own packed lunch, must be dressed ready to take part in sports and physical active sessions and should bring their swimwear every day. These sessions must be booked in advance and registration documents completed by parent/guardian.

£50 per week or £12.50 for day ticket

Mini Movers

(pre – school) From 30 June to 14 August

  • Every Monday, Friday 10.30am – 12.00noon
  • Every Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.30pm 

Soft play, bouncy Castle, mini cars and a range of equipment and games to keep your youngster
active, happy and entertained for the morning session. Be aware parents take part too so come ready prepared in training shoes and comfortable clothes! Limited places available so pre-booking is advised.

£3.50 per session

Bounce Busters

(age 5-8yrs)

  • Monday and Friday  30 June to 15 August - 10.30am – 12.00 noon

Plenty of Lively and energetic fun for your youngster with our giant inflatable assault course and slide. Limited places available so pre-booking is advised.

£3.30 per session

Friday Fun Sessions

(8 – 12 yrs)

  • Friday 30 June to 11 August 6.00pm – 7.10pm and 7.30pm – 8.40pm

Party with your pals to some music on a Friday at these popular sessions. Limited places available so pre-booking is advised. Must bring a WD leisure card or entry could be refused.


Wet and Wild Pool Inflatable Session


  • Wednesday & Thursday 1.00pm – 2.00pm - 28 June to 10 August
  • Sunday 3.30pm – 4.30pm - 2 July to 13 August

It’s a swim with added fun – try out our large inflatable run – compete with your friends or even just challenge yourself to complete the run. Children must be over 8 and able to swim 50 meters (2 lengths of the pool) to participate on the inflatable run. Limited places available so pre-booking is advised.


Laned Swim Sessions

  • Mon/Tue/Fri 12.00noon – 12.45pm from 30 June to 14 August

For serious swimmers why not take advantage of our lunch time laned swimming sessions to get an uninterrupted serious exercise session in our swimming pool, normal charges apply

Juvenile Gym Sessions

(12 – 15yrs)

  • From 28 June to 15 August - 12noon to 4.00pm

Available seven days a week. Please note Juveniles must have completed an induction session to gain access to the Gym, normal charges apply

Thursday morning early opening

On Thursday mornings we will open the Gym, pool, health suite and sportshall at 9.00am during the summer holidays - have a leisurely swim or get into the gym an hour earlier than usual! Don't forget we already open at 7am all year round Monday, Tuesday and Friday's (please check what facilities are available for early opening days if you plan to attend.

Join us on Thursdays 9.10am-9.55am - 29th June - 10th August for our new summer class.

Summer Circuits

This class does not use free weights or any other type of equipment but rather the person exercising with their own bodyweight as the sole form of resistance for the workout.
An all over workout suitable for 14 yrs +