Active Schools Young Sports Stars of the Month          We Do Sport

Our Young Sports Stars of the month for October all attended Our Lady of Loretto (OLOL) PS during 2018-19:

Ashleen O'Neil, Francis McMonagle, Hugh Merrigan and Kieran Tait.

Ashleen energetically and enthusiastically participated in the Daily Mile and class P.E. lessons during her time at OLOL. She was also part of the girls' Daily Mile Lunchtime Club and motivated to participate in any physical activity.

 Ashleen O'Neil

Francis is an excellent footballer and has also been part of the school Gaelic Football and Netball teams. He engages with high levels of motivation and commitment and is an excellent role model to his peers. He also helps others to develop their skills and works with the infant pupils, leading a child-led sports club.

Francis McMonagle 

Hugh is a shining example of a real sportsman who is always gracious as well as highly skilled and another central figure in the school Football, Gaelic Football and Netball teams. He encourages his team mates and always has time to help others to develop their skills.

Hugh Merrigan

Kieran has a natural flair for sports, is highly skilled and participates enthusiastically. He is keen to help others and enjoyed being part of a child-led sports club for infants. He is also a key player for the school Football, Gaelic Football and Netball teams.

Kieran Tait

Kieran has a natural flair for sports, is highly skilled and participates enthusiastically. He is keen to help others and enjoyed being part of a child-led sports club for infants. He is also a key player for the school Football, Gaelic Football and Netball teams.


Congratulations to our Young Sports Stars of the Month from Active Schools and all at West Dunbartonshire Leisure!

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