Active Schools Young Sports Stars of the Month   We Do Sport

Our Young Sports Stars of the month for November 2019 are Kealan McGonagle from St. Michael's Primary School and Imogen Mooney and Gracie Goodhall who both attended Knoxland Primary School during 2018-19.


Kealan McGonagle

Kealan demonstrates a great attitude towards sport in St. Michael's Primary School and always gives 100% effort. He has participated in Athletics, Basketball and Netball for the school and also plays for Dumbarton United Football Club.



Imogen is a great all rounder, taking part in all sporting events representing the school.  She has also volunteered as a play leader at break times, leading games with the younger children.  She signed for Rangers last year and takes every opportunity to play football.




Gracie is now in S1 at Dumbarton Academy and is a fantastic swimmer, achieving the fastest time in Scotland for her age group at breast stroke.  She was also an excellent representative of Knoxland during her time at the school, competing in athletics and cross country.


Congratulations to our Young Sports Stars of the Month from Active Schools and all at West Dunbartonshire Leisure!

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