Active Schools Young Sports Stars of the Month                   We Do Sport

Our Young Sports Stars for the month of July are:-

       Neve Kerr and Rosie Bennett                               Tia Readie                              Zac Drummond

Neve Kerr & Rosie Bennett                   Tia Readie                               Zac Drummond
St Joeseph Primary School         Goldenhill Primary School          Goldenhill Primary School 
   Football & Netball                              Swimming                                      Karting

is fully dedicated to her chosen sport of football, participating in clubs both after-school and in the local community.

Rosie has attended her school netball club for the past 3 years and never misses a practice or a game. She is very much a key team player and gives great encouragement to the rest of the team.

Tia competes for West Dunbartonshire Amateur Swimming Club and has worked very hard to improve her swimming times this year, resulting in her now racing with older pupils.

Zac has set personal goals this year, within his sport of Kart Racing and has worked very hard to achieve these.  He is currently competing in the 2019 West of Scotland Kart club Championship and British Kart Championship which run until the end of October 2019 and is the current holder of 2 lap records.

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