Interested in Apprenticeships?

Modern Apprenticeships. Get a job. Get paid. Get qualified.

With a Modern Apprenticeship you learn on the job, and get the experience you need. Plus, you work towards a qualification.

Whether you’re thinking about the future, job hunting, or want to learn new skills, a Modern Apprenticeship could be for you.

  • Over 100 Modern Apprenticeships across hundreds of jobs
  • Get the best possible training, designed with employers and industry in mind
  • Learn in a real world environment that puts your skills to the test right away
  • You get the experience employers are looking for
  • Your qualification is accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Skills Development Scotland websites and provide a variety of Modern Apprenticeships Opportunities throughout West Dunbartonshire and surrounding areas.

West Dunbartonshire Council Modern Apprenticeship Programme recruits throughout the year. Vacancies are advertised on We would recommend that you register on this site for job alerts so you are ready when positions become available.

For more information on Modern Apprenticeship West Dunbartonshire Council opportunities please visit our Modern Apprenticeship Training Programme information page.

Looking to Secure a Job

DWP Jobs Portal

Department of Work & Pensions have created a website for all types of permanent, temporary, Summer and Seasonal jobs, for more information visit their website:

My Jobs Scotland

Scotland’s Job Website for Public and Third Sector.

Register at for job alerts.

Thinking about College?

If you would prefer to go to college to improve your skills and knowledge before looking for a job, there are numerous courses to choose from. To find out more on the courses available, where and how to apply, visit the web sites below:


We can support you to get into employment, education, training, an apprenticeship or a volunteering opportunity and provide other potential employability benefits.

To get started, register with Working4U by completing our Online Form.