The Adult Learning Partnership is a forum which aims to create and support a shared vision of Community Based Adult Learning in West Dunbartonshire through effective partnership working.

Membership includes representatives from

  • Working4U Adult Learning and Literacies Team (ALLT);
  • HSCP;
  • Work Connect;
  • West Dunbartonshire Libraries;
  • West Dunbartonshire Council Communities Team;
  • West College Scotland (WCS);
  • Skills Development Scotland (SDS);
  • West Dunbartonshire Council for Voluntary Services (WDCVS);
  • West Dunbartonshire Learner Voice Group; and
  • West Dunbartonshire Working4U Employability Team.

It is chaired by the Adult learning and Literacies Team Leader.

The Partnership meets on a 6 weekly basis and works together on activities to support the CLD Plan, which also link to the national Adult Learning Strategy (2022-2027).

For more info on our work please email