Apologies from David Lynch, Councillor Sorrell and Stefan Kristmanns joining when able.
Jane apologised for late start of meeting due to technical difficulties.
Martin provided a verbal update on his outstanding actions,
Lift Protocol – Nicola advised that protocol in place. Texting element not active yet – challenge is to ensure consistent response even when out of hours. Solution been put forward and confident that should have operating in new year. Will update fully as soon as possible.
Peter outlined this long standing issue where the WDTRO feel that surplus made by Building Services should return to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and not into general services budget. Council’s position is that current situation meets with legal requirements and been checked with Audit Scotland.
Peter said that current financial situation in Council is very difficult with unprecedented pressures in 30 years. Removing the surplus from general services would make this even worse so not the right time to do any wholesale change. Appreciated the value for money concerns and so planning to introduce new thinking thro a review of the Council’s financial strategy. Peter reiterated that he has always promoted the WDTRO’s position and his and other officer’s intention, is to fashion a way to migrate away from current situation and would be included in Financial Strategy when it is considered by Councillors in October 2023.
Frances asked Peter to confirm commitment to review in 2023, which he did. June noted that would like to have some sight of this before it was finalised, Peter noted that there is no duty to consult with tenants on this and it is councillors who make the decision but happy to share the proposal with the WDTRO ahead of the Council meeting. Gurpreet thanked Peter for coming to address the issue and keen that WDTRO know he is listening to them. Harry confirmed the WDTRO’s frustration so far but appreciated the progress made today.
Martin spoke through figures provided. Improving picture- emergency response time down, non-emergency repairs up mainly due to backlog and working through that - also a lot are more complex repairs so take longer to complete and did met target in October.
Most figures are trending towards improvements.
Frances noted that number of duplicate repairs is very high. Martin advised can be for number of reasons and rely on CAS team – meant to check repair history but often get missed – staff turnover has added to this problem. At end of year data gets verified and corrections made before sent to Housing Regulator.
Gurpreet asked for clarification on the high numbers of “duplicate repairs” and “raised in error”. Also regarding “no-access”, still doesn’t capture situation when the tradesperson doesn’t attend and job gets cancelled.
Martin confirmed that the jobs cancelled due to ‘No access” is when tenant hasn’t given access or not answered the door. Martin confirmed that he will provide further information on when staff do not attend for next meeting.
Harry asked about incidences of “tenant refusing repair” and how this is approached - Martin clarified they would attempt to rearrange but if still don’t get access would then cancel.
Texts will be sent to tenants when repairs are cancelled in the future and gives link to rearrange the repair – being tested and should be live in the new year and should help reduce cancellations.
Scott advised that not been an increase in vandalism noted by Housing -has spoken to Police, housing officers and other partner agencies. Scott asked tenants to email him any concerns about vandalism and he will share with Police Scotland and then ensures that it can be recorded and actioned.
Frances didn’t understand how don’t have record of incidents - at Littleholm, lifts are regularly being vandalised with buttons being bashed in, burnt, lift sprayed, spittle etc. They have been repaired but then broken again. Main entry door of West Court been boarded up and taken months to fix.
Scott confirmed not been reported as Anti-social behaviour but might be about how they define that – criminal act and a cost involved. Frances acknowledged that most of the incidents she reports are to repairs. Scott advised that he will check with Repairs team to see which repairs are as a result of anti-social behaviour.
Scott gave reassurance that has asked the anti-social behaviour teams to do foot patrols to multi-storeys and for the CCTV team also to focus on the flats so they will get monitored. The teams have also been asked to note any vandalism. Also confirmed that there is an internal process for caretakers and HOs’ to flag concerns about vandalism to the ASB team.
Action: Scott to liaise with colleagues and ensure foot patrol inspections are carried out regularly and any vandalism noted and actioned.
New Build updates given as follows,
June asked for update on old Frank Downie house site and John confirmed that this been sold to a private housing builder and that there is no requirement to provide homes for rent.
Ruth asked for clarity on surveys at Willox Park as had been previously told that all flats would be surveyed. John clarified that the 2/3 properties will have the more intrusive surveys but still doing surveys in all properties.
Rent setting consultation has started and all tenants will receive information thro the post about the options and how to vote. There are 2 options to consider 4% and 5% and these were the lowest options that could be offered while still investing in improvements to current stock, building new properties and ensuring current services weren’t cut.
Are consulting nearer to Christmas than would have liked but have made voting as easy as possible thro free post voting card, online, by text or email. Staff also been given a briefing note and asked to encourage tenants they speak to, to vote and help them vote if necessary to help get as high a response rate as possible.
TPAS re- accreditation been submitted and next stage is for TPAS to review it and then arrange focus groups in Jan/Feb with staff and tenants to ensure we do what we say we do.
Winter edition of the Housing News been delivered to tenants and the web link sent to staff. Thanks given to everyone who submitted articles and the deadline for the spring edition is the 8/2.
Few groups have had specific festive events such as Tullichewan and CATRA held a joint Christmas craft bazaar and Central Radnor Park TRA joined up with Ysortit to host a Christmas party for local kids -really good to see groups joining together to increase their impact. Risk St TRA have settled into their new community premises and Hanne been helping them kit out the flat and have some great plans for how they will use it.
Jane finished by giving thanks to everyone who attends the Liaison meetings and for helping them be an effective partnership and a great way to improve services and communication with tenants. Also appreciated was all the time the WDTRO members give over and above what they do in their local groups to work with the Council and hope that in 2023 will be back on track, making improvements and increasing tenant involvement.
Mary thanked Gurpreet for coming down to Willox Park to explain his role and was very informative.
Ruth also asked Martin about the new fire doors being fitted at Willox and if they would be painted? Martin confirmed that they don’t usually paint them but would speak with John and Nicola to see if that could be done.
Martin also noted that the call handling stats had been circulated and asked if there were any questions about these. Frances and Jane agreed that all figures looking good and number of calls abandoned and average queue times had really improved and were no questions.
Frances thanked everyone for coming along to the meeting and wished everyone a happy christmas.
Everyone was welcomed to the meeting by Councillor Johal, chairing meeting in place of Frances as her camera not working. Introduced West Lothian Council tenant and staff who are observing how West Dunbartonshire Council run our liaison meetings.
Apologies received from Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock (both Dalmuir TRA), Stefan Kristmanns, Nicola Pettigrew and Councillor Sorrell.
Order of agenda changed as Martin Feeney had to leave for another meeting at 2pm so the Update on Repairs Performance was discussed first.
Tables show performance for first 6 months up to end of September and Martin spoke through the figures. Non-emergency repairs were out of target and Martin advised this was due to some older repairs getting finished. The list of active repairs is falling as there are more completed repairs than reported repairs and will be in an even better position within 6 months.
Martin clarified that the ‘No access’ figures are where tenants have not been in, not that staff haven’t turned up. Jane reminded the meeting that the JRG also been looking at the no access/ cancellation processes and at their meeting previous week was agreed with Repairs to monitor as the improvements to the process should reduce the number of repair cancellations and this information can be shared at the Liaison meeting too. Graham confirmed that sending a text when a job is cancelled starting next week.
Cllr Johal referred to constituent cases where tenants are not told that tradesman not coming and Martin said that not sure why this is the case as there is a process in place - Planners should be rearranging these appointments. Cllr Johal also raised instances when tenants waiting over a year for a repair and Martin confirmed that his team are aware of these and are trying to make improvements. Martin confirmed that tracking of time starts when tenant first makes contact so WDC reports on inspection period and repair timing.
Before leaving meeting, Martin noted that tenants had asked for an update on the cyclical programme review and this is being pulled together and he will update at a future meeting.
In response to update about dedicated repair team for MSFs , Frances noted that does not seem to have sped up repairs. David advised that have been issues mainly due to vandalism - as soon as doors are fixed, they are broken again and Martec have some service issues. In absence of Martin Feeney, agreed to keep action active to monitor.
Walkabout and traffic calming roads at Willox Park complete apart from costs and implementation by Roads. John agreed to continue to give feedback as part of his regular forward plan.
Lift protocol –still issues with out of hours arrangements and who has responsibility for sending out text updates. David confirmed discussions ongoing with Citizen Services.
Cyclical programme information has been provided – agreed action complete and can be removed. Further action re update on review of cyclical programme still outstanding.
Housing Officers – TRAs happy with the information provided - agreed action complete and can be removed.
Written update provided and Tracy gave a summary of the changes. Mary said that the new Housing officer for Willox Park had contacted them and already met up so was pleased this now in place.
Harry noted that some tenants preferred to have a direct contact for Housing officers and there is concern about having to use the duty numbers but appreciated the drawbacks if tenants were phoning at night or not leaving message so could see both sides of the issue. Tracy confirmed that all messages will be passed on to relevant Housing Officer and they then make direct contact. Housing Officers are getting business cards which will still have individual mobile numbers for when they are dealing with a specific case.
Information provided ahead of meeting and Dawn went through presentation.
Have bought back a 3 bed property in O’Hare and going to use it as a pilot to test out different energy efficiency measures to help improve existing stock. Air sourced heat pump been considered in light of gas being phased out but very expensive when only fitting 1 so not value for money in this project so might be a gas boiler that is installed. Benefits of being able to do work when property empty as no disruption to a tenant so going to do underfloor insulation which when a property is occupied is very disruptive and difficult to do. June asked what underfloor insulation is going in as concerned about fire safety and Dawn confirmed that it will be insulation attached to the floorboards, usually synthetic and needs to meet fire regulations – often wool is used.
Mary advised that similar problems at Willox with dampness so will be interested in outcome of pilot. Dawn confirmed that there was a specific assessment of the issues at Willox Park ongoing.
Graham shared his screen to demonstrate the new tenant self service portal. Able to check rent account, make payments, log repair and check progress on repairs already reported. If a repair was cancelled could then get it re-activated. Longer term plans are to add be able to apply for changes to tenancy (ie. succession, assignation) and housing applications.
Hanne asked if re-activated repairs would be new repair or re-instate old repair and Graham confirmed it would be logged as new repair and needs some more internal discussions.
Frances asked if there is scope for reporting communal repairs. Graham said that not yet possible but it will be developed. Jane confirmed that this is a key issue as often people assume that someone else has reported a communal repair so would be good if tenants could check what communal repairs were already reported. Graham confirmed they are looking at ways to show which communal repairs have been reported and need to be careful re wording if going to be made public as were GDPR considerations -discussions ongoing with staff to ensure no sensitive information provided.
Cllr Johal asked if you would get confirmation of repairs logged. Graham said that it should show up on system as logged repair and tenants should also get a text message.
Harry was impressed with portal and asked if TRAs can use this to report repairs for community flats. Graham said that would look at this as currently system is set up for those with secure or short secure tenancies but sure the community flats could be included.
Graham advised that he happy to come along to future meeting and update as system gets developed. Updates will also be publicised on website and through Housing News.
Action : Graham to see if community flats can be added to portal and keep Liaison updated as the portal is developed.
Jamie spoke through the briefing note provided prior to meeting. The SHIP for 2022-27 aims to deliver 523 homes in priority projects and with additional projects of Buybacks and Renting Off the Shelf purchases the figure rises to around 750 properties.
Jamie noted that current Administration are keen to increase the number of properties delivered. Looking to maximise Scottish Government funding, buy back properties from open market as well as buy properties from private sector builders. All of these would have to meet WDC standards for accessibility and energy efficiency.
Cllr Johal confirmed that current Administration are keen to get more housing made available.
Information provided prior to meeting. Things are moving more slowly as people wait for rehousing offers though still on track for 3 year timeframe given. Hopefully void turnout will increase and this will help move people on.
Jane noted that screen version shows August figures which weren’t on paper copies however previous figures will be added in the future so that progress can be shown more easily.
Hanne has linked up with Neighbourhood Networks who support people in West Dunbartonshire with additional support needs and aim to increase independence, life skills and community connections thro volunteering. Have had a first meeting and discussed how they want the group to work. Some are council tenants or could be future tenants as they live with family and/or with other providers and were keen on getting involved and giving their opinions on WDC Housing services.
Some ideas they spoke about was looking at the Tenant Handbook and making an accessible version, sharing information with each other about things like contents insurance and highlighting more local issues so a mixture between Scrutiny Panel style where they focus on a certain topic but also bit like TRAs where look to improve local things in their areas. Agreed to meet 3 times a year, TP will facilitate and keep WDTRO posted on how the group develops.
We currently hold a gold TPAS Accreditation but it only valid for 3 years so we need to reapply. Are starting the self-assessment stage and need to give evidence of how we meet 10 specific criteria set by TPAS. After we submit our self-assessment TPAS will then arrange focus groups with staff and tenants to ensure we do what we say we do and hope we will get staff and tenant cooperation when dates for the focus group are arranged – probably in Jan/ feb.
Housing News – winter edition being put together and need any articles by Monday 31/10 at the latest.
A tenant guide to ASB is being put together and a draft been emailed out to WDTRO members for comments - comments needed back to Scott McLelland by 15 November.
Harry raised that walkabout at Tullichewan yesterday was successful. Things are mostly sorted and if they aren’t then they get updates.
List of those present:
Everyone welcomed to the meeting by Craig Edward.
Apologies received from Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock (both Dalmuir TRA), Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA), Stefan Kristmanns, David Lynch and Suzanne Marshall.
Updated sheet shared on screen. Confirmed that pilot repair team for MSFs is in place and going block by block to ensure fire doors are in working order.
Lift protocol – meeting next Thursday to finalise the plans and to ensure out of hours arrangements in place too.
Repair cancellation process - texting/emailing processes currently being tested .Also discussions with Housing Operations for Housing officers to get involved for access if necessary. Issue is being discussed via Joint Rent Group and there is an action for more info and discussion.
Mary asked Martin about USB sockets if this will be going into Sheltered Housing too as more devices need USB. Martin confirmed this will be all properties during void process and anywhere else they are needed. Martin expects all staff to put in USB sockets when need is identified and are stocked – idea is to reduce fire risk from over loaded sockets. Not currently part of an improvement programme and will be discussed at Better Homes Board about how to be rolled out.
Emily advised that the Council is wanting to develop an enhanced multi storey flats strategy and make these properties better places to live. They account for 10% of Council stock over 19 blocks so are an important HRA asset and homes to hundreds. Want to pull together a cohesive action plan to improve them and keen to get tenants views on their priorities. Emily is developing a survey to capture tenant views and asked the WDTRO to review the proposed questions to see if they are suitable and if any other questions should be asked.
Emily’s email address is on the briefing note and would welcome any suggestions before 10th September.
Craig asked that for additional question about outdoor space as this can be very valuable to tenants.
Craig noted on item 5 re new heating systems that this may be setting false expectations - Emily will consider rewording this.
Jane confirmed she will check in with Dalmuir and West Bridgend TRAs to get their views too.
Regarding Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec blocks (BMQ) -is largely on target, aware that do not want to rush and leave some tenants staying in empty blocks. Housing Officer encouraging tenants to put in housing applications.
Got approval from Housing and Communities Committee for Net Zero strategy which means all new Council housing will meet this standard.
New site in Bonhill area for housing – between Main Street and Campbell st. £160,000 land transfer from general fund into HRA. Probably 25-30 new homes but also speaking to neighbour to try and buy this too so long as the asking price is as independently valued – will help maximise the site.
Queens Quay just about to complete. Handover dates may slip by a week or two -likely 15th September for completion of the Council homes.
Clydebank East - site investigations showed worse picture of ground conditions. Looking at wider options appraisal for remediation works, not necessarily taking at the cheapest option, would rather look at what best works.
Craig asked regarding BMQ, if being cleared block by block or all at the same time as conscious of ongoing cost of repairs so getting demolished quickly is better. John advised that everyone is being moved out from all blocks at the moment as soon as they get a suitable offer of housing. Moving people into other blocks to clear a block may be considered in the future. Emily and Robbie (Housing Officer) are co-ordinating this and will listen to tenant concerns as they are raised.
Mary asking about Willox Park as heard there is a slight alteration to plans and are meant to be getting a newsletter with an update and tenants keen to hear. John confirmed a newsletter was being put together and would be issued imminently.
The TRAs are back after summer recess, some arranging AGMs and Hanne supporting them do that. All TRAs are active again and are being encouraged to ensure they focus on promoting their activities to encourage new members and ensure they are being representative and apolitical.
Dalmuir TRA have closed their community café but in discussions with Alternatives for them to run a community café like their Sweet success café in Dumbarton. Been agreed in principle and just need to sort out the financial contribution Alternatives will make towards the running costs that will help the TRA keep the premises as their base and the community benefit from having a community café.
Autumn edition of the HN being put together and thanks given to everyone who submitted material. Will include articles promoting the Tenant Priority Budget, the shower programme and the MSF consultation that Emily been outlining. Also focusing on the support available for people struggling with the cost of living crisis and will be out around the 23 Sept.
The Joint Rent Group (JRG) met again on the 18 August and had a good discussion on the updates provided and hopefully for the September meeting Finance will be in a better position to provide the financial info that the group’s waiting on. Also starting to think about rent setting and will involve the JRG and WDTRO when in a position to plan the consultation.
As part of our TP Strategy action plan our TP webpages been reviewed to make sure they are up to date and asked for comments as want to make sure they are a good source of information for tenants and tenant groups 24/7. Any comments on the webpages should be passed to Jane.
Jane advised that West Lothian had been in touch and particularly interested in Tenant Priority Budget and Liaison meetings. They have asked if some of their tenants can come along to observe next Liaison meeting – no one objected and Jane to extend invite to them.
Scott advised that a guide for tenants on Antisocial Behaviour is being produced and will ask for feedback when it ready.
Ruth asked Scott about one-way system which has been requested for Willox Park. Scott confirmed it was being considered and is collecting information on effects on emergency services etc to enable a final decision to be made. Is housing land so will be Housing not Roads that can decide.
Awaiting on public access at Council offices before moving to hybrid meetings- will be on zoom until then
List of Those Present at Meeting
Everyone welcomed to the meeting by Craig Edward and Alasdair Bryson was introduced as been invited in relation to fuel poverty item.
Apologies received from Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock (both Dalmuir TRA).
The written update given on additional sockets refers only to the re-let standard but was asked if any work being discussed by the Better Homes Group? John advised that being looked at as part of wider review of the Capital programme and progress being made initially by the Void Working group and then would want to replicate in all stock .Cllr Edward asked if the Sept date is regarding re-let standard or wider programme and John confirmed this date is for re-let standard. Martin advised that USB sockets are being fitted as standard in void properties.
Dedicated repairs staff for multi-storeys – Martin advised that due to resource issues and demands placed on service, haven’t been able to start the dedicated team working in MSFs. Are currently recruiting and should have the enhanced service in place no later than end of August. Number of back-up contractors been agreed at recent tender committee which will help build resilience. Martin confirmed the apprentices will not be for this team and envisaged that the team will 4/5 strong. Have 10 employees trained by contractor to repair fire screens. Question asked if been any more thought to base the team at the high flats so that they can respond quickly to issues and Martin advised not and preference is to get them up and running first and could then be looked at.
Road calming at Willox Park – Scott waiting for response from Roads engineer and will escalate to Liam Green. Scott wants to ensure there’s a comprehensive plan. Mary raised that lots of things from walkabout not being done, only one task done from list of approx. 20. Scott will raise any outstanding issues with other departments.
Lift protocol – Nicola provided additional info that all text messaging should be in place by end of July and confirmed that continue to get posters up if lifts are not working which had been done during recent lifts being off as well as welfare visits. Also Martin’s team have made contingency plan to have most common breaking spare parts available so that the wait won’t be as long in the future. Frances raised that tenants have been asking for spare parts to be kept for many years. Martin advised that the recent incident at Dunswin Court was that the motor had burnt out and so wouldn’t have been possible to keep such an expensive part as a spare – should last 30 years. Have been working with Kone to analyse the breakdown data from last 2 years to help prepare for incidences and help reduce time when any lift out of action.
Cancelled repair data shared on screen and Cllr Edward raised that high numbers of jobs were cancelled because they were “raised in error”, nearly 300 and ‘duplicate repair’ 200 and Martin explained that have a number of teams involved and have been training staff to help reduce duplication.
Charter action plan been updated with repair updates– Jane enquired as to what comes under “reactive planned” repairs and Martin explained that these are cyclical repairs e.g. cleaning extractor fans in high flats every year.
Repair cancellation process - discussion about confirmation texts about repairs which have been logged through council staff, the only opportunity for texts being sent are when it’s actually logged on the system as a repair.
Self-service portal – progress being made, project been prioritised and a contractor appointed to develop self-service portal. Assuming Sept “go-live” date and John confirmed this date was realistic.
Cyclical repairs – update refers to geographical pilot but was confirmed that enquiry had come from discussion about lack of knowledge about cyclical repair – what should get done when and action was about increasing tenant awareness of these programmes. Martin advised that particularly with gutter cleaning can often not get done when owners refuse to pay so not straightforward but agreed to confirm what repairs done as cyclical repairs and what timeframes are.
Action: Martin to provide details of what type of work is on a cyclical programme and what the frequency is.
This was mainly covered in updates above.
Scott advised that recent issue at Westbridgend flats was a unique situation due to problems getting a replacement chip for the main control panel. Once aware of situation, Housing Ops offered support to tenants, knocked doors and did daily welfare checks. Liaising with Martin’ team to reduce repair times in the future and lessons been learnt.
Nicola confirmed that on schedule for September to move back to neighbourhood based teams. Been meeting with staff about patch sizes to take into account work in various patches and ensure staff trained on all aspects of going back to generic working. Will share the plan with Councillors and tenants as soon as possible.
Action: Nicola to share timing of move back to generic working and confirmation of officer patches.
Cllr Edward asked for clarity on how these work and who taking the lead. Nicola advised that Housing Operations are taking the lead on coordinating and monitoring walkabouts. Number of walkabouts taken place and dates arranged for future ones. Housing Ops have central spreadsheet for monitoring and are discussed at monthly team meetings.
Nicola noted that a big challenge in the walkabout is the actions from other services. Recording template also now consistently being used and these will help push on if issues aren’t addressed.
Harry noted that Tullichewan TRA are having successful walkabouts - most issues are being resolved and communication from staff been good.
Cllr Edward raised that he was at a walkabout at Central Radnor but not had any updates or confirmation of what’s in progress. Nicola took that on-board and aim to have them all consistently done well. Walkabouts are a standing item for Housing Ops monthly meetings and will make sure that feedback mechanism is tightened up. Also need an escalation process.
Jane raised that it is important that walkabouts are consistent across the council area and that an action plan is produced and kept updated. Actions also need to be realistic, sometimes council cannot action something and this should be made clear as to why not. Frances noted that tenant frustration is when things take too long to sort – Littleholm has a walkabout arranged for July but some issues been outstanding since before lockdown i.e. getting a bin outside the block.
All agreed that walkabouts are important locally and need to be done consistently and with honest conversation about what is realistic and can be achieved so that they have positive outcomes – key is good communication.
Alasdair gave outline of current energy crisis. Usually would be able to switch between suppliers but not possible now, comparison sites gone and been a 54% increase in April. Pre-paid price cap is 2% higher than this and paying bill as it arrives costs 7% higher still.
Some behavioural changes are possible
These will make a small difference but the cost of gas and electric is still very expensive and many households will struggle. There is help available through Working4U and the CAB energy advisors. Alasdair can also offer practical advice and can refer to the CAB. Energy suppliers are also obligated to help so important to contact them and they have access to funding and advice.
Cllr Edward asked what council could be doing to support tenants and residents and Alasdair confirmed that Pre-payment meters are a particular problem with no easy solution. He has an energy monitor that he can use to help tenants understand where energy is being used – recent example where water temperature on boiler was reduced – still warm enough to bathe but used less energy.
Hanne raised that there is a pilot about making better use of storage heaters planned for Kilbowie Court and Cllr Edward asked for information to be sent to him.
Alan advised that WDC has been prioritising work to reduce energy consumption - spending approx. £3m a year on external wall insulation and upgrading boilers. Are limited to how many they can do each year due to the cost but properties with the worst energy rating and in areas of multiple deprivation are targeted first. Older stock also more difficult and expensive to improve – easier to design in energy efficiency when building new.
Presentation couldn’t be shared on screen but will be sent out with the meeting note and includes Alasdair’s contact details. Alasdair was thanked for attending meeting.
At Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec have 50 active tenancies and 2 tenants recently moved out - still on track for completing within 3 year target. Ongoing work to make sure everyone has an active housing application.
New build updates: planning permission for Clydebank East was approved on 8th June. Additional parking provision requested after plans rejected in Oct. Waiting on advised tender prices over course of next 6 weeks, anticipate 20% price increase, quality of homes will remain. Net zero development. Hoping site start later this year and will take approx. 94 weeks to complete and will be done in 5 phases.
Queens Quay - WDC has 29 properties and will be finished by end of August - Suzanne also noted that this development has a district heating system and been assured that will be cheaper than gas for tenants.
Hope to be onsite at Willox Park and Pappert at the end of the financial year.
Cllr Edward asked if Clydebank East could incorporate funding from other sources as close to train station but John advised that solely Housing funding being considered at the moment.
TP performance report been produced to summarise the impact tenants have had as well as how TP budget is spent. Demonstrating tenant impact is the best advert for getting people involved and the fact that it can be difficult for us to demonstrate involvement is a sign that often progress is slow and that’s disheartening for tenants.
Easy to forget what progress been made but are good examples – particularly the Liaison meeting outcomes. Also fact managed to sustain all participation activities over the last 2 years is a testament to the commitment from WDTRO members, JRG and the scrutiny panel which is much appreciated.
Summer edition of the HN is out– includes an article introducing Craig as the new Housing Convener and an article on the 50th anniversary of Tullichewan TRA as well as other info and updates. Managers and co-ordinators have been emailed the link to the online version and should ensure it’s circulated to their staff.
The JRG met on 16 June and commitments been made about updates on outstanding actions being provided and progressed at the next meeting in August.
The Sheltered Housing Forum has restarted – been amended to keep the meetings as safe as possible and so having separate meetings for the Clydebank complexes and the Dumbarton and Vale complexes to keep the numbers attending smaller. Members were happy to be back again and a number of issues have been able to be resolved for them as well as flagging outstanding issues.
New I-Learn course been created for staff to increase understanding of TP. Jane also looking at option of creating something similar for tenants to have access to via the website.
Ruth asked John Kerr for update about telescopic dryers at Willox Park. John apologised as thought it had been done and will reply directly to Ruth.
1:30pm, Thursday 25 August 2022, maybe via Zoom
Discussion about hybrid/in person meeting option - Jane noted that no option for hybrid at the moment as Council buildings not equipped yet so will continue on zoom until situation changes.
List of Those Present:
Diane (as housing convener) thanked tenants for being involved and appreciated what a great job they did representing tenants.
Apologies received from Harry McCormack, Georgia McCambley, Peter Barry, Tracy Crichton, Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock.
Chairing of meeting was delegated to Jane as Diane has to leave early for a funeral and Frances had unreliable internet due to a recent move.
Re-let standard is under review as part of the Void working group.
Dedicated repairs team for multi-stories –been delays due to training but Martin advised should be up and running by end of May.
Traffic management at Willox Park – demolition completed. Traffic management plan will be in place for the construction phase and will be shared with tenants.
Traffic calming at Willox Park – Scott has spoken to manager of Roads and are looking at more long term approach and Scott will update Mary (Willox) next week after meeting with Roads dept.
Kilbowie Court – caretakers are going down regularly. Interviews have taken place to recruit new, full-time caretaker and an experienced caretaker will be deployed to Kilbowie as it’s on its own and the new caretaker trained up at other buildings.
Lift protocol will be updated with new procedure once development of text messaging is fully tested and have established who best to activate it – David Lynch confirmed is being worked on.
Jane shared screen, generally shows good improvement - number of calls abandoned is falling, amount of time on calls has reduced and queue time has reduced.
Agreed to continue to monitor to ensure improvements continue.
Performance info shared on screen and Martin explained the figures.
Looking to reduce repairs in system to 2000-2500, currently sitting at approx. 3100.
Worrying trend of cancelled appointments for no access, doing analysis to find out why this is happening to reduce it.
Big increase in numbers of people responding to satisfaction survey which makes satisfaction levels more significant.
Number of backlog repairs (reported prior to 26/4/21) is greatly reduced, 71 noted and Martin advised now down to 42.
Ruth asked about specific example of dealing with neighbours repair - Martin will look in to this.
Diane asked if there was information on whether tenant or WDC are cancelling appointments. Martin will share this information. She also asked whether sometimes WDC doesn’t turn up as been reported to her and Martin will look for this information.
Diane asked how much notice tenants get and Martin confirmed they get confirmation of the appointment when it is made and they are sent texts the day before and on the day.
Action: Martin to share information on cancelled repairs and split between WDC not attending or tenant not there to give access.
Diane and Ian left the meeting.
Jane read through the briefing note. Martin noted that is a big budget and would like to see lots more and bigger proposals.
Jane noted that proposals are sometimes slow to be completed and this makes it harder to get people to buy into the process - should be a good news story.
Stefan noted that estate walkabouts will be useful to generate more proposals and if these get embedded throughout the district then a good opportunity to raise new proposals.
John queried projects at Haldane to ask if these could have formed part of original plan. Hanne advised that these have come from new tenants so wouldn’t necessarily have been able to foresee these at building stage.
Frances asked about Littleholm laundries and Hanne advised still waiting on information back from architects and number of reminders been sent to them – will hopefully have an update for the public meeting on 11/5.
Verbal updates on outstanding actions given;
Review of repairs categorisations
Martin advised that struggling to recruit staff, looking at ways to get past this including agencies and subcontractors so not been able to improve response times. Categorisations have been reviewed and Martin happy to share this.
Action: Martin will share information on categorisation of repairs.
WDTRO suggested people get text confirmation of when repairs are put on the system. Martin advised that texts are sent when repair is logged as well as repair appointment date/time.
Stefan reminded re previous discussions to reduce jobs being cancelled may be worth texting before any repair is cancelled. Martin thinks this happens at the moment and will get an update. Stefan suggested using the Housing News as way of promoting improvement to the repair reporting process.
Action: Martin to confirm cancellation process and share.
Update on self-service portal - John appreciated the frustrations with the delays in the self-service portal and was able to update that parts of portal will be phased in and keen to making portal as tenant friendly as possible - is currently a development action.
Jane spoke through the written responses received from Housing Operations.
Scott noted that the recent walkabouts hadn’t used the template but that updates had been shared via email and template sheet will be used in future. Mary thanked Scott for walkabout, she noted that 30-40 points raised, but only 5 being monitored. Scott gave brief update and said that these 5 are starting point which are being progressed and others may take longer.
Jane suggested that template could still be used and the list of issues added to it so that outcomes could be recorded - Mary and Scott agreed.
Action: Jane to remind Martin about putting his responses in writing.
Stefan noted that good walkabouts are taking place and could be highlighted in Housing News.
Queens Quay – Agreed handover date is in August, 29 properties. Clydebank HA handing over in the next few weeks, then Wheatley group. Site C, nearer to Town Hall hoping to develop over time, looking to complement existing properties, maybe family homes, approximately 20 homes in current plans, also complicated as require to provide road (approx. £.5m cost), maybe looking at buying next door land to build 70/80 homes which would help to cover costs.
Clydebank East redevelopment. – hope to be onsite by end of calendar year. Planning permission still required and hoping to get approval Summer 2022.
Pappert, Bonhill – hopefully get onsite this calendar year
Willox Park – site start before end of calendar year –plans will be discussed with residents there. Construction phase is about 14 months.
Future development sites – Mount Pleasant and Clydebank old health centre – discussions ongoing.
Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec (related info circulated ahead of meeting) – John spoke through figures and are on track.
Buy back scheme – Good news as WDC secured match funding from Scottish Government (SG). Could potentially do 30 over the next year with SG funding. House market is buoyant and can’t go over 10% of home report value so may miss out on some purchases.
Capital Programme being refreshed and looking at making sure programme delivers on tenant priorities and ensure that we able to meet sustainability targets. Will be looking for tenant involvement with this.
LHS – recently approved, 11 regeneration areas, governance group set up (meets for the first time next week). 3 town centre areas as future regeneration areas.
SHIP – positive feedback from Scot Gov. and good partnership with Health and Social Care. Have over programmed and provides opportunity to draw additional money into WD and increase supply of affordable housing.
Homelessness – presentations have increased by14% in WDC - not a surprise as poverty and domestic abuse are main drivers and both have been on the increase. Tenant Hardship fund from Scottish Government, £250k been fully utilised - was used to help people becoming homeless, 239 households helped.
Mary asked about phase 2 of Willox Park, drying areas put in but no level area or paving slabs so not accessible. John acknowledged Mary’s email and is waiting on feedback from various officers and will reply directly to Mary.
Ruth said that had looked in to this and had read that it’s not allowed to use communal space for drying greens - John said that no reason why it couldn’t be used though less common that it in front of properties. Ruth felt it also creates hazard for cars when washing flapping on line and thought telescopic dryers would be better. John confirmed he would look into it and report back to them both.
TRA activities continue to increase as restrictions are lifted and Hanne providing support where needed. New TRA been set up in Haldane – well attended meeting and will meet on first Monday of the month. New group at Whitecrook getting themselves established and looking to join WDTRO when meetings are in person. Tullichewan TRA celebrating their 50th anniversary which is a fantastic achievement and will be featured in an article in the Housing news. They are also organising a number of social events to help celebrate this milestone.
Tenant Priority Budget – public meeting arranged for the Wed 11 May at 10am via zoom.
Full JRG meeting took place on 24/3 with focus on void budget and the tenants met on 21/4 to discuss further. At next full JRG on 26 May, still looking at void budget in relation to the Revenue Budget matrix that had been created and hopefully updates on outstanding actions will be available.
The Scrutiny Panel have reconvened and have been looking over current housing performance data and particularly in areas they have scrutinised before. As part of their review of previous scrutiny areas they intend doing a short survey of new tenants to assess if the good practices in relation to new tenant visits are still in place and how effective they are.
Work on the Summer Housing News has started and the deadline for articles is 11/5. Any staff or groups can submit an article - useful communication tool and want to ensure that tenants have access to the right information as well as interesting news.
Nothing raised
Diane welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Jane introduced Chris Young who has joined the Communities team and attending meeting just to observe.
Apologies been received from Harry McCormack, Georgia McCambley, Nicola Pettigrew, Hanne Thijs, Tracy Crichton, Ruth Dickinson , Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock.
Diane acknowledged the loss of Polly Wheelans who had passed away the previous month and the contribution she and all volunteers who give their time to meetings and improving their communities make. She will be sadly missed from the WDTRO for her contributions and for being such a lovely person.
Better Homes Group pursuing potential for additional sockets being included in a Capital programme and update to be given to Liaison as well as JRG. Martin Feeney, later in meeting when he was able to reconnect, was able to confirm that staff have now been made aware of the USB sockets and have them in stock so can be fitted when requested. Relocating sockets can also be done where the existing wiring will allow and should be requested via repairs.
Training for the dedicated repairs team for MSF s arranged for end of Feb/ first week in March so is progressing.
Lessons learnt from lift off at Littleholm include new text alert procedure being developed and has been successfully tested. Maintaining current phones numbers will be critical as is a separate system from housing system so staff will keep it up to date with any changes. Scott also confirmed that there will also be posters put up either by caretakers or the out of hours ASB team.
Everyone happy with the continued improvement in call handling times though waiting times still not at pre-pandemic times. Monitoring to continue.
Stefan talked through the performance information shared on screen. Average non- emergency repair target not met but mainly due to older repairs getting completed which increases the average time. Right First Time target also missed due to older repairs being out of target. All gas safety checks been done within year anniversary as required. Satisfaction levels also been gradually increasing and this is also with an increase in surveys being completed so the response rate is higher and can be considered more accurate.
Level of backlog repairs down to 116 and these due to needing scaffolding which is in scarce supply. Councillor Docherty asked about contact as most of the complaints she deals with were in relation to tenants not being kept up dated. Martin advised that they have created a new post to help planners so they are in a better position to re-organise jobs if staff are off sick or any other changes needed and be able to contact the tenant.
Stefan asked about potential for sending text before jobs get cancelled as discussed at Joint Rent Group and Martin confirmed it is being trialled with emergency repairs and will keep meeting updated on progress.
What is the current procedure over handing back keys after end of tenancy? – Concern over practice of some outgoing tenants being told to just put keys through the letterbox and door then gets forced by housing. How many forced entries have been done and at what cost? – termination information distributed ahead of meeting.
Suzanne Marshall advised that had had to pull back from officers meeting people to collect keys and this was the best way to do it. Within the figures for forced entries will include properties that had been abandoned and have found an increase in them as offices are closed. As offices re-open should see a reduction in forced entries.
June asked where in Clydebank tenants can hand in keys and it was confirmed that the One Stop Shop in the shopping centre was re-opening from 7/3 and tenants can make an appointment to see staff or hand in keys. Scott confirmed too that the Church Street office re-opens 7/3 by appointment so Dumbarton tenants can see staff or hand in keys there. Arrangements also in place for Alexandria tenants at Mitchell Way.
In addition to the update provided ahead of the meeting, Suzanne summarised that have made some inroads but want to retain specialist functions to bring performance back to where they want it so pilot being extended for further 6 months ( until Sept ).
Local Housing Strategy (LHS) been agreed by Council and now also endorsed by the HSCP so progressing and will now implement a delivery group.
Dumbarton Harbour now complete and all tenants have moved in – 195 properties there including the Housing Association ones.
As previously advised Queens Quay completion being delayed due to delays in materials for the main access road. The properties are progressing well but can’t be relet until the road is completed so will need to lie for a period with security in place.
Clydebank East redevelopment hoping to be onsite by August but plans still needs to be agreed at Planning committee meeting on 30 March.
Pappert contract being put together and looking at a August/September start date. Willox Park consultation is ongoing and the demolition of the old care home planned for the end of February/ beginning of March.
Also have a few sites where are engaging with landlords for future development sites e.g a private landlord in Bonhill and the NHS re the old Clydebank Health Centre.
At Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec a number of tenants have already been rehoused so are ahead of target but timescales can vary. Housing Officer closely involved and ongoing community information sharing important.
Question asked about the demolition at Willox Park and if fencing will be put up around the site and John confirmed there would be. Further question asked about whether a one way system would be introduced as tenants worried about increase in traffic and it is a combined road and pavement there. John advised that there will be a traffic management system put in place to ensure safety and he will share it with the WDTRO. Another question asked about Willox Park in relation to the existing sheltered properties as one was meant to be used as a sample and is there any progress on that? John confirmed that progress had been delayed by tendering as no contractor had responded but going back out to tender and hoping more contractors will take it on.
Ruth raised issue of traffic calming for Willox Park as had raised it with Roads but they had said it wasn’t an adopted road so Housing responsibility. Scott confirmed that if not an adopted road then would be Housing’s responsibility and can be looked at during walkabout arranged for the following week.
Action: John to share traffic management for Willox Park.
Action: Scott to look at traffic calming possibilities at Willox Park walkabout.
Spring HN due to be delivered 11 March and will only be a 4 page edition to get it distributed ahead of the 8 week purdah period that happens before any election.
Apologies given to anyone whose article didn’t make it into smaller version and some stories will be kept for the next edition or included in next TP update.
The Scrutiny Panel been having a break since they presented their last report to the HIB in October but are meeting again on 4/3 to get updates on previous action plans and begin to assess Housing’s current performance data to decide what they want to scrutinise next.
TPAS and TIS have a few virtual events being promoted -TIS event on Housing, Engagement, and Net Zero Ambitions on 24 March 1:00 – 4:00pm on zoom. TPAS are also now having their conference at the Golden Jubilee Hotel in Clydebank Friday 10 June – Sunday 12 June so might make it easier for more to go for specific days once the programme is announced and will share the programme as soon as it’s released.
TRA activity continues to increase as restrictions are easing and Risk st and Willox Park are even planning their AGMs.Hanne been chasing up progress on Tenant Priority Budget proposals agreed and has a meeting next week with Repairs as well as visits arranged for some more bigger proposals and once they costed up will arrange another public meeting.
Frances raised concerns about caretaking at Dalmuir re lifts not getting done, them only working till 2pm, and caretakers at Littleholm saying they been told to focus on outside area around the flats not the lifts. David confirmed that they were back to their core hours so finish at 4pm and are specifically told to focus on the lifts and common touch areas and then can inspect outside areas. Scott explained that the early finish was to reduce exposure during covid pandemic and they didn’t take breaks so they finished early.
Jane raised an issue about Kilbowie Court on behalf of Georgia as they still don’t have a dedicated caretaker and the lifts weren’t getting done twice daily or the back stairs being inspected as lights had been out for weeks and when Georgia eventually phoned repairs they hadn’t been reported. David acknowledged that there was an issue at Kilbowie Court and the caretaker had been having problems with school kids hanging around and being abusive. The basic duties should still have been getting done by mobile team and David will make sure that they inspect the stairs and report communal repairs. David also confirmed that have got approval for 4 additional caretakers and one of them will be for Kilbowie Court.
Action: David to ensure that stairs are checked and communal repairs reported at Kilbowie Court until permanent caretaker in post.
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
John/Nicola/Martin ( Better Homes Group) |
Additional sockets and limitations of electrical boards and wiring being looked as potential capital programme being looked at by Better Homes group. | 02/02/2022 |
Ongoing NP update 21/4/22 the re-let standard is under review as part of the Void Working Group, Suzanne Marshall is leading the review and timescale has been revised to end September 2022. 16/6 update– confirmed that also being looked at by Better Homes Group and will be included in review of Capital programme discussions. 18/8 update - Capital Programme refresh initial exercise to be completed in September- action will feed into this. |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
Martin Feeney |
WDTRO to be kept updated on progress of pilot of dedicated repairs staff for MSF communal repairs (including fire doors). |
22/04/2021 |
Completed 25 August 2022 Update - service commenced on 1 August 2022 with maintenance carried out on all fire doors excluding flat entrance / egress doors. Dalmuir and Crescent Courts complete and team currently in Overtoun Court.
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
Scott McLelland |
Scott to look at traffic calming possibilities at Willox Park walkabout. |
Completed SMcL update 21/4/22 - Walkabout with residents group been completed. A number of issues raised have been addressed. A further site visit with road engineer is need in relation to any calming measures. This will be completed by end of April 22. 28/4/22 – actions from walkabout to be transferred onto walkabout template so that officers and tenants can keep track of progress. SMcL update 16/6/22- Completed and sent to Mary Paton 16/6- traffic calming plan to be chased up with Roads as well as updates on outstanding issues raised at walkabout 17/08/2022 Update Site visit completed with Roads Manager and both Ruth and Mary. Costings to be sent for traffic calming measures and curb lowering. Speed signage and road painting agreed and will be part of said costs. Remedial works also agreed for walkway and curbs – Pothole correction will also be costed. |
Nicola Pettigrew |
Lift protocol to be updated with new procedure. |
Ongoing NP update 16/6/22 - IHMS Board held 13/6 and update provided to advise outstanding text notification element to tenants effected during lift problems expected for completion July. Housing Operations will link with GW to progress implementation. 18/8 update- Texting ability now complete on IHMS, David Lynch, Suzanne Marshall and Building Services to meet to finalise process and persons responsible for implementation during office and out of office hours. |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
Martin Feeney |
Charter action plan update to be completed with written responses to repair queries. |
Completed – (plus ongoing discussion also via JRG ) 16/6/22 -Charter action plan queries updated with responses from Repairs – copy issued with agenda Cancellation process confirmed as, Emergencies are manually cancelled on the system straight away Non emergency repairs - when the operative receives a ‘no access’ they update on their device which triggers a follow-on on DRS( repairs system). Planners follow up a minimum 2 times and try to contact the tenant to make another arrangement .If we are unable to get hold of the tenant, the order is then cancelled. These are manual processes as there is no workflow in the system to allow this to be done automatically Texts confirming cancellation of a repair are not being sent currently; Building Services / IHP teams are working on this process; also investigating sending emails where we have an email address as this is cost neutral where texts incur costs 25 August 2022 update – development of facility to text / email tenants of repair cancellation is on going |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
Martin Feeney |
Martin to provide details of what type of work is on a cyclical programme and what the frequency is. |
16//22 |
Completed 25 August 2022 update – cyclical work programme in place / in development includes the following:
Nicola Pettigrew |
Nicola to share timing of move back to generic working and confirmation of housing officer patches. |
September |
18/8 Update .Will be in place by 27/9, ongoing work with teams to allocate officers to patches, information will be shared prior to implementation with WDTRO, tenants, elected members, services and social media once finalised. |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
Martin Feeney |
Provide an update on the review of cyclical programme once completed in relation to Fire door maintenance programme (considering frequency, but likely will be a 3 monthly cycle) Gutter cleaning and UPVC window / door maintenance. |
All |
Comments on proposed Enhanced MSF Strategy survey questions to be passed to Emily Dorrian- Emily.dorrian@west-dunbarton.gov.uk |
10/09/22 |
Jane Mack |
West Lothian tenants to be invited to next Liaison meeting ( 27/10/22) |
27/10/22 |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
John/Nicola/Martin ( Better Homes Group) |
Additional sockets and limitations of electrical boards and wiring being looked as potential capital programme being looked at by Better Homes group. | 02/02/2022 |
Ongoing NP update 21/4/22 the re-let standard is under review as part of the Void Working Group, Suzanne Marshall is leading the review and timescale has been revised to end September 2022. 16/6 update– confirmed that also being looked at by Better Homes Group and will be included in review of Capital programme discussions. |
Who | Agreed | When by | Progress |
Martin Feeney |
WDTRO to be kept updated on progress of pilot of dedicated repairs staff for MSF communal repairs (including fire doors). |
22/04/2021 |
Ongoing 14/2/22 Martec (training provider) now able to do training face to face with selected staff and due to be done end of this month or 1st week in March. MF Update 28/4/22 - should be up and running by end of May MF Update 23/06/22 – due to availability of resources and demands placed on service; it hasn’t been possible to commence with the enhanced service in terms of a dedicated team working in MSFs. We are currently recruiting and having some limited success. 12 apprentices also complete their apprenticeships this year who will be offered contracts as craft workers. We are also building resilience with new back up contractors which may help free internal resources. The delay is regrettable, but unavoidable and we will have the enhanced service in place no later than end of August. |
Who | Agreed | When by | Progress |
Scott McLelland |
Scott to look at traffic calming possibilities at Willox Park walkabout. |
SMcL update 21/4/22 - Walkabout with residents group been completed. A number of issues raised have been addressed. A further site visit with road engineer is need in relation to any calming measures. This will be completed by end of April 22. 28/4/22 – actions from walkabout to be transferred onto walkabout template so that officers and tenants can keep track of progress. SMcL update 16/6/22- Completed and sent to Mary Paton 16/6- traffic calming plan to be chased up with Roads as well as updates on outstanding issues raised at walkabout |
Nicola Pettigrew |
Lift protocol to be updated with new procedure. |
NP update 16/6/22 - IHMS Board held 13/6 and update provided to advise outstanding text notification element to tenants effected during lift problems expected for completion July. Housing Operations will link with GW to progress implementation. |
Who | Agreed | When by | Progress | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Martin Feeney |
Martin to share information on cancelled repairs and split between WDC not attending or tenant not there to give access. |
Detail of all cancelled jobs 2022/2023 year to date; these include no accesses which was the request.
Martin Feeney |
Charter action plan update to be completed with written responses to repair queries. |
16/6/22 -Charter action plan queries updated with responses from Repairs – copy issued with agenda Cancellation process confirmed as, Emergencies are manually cancelled on the system straight away Non emergency repairs - when the operative receives a ‘no access’ they update on their device which triggers a follow-on on DRS( repairs system). Planners follow up a minimum 2 times and try to contact the tenant to make another arrangement .If we are unable to get hold of the tenant, the order is then cancelled. These are manual processes as there is no workflow in the system to allow this to be done automatically Texts confirming cancellation of a repair are not being sent currently; Building Services / IHP teams are working on this process; also investigating sending emails where we have an email address as this is cost neutral where texts incur costs |
Who | Agreed Action | When by | Progress |
John/Nicola/Martin | Additional sockets and limitations of electrical boards and wiring being looked as potential capital programme being looked at by Better Homes group. | 02/02/2022 |
Ongoing MF update 19/2/21 Specification required and options being put together for future Better Homes group starting with (MSFs) possibly extend to full stock in time and findings will be shared with WDTRO. MF update 22/04/21 Being raised at the Better Homes Meeting 20/04/21 WDTRO Liaison 25/04/21 - Full update to be provided for next meeting. 15/06/21 update – there have been further discussions and suggestion is that this could be incorporated as part of the planned review and consultation around the Re-let Standard, due to go to HACC in Feb 2022. This could then inform thinking around developing a wider retro fit programme. 16/12/21 No update available |
Who | Agreed | When by | Progress |
Martin |
WDTRO to be kept updated on progress of pilot of dedicated repairs staff for MSF communal repairs (including fire doors). |
22/04/2021 |
Ongoing MF Update 19/04/21 Canvasing of team members to establish interest Seeking costs and cooperation from fire screen / doors manufactures in regards to training of WDC team and to establish replacement glazing panel sizes and spare parts so that stock can be ordered. 15/06/21 update - team members have been identified, training around types of fires doors is being arranged and plan for new service to commence around July. Discussion on-going around whether this will initially be a partial service (potentially Dalmuir and Littleholm) or full service. Further updates will be provided to WDTRO when decisions are made. 24/6/21 update – training been arranged and will be piloted in Dalmuir and Littleholm. 16/08/21 update – issues with training provider has delayed the training being organised, pilot to commence when training has been carried out. 18/10/21 – no further progress, training still to be arranged. 16/12/21 Training still be arranged with contractor 14/2/22 Martec ( training provider ) now able to do training face to face with selected staff and due to be done end of this month or 1st week in March. |
Who | Agreed | When by | Progress |
John Kerr |
Traffic management for demolition at Willox Park to be shared |
Scott McLelland |
Scott to look at traffic calming possibilities at Willox Park walkabout. |
David Lynch |
Stairs to be checked daily and communal repairs reported at Kilbowie Court until permanent caretaker in post. |