WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.75

Thursday 16th Dec 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


List of those present at meeting: 

Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA (chaired meeting) Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener, Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA, Mary Paton - Willox Park TRA, Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA, June Todd - WDTRO, Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager, John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness Manager, Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation), David Lynch - Area co-ordinator, Suzanne Bannister - Client Services Officer (Repairs & Maintenance), Tom Black - Technical Officer (Repairs & Maintenance), Councillor Ian Dickinson - Vice Housing Convener.

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Frances welcomed everyone to the meeting. Diane introduced Councillor Dickson who is vice Housing Convener and interested in the meetings but going to stay in background.

Apologies been received from Martin Feeney, Nicola Pettigrew, Hanne Thijs, Stefan Kristmanns , Tracy Crichton, Ruth Dickinson and Suzanne Marshall hoping to join later.

Issues arising from update on actions from previous minutes – copy of updated actions issued ahead of meeting

Update in relation to pilot of dedicated repairs staff for MSF communal repairs ( including fire doors) – no update provided but Alan able to advise that Martec engineering been delaying the training due to resource issues and Martin been trying to get organised and will be progressed as soon as possible. Suzanne also able to advice that Martec have been inspecting all fire doors and Suzanne been chasing up outstanding repairs.

Outstanding action re additional sockets and limitations of electrical boards and wiring being looked at as potential capital programme by Better Homes group – last update , 15/6 states that will be included as part of review of relet standard due to go to February HACC – Jane asked for any update on that as been no consultation so assume not going to Feb committee– no update available so will remain as outstanding.

Issues with protocol and communication when lifts break down in multi-storey blocks including recent incident in Littleholm.

Frances advised that at Littleholm both lifts were off for a day and odd lift off for over a week and protocol not followed and communication was not good enough. Tom Black advised that notices were put up on the ground floor and on each landing but this was just to advise that ‘Lift out of order’.

David Lynch’s laptop microphone was not working so he was not able to be heard – he did put some information in the meeting chat and he felt that the protocol had been adhered to but are looking at QL being able to send text messages to improve for future. John highlighted that the purpose of the protocol was to ensure vulnerable tenants got the assistance they needed and Housing Operations would ensure that that happens in the future and that included ensuring that staff know about the protocol and what they need to do.

Diane also stated importance of keeping people informed.

Agreed that a written update on why the protocol wasn’t followed at Littleholm, lessons learned and making it clear who responsible for notices, what information should be on them and assurance that all relevant staff know about their role needed.

WDTRO concerns about communication in general with the temporary change to Housing Operations – is there a duty number to contact for Clydebank area?

Jane advised from an update given by Nicola Pettigrew when submitting her apologies that a duty number for Clydebank wasn’t available yet but was something Nicola was prioritising. She also appreciated that difficult for tenants to understand the different  function split and who tenants should contact and she’s reminded housing officers that when  a tenant contacts about something not in their function to makes sure they always  let the tenant know who and a number to contact.

An article was included in the recent Housing News so hopefully more tenants will now be aware of the change.

Concern was still about how difficult it was to get through on phones but understand the difficulties of remote working.

No one available to give any update on how well the duty system was working in Dumbarton.

Was confirmed that the Clydebank team no longer based at Aurora House and were still awaiting new accommodation to be identified. Perception by many tenants is that Clydebank are getting a different service to Dumbarton.

Charter action plan – WDTRO queries and responses – copy of updates issued ahead of meeting

In Stefan’s absence, John summarised the report issued and only one outcome overdue which Alan confirmed has been worked on and just needs updated.

In relation to the WDTRO queries, one in relation to developing and implementing an awareness campaign relating to cyclical maintenance programmes hadn’t been updated but Suzanne was able to advise that she was working on that and cyclical programmes were going to be included in QL system. Frances advised that it was the promotion of the programmes that was needed as that is what tenants want to know – what getting done, when.

Tenants happy with the other updates in the report.

Repairs call handling update –copy of Oct/Nov issued ahead of meeting

Suzanne advised that she was involved in customer service feedback meetings and do monitor call handling – new staff been taken on but still being trained so benefit of them not seen yet.

Percentage of abandoned calls still high and average queue times up to 14-16 minutes. Agreed to keep monitoring until improvements can be seen.

Forward Plan update (John Kerr)

Latest development at Dumbarton Harbour just been completed this week which brings total of over 300 new homes created this year.

One development still ongoing is Queens Quay in Clydebank which will be due to be handed over June/July due to delay with access road.

Future programme includes Clydebank East which goes back to Planning Committee in early February and then hopefully onsite after that. Pappert plans also going to a special Housing Committee meeting on 5/1/22 so progressing too.

The SHIP (Social Housing Investment Plan) was approved in November and sets out development programme for next 5 years. Looking at future sites and have plans for old care home sites at Willox Park and Mount Pleasant. Also looking to develop a gap site strategy to help develop small sites and feasibility study being carried out.

Clydebank Health Centre acquisition still ongoing and hopefully completed by end of March. Centre is currently being used in COVID response so may need to let that continue as part of transaction and delay redevelopment.

Looking to review the Design Standard to assess zero carbon options and will get the Design Panel involved in those discussions.

Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec rehousing programme underway and all tenants been given advice on housing options. 3 year programme and timing very variable.

A High rise strategy also to be  developed and will want to discuss with tenants and the WDTRO – John asked the WDTRO to consider how they would want to be involved and he will be in touch to make arrangements.

Tenant Participation update (Jane Mack)

Rent setting consultation well underway - tenants are using the range of ways to vote and email and reminder text sent this week which prompted more people to vote. The voting is open until 20 January and would encourage tenants and staff to encourage people to vote so we have a clear idea about tenants’ preferences.

Tenant Priority Budget update - had a virtual public meeting on 7 December and 2 more proposals were approved and been passed to repairs to get done – to improve the drying area at the side of Kilbowie court and the other to create a path and patio area at the back of Willox Park .

Winter Housing News got delivered to all tenants last week and the deadline for the spring edition is 8/2 if staff or tenant groups want anything included as is a good way to communicate with all tenants.

TRA activity is increasing and some who haven’t met up to now are beginning to arrange meetings and we’ll keep an eye on the public health advice about doing that safely and give advice to groups. The new TRA at Whitecrook are moving forward to get their constitution agreed and are keen to link in with the WDTRO which we’ll encourage.

Reminder given of Nicola Pettigrew’s invite to be involved in local walkabouts and hopefully that will be something groups will take up in the New Year.

Jane thanked all the WDTRO members for embracing digital meetings and ensuring that tenant participation continued throughout the last 2 years and the time and effort they commit. Tenants often let down and that’s why it’s so important that we have partnerships with organisations like the WDTRO as with their feedback we have the best chance of improving. 


Nothing raised.

Date of meeting 

2pm, Thursday 24 February 2022, via Zoom.

Meeting dates for 2022 been scheduled around WDTRO committee meetings and calendar invites will be sent to officers.

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.74

Thursday 21st Oct 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


List of those present at meeting:  Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener (chair), Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA, Ruth Dickinson - Willox Park TA, Mary Paton - Willox Park TRA, Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA, June Todd - WDTRO, Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager, John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness Manager, Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation), David Lynch - Area co-ordinator, Hanne Thijs -Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker), Nicola Pettigrew - Housing Operations Manager, Suzanne Marshall - Area Coordinator, Stephen Daly - Manager – Citizens and Digital Team, Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator, Jamie Dockery - Snr Housing Development Officer, Emily Dorrian - Housing Development Officer

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Diane welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies been received from Martin Feeney, Joanne Geddes, Harry McCormack.

Diane introduced Nicola Pettigrew, new Housing Operations Manager and Stephen Daly Citizen Services Manager.

Issues arising from update on actions from previous minutes – copy of updated actions issued ahead of meeting

Discussion about training for repairs staff for communal repairs. Martin Feeney provided update that training provider have let them down and still be rearranged.

Action: Diane requested that this is followed up. (Martin Feeney)

Suzanne Marshall noted that she and Scott met with Frances McGonagle and protocol now updated and to be circulated, can then be removed from list.

Action :Updated lift protocol to be circulated.(Suzanne Marshall/Scott McLelland)

Diane asked that well wishes be passed to Billy Neeson and Polly Whelans.

Repairs call handling – Fit For Future report (Stephen Daly) – Summary infographics distributed ahead of meeting

Review carried out with Organisational Development team. Spoke to stakeholders including tenants and looked at data and systems. 10 process maps created from this, these look at the individual steps taken to complete types of work i.e. repair, inspections. Looking at structure of repairs service including amount of staff, overtime etc. 150 actions created to improve housing repairs service, approx. 30 are related to how calls are handled. This work has now started in the council, but could take some time.

Diane asked if survey of tenants included those who’s repairs hadn’t been done, Stephen clarified that everyone has had their repair done but some people’s repairs are done out with target time. Diane raised that tenants have approached her and they are frustrated that there is a lack of communication. Stephen confirmed that survey covered a cross section of tenants who had repairs completed and this would be part of their feedback.

Stephen said that call handling improved in August, but not to extent they would like. 11 minutes for an emergency, 13 minutes for update, 12 minutes for a new repair.

Challenge over the summer has been new staff coming in and having to train them. Repairs backlog is impacting as it means that people are calling back to check when their repair is being done, these calls often take longer than just taking a first time repair call. 3 new members of staff are being recruited, interviews were on Wednesday, expected start date end Nov, beg Dec. Stephen is hopeful that this will reduce wait times.

Stephen apologised for call handling performance and agreed that it is unacceptable.

June raised that tenants are still waiting a long time for calls to be answered and she waited yesterday for a long time and ended up giving up. Stephen said the he is happy with his details being shared to help people resolve any issues.

Frances noted that as Stephen has admitted issues and ways they are moving forward, this is good and tenants are happy to wait and see if things improve. Frances said that Covid cannot be an excuse forever.

Jane suggested continuing to monitor figures over the next few months to see the improvement. Agreed to keep as an agenda item.

(Stephen Daly left the meeting)

Repair performance update for Q2 (July – Sept) – Copy of Q2 performance issued ahead of meeting

Stefan talked through the document in lieu of Martin Feeney. Diane requested that Martin Feeney should always nominate someone from repairs service to be present in his place so that there is always a repair presence and they can talk directly about their service.

Action: Jane to email Martin to request this.

Backlog will be having an impact on length of repairs. Once backlog is cleared these average figures should reduce. Majority of backlog will be cleared by end of October though some jobs involving scaffolding being delayed due to scaffold shortage.

Pilot of satisfaction surveys being done which asks for feedback via phone and text after repairs are done. Reports going to Housing Improvement Board (HIB) so satisfaction being closely monitored.

Recovery plans for estate management (Nicola Pettigrew) – copy of briefing note issued ahead of meeting

Nicola updated on what is happening and going forward how she wants to work with WDTRO. Request for full audit estate came from a Councillor motion.

Initial assessments have been carried out in estates along with Greenspace and discussions with waste management. This will help to identify any additional resources needed to complete this work and provides a starting point. Greenspace and waste management have agreed to work together on this going forward.

Next step is to link in with tenants for future walkabouts and decide on how often they take place (may differ by area), Nicola is working on a feedback template to ensure that works are carried out and have named people responsible.

Action: Nicola will share action plans created by staff so far

Frances said that she is interested to see what current issues have been identified.

Nicola also said that Housing Operations are looking to temporarily put staff/teams into specialised functions.

Action: Nicola to share details with WDTRO once more detail confirmed.

Ruth asked if staff had been to Willox Park, Nicola confirmed that they had. Ruth raised that three households have household goods outside their front door. Nicola noted and will ensure these are actioned.

Hanne asked if there were plans to speak to the wider tenant body about local walkabouts. Nicola said that they are looking at doing this and are hoping to work with the local community to do this effectively.

Update on Fire Safety Plans (John Kerr)

WDC would like to reintroduce housing ambition of an enhanced standard for multi-storey living and would be done in partnership with tenants and WDTRO. 

There is an under spend in the budget for multi-storey fire safety works and this has triggered discussion and a Councillor motion.

Full Council paper not available yet but John virtually shared an extract showing milestones of Fire Safety work in multi-storey flats. John will share the full Council paper and provide contact details if tenants wish to provide feedback.

Paper going to council next week giving a commitment that paper could go to Housing and Communities Committee in 2022 about enhancing standards within multi-story flats. Scottish Government been doing research into fire safety across Scotland and the spandrel panels found in some Dalmuir flats does meet this standard. WDC had been quick to do risk assessment after Grenfell and been keen national focus on fire safety.

No questions raised from tenants. Jane raised that fire safety concerns relates to the repair pilot within multi-storeys as these are often fire doors etc. which were a concern of tenants in the multi-storey blocks.

Action : John to forward on Council paper on fire safety update.

Local Housing Strategy (LHS) and Strategic Housing Investment Plan(SHIP) Update (Jamie Dockery/Emily Dorrian) – Briefing note issued ahead of meeting

Jamie and Emily virtually shared the briefing note and presentation.

Emily fed back about the consultation. 130 responses received through Survey Monkey with good, well thought out comments and been incorporated into the plans of the SHIP.


Jamie spoke about Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) and it’s 5 key themes. Draft going to November Housing Committee .LHS covers more than just new builds but table 1 sets out detail about what new builds are planned (both WDC and partner Housing Associations).

Likely to get increased grant levels from the government but this comes with more requirements on new build housing standards.

June asked about Dalquhurn site (being developed by Caledonia HA) and if the problems were due to contamination. Jamie said that this work was done previously but for whatever reason builders were quoting expensive for the work and this has meant it’s back of the queue. He also confirmed that Frank Downie House been sold to a private owner to redevelop.

Ruth asked a question about Willox Park and if there any further plans to consult with tenants. Emily said that care home site was first, with demolition for January and plans for speaking to tenants being put together. Ruth asked why the demolition has been pushed back and Emily explained that been delays in procurement and instead of starting before Christmas and then site being half done over holidays have decided to start in January.

Mary asked about “phase 1” in relation to Willox Park on briefing note and what “phase 2” might be. Emily explained that Phase 1 refers to the current discussion about redeveloping the old care home site and what the options there might be. Are also looking at the current properties and how to improve them so calling it phase 1 is partly for the Scottish Government as it shows them that there may be further funding being asked for.

Forward Plan update (John Kerr)

The new build update been covered by Jamie and Emily but he wanted to advise about a paper going to next Housing committee which will share outcome of Montreal, Quebec and Brunswick consultation on the future of those buildings.

Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)

Rent setting consultation is the main consultation due this year and date of public meeting still to be announced. Hope is staff and tenants groups will help encourage people to have their say. Tenants will be able to vote by free post voting card as well as voting online, by texting or email. Will also use the Housing system to send text reminders to tenants, get posters up in the flats and other public places to also encourage people.

Virtual public meeting on the Tenant Priority Budget held on 31 August to consider the proposals that had been costed up and all got agreed. Budget still open for new proposals and another public meeting will be arranged when we have costs for new proposals.

Scrutiny Panel will be presenting their report on complaints handling to the HIB on Monday. They also been shortlisted for a CIH Excellence Award for Tenant Scrutiny and they’ll find out on Nov 25 if they’ve won but it’s a great recognition of their work to be shortlisted.

Winter Housing News being put together so if staff or any tenant group want anything in it needs to be submitted before the 25/10. 

The Pre-HACC Forum where tenants can discuss papers going to the housing committee with Diane and officers who wrote the papers is on Mon 1 November so hope tenants can attend that and Diane will feed their comments into the committee discussions. Papers include the Charter action plan and Annual Assurance statement, new build update and Rapid rehousing update.

TRA activity is increasing and good to see new members. Central Radnor Park TRA have a new member joining the WDTRO, Joanne Geddes who will hopefully be at future meetings. Also interest in setting up a new TRA in Whitecrook and they have a meeting on 11/11 to get them started.


Nothing noted.

Date of meeting 

2pm, Thursday 16th December, via Zoom

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.73

Thursday 26th August 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


List of those present at meeting:

  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRO (Chaired Meeting), 
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA
  • June Todd - WDTRO
  • Mary Paton - Willox Park TA
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager
  • John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Scott McLelland - Area Co-ordinator
  • Hanne Thijs - Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)
  • Martin Feeney - Building Services Manager
  • Tracy Crichton - Housing Operations Co-ordinator
  • Stephen Daly - Manager - Citizens and Digital Team
  • Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator


WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.73, Thursday 24 June 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


Agenda item



Welcome, introductions and apologies

Frances welcomed everyone to the meeting and Jane confirmed that apologies been received from Cllr Diane Docherty, David Lynch, Suzanne Marshall, Billy Neeson, Ruth Dickinson,  Janette Donlin and Jacqui Peacock.


Issues arising from update on actions from previous minutes – some updates issued ahead of meeting.

  • Discussed windows/glazing at Littleholm and agreed action now complete as new supplier procured.
  • Martin advised that training for the enhanced service for MSFs been arranged to start following week which will mean that staff are trained to fix doors ,panels instead of having to get a contractor in.
  • Scott committed to Suzanne and him arranging another meeting with tenants about improving lift protocol.
  • Discussed issue of asbestos register for Willox Park properties and feedback provided and agreed action now complete.


Repairs call handling – performance report and call handling statistics issued ahead of the meeting

Stephen Daly had provided repair call handling info in old format as his system analyst on holiday – still shows high average queue times particularly for emergency repairs. Stefan shared screen to show trend information on call handling which included longest wait times which have come down slightly but still high at 41 mins to report an emergency repair, and 52 mins each for an update or report a new repair. Tenants concern raised about this poor level of service. Stephen’s update includes reference to them undertaking a Fit for Future review which includes recommendations for improvements and Jane to request a copy  to be shared with the group and to invite Stephen Daly to next Liaison meeting.

Action: Request for copy of Repairs contact centre Fit for Future report

Action: Stephen Daly to be invited to next Liaison meeting ( 21/10/21).




Repairs Q1 performance and update on progress of housing repairs backlog caused by Covid lockdown – Martin Feeney

Repairs performance for Q1 and update on backlog shared on screen.

All targets kept apart from average time to complete emergency repairs. Number of appointments for repairs has increased as has the appointments kept. Satisfaction with the repairs service has increased as has the number of surveys completed as operatives are using handhelds  and asking tenant for feedback after job completed. Martin advised that had discussions about having more of a range of satisfaction measures as appreciate as soon as the job completed might be too soon as for example tap might start leaking again in couple of hours and change tenants satisfaction level. Stefan advised that HIB monitoring satisfaction across all service areas and should use a range of methods to get realistic measure of satisfaction.

In relation to the repairs backlog, Martin advised that 2666 repairs remain outstanding from before 26 April 2021 and have completed 867 of these in the last  3 months. Are still challenges in relation to staffing, demand on building materials but are still committed to clearing backlog by end of Oct. Are making progress with this and have an action plan to place to ensure they meet the deadline of end of October which includes offering overtime, reassigning staff, dedicated team to focus on outstanding repairs, increased use of sub-contractors and regular management team planning meetings.


Charter Performance Update – Stefan Kristmanns – copy of Charter performance update issued ahead of meeting.

All landlords have to assess their performance in delivering the Charter outcomes on an annual basis and compare themselves with pervious years and other landlords to identify and address areas that need improved. Housing Improvement Board(HIB) monitor performance and aim to drive improvements and in particular will be focusing on SHQS compliance, Medical Adaptations, Homelessness, rent collection/arrears and complaints handling.

Improvement plan identifies the actions to be taken in 2021/22 to improve performance in different areas.

Frances asked about the Estate management action to promote walkabout and  discussed issue of tenants not getting good feedback after walkabouts . Scott committed to walkabouts being done moving forward  and Jane highlighted that TP has a template for recording walkabouts which can help ensure everyone clear about what’s been agreed and who doing what. Stefan suggested could be a joint action for estate management and TP to take forward.

Frances questioned why some dates were in red and Stefan advised that some milestones and actions still to be confirmed  by assigned officers. Once that’s done, full report will be shared with the WDTRO and Stefan will arrange to meet with Harry and Frances to discuss in more detail and see if there are particular areas the WDTRO want updates on for future Liaison meetings.

Action: Scott to feedback regarding plan for re-establishing estate walkabout programme.

Action: Full Charter Improvement Plan to be shared with WDTRO.

Action: Meeting to be arranged with WDTRO reps on full plan to discuss in more detail




Forward plan update  (John Kerr)

Rent consultation discussions have started and an energy workshop to consider different projects on the go. Looking to arrange meeting with tenants and staff mid-September.

New build projects at Haldane and Aitkenbar have received practical completion. Current developments at St Andrews (to complete in September), Dumbarton Harbour (to be completed in October), Queens Quay (council houses to complete April 2022). Queens Quay has dementia friendly elements as introduced at Creuvel Court.

Future sites,

Pappert will have some PassivHaus properties. Feasibility work currently in progress.

Clydebank East waiting on planning permission (89 homes), in discussions with planning officers.

Willox Park in feasibility stage at the moment, hoping to send information about plans to local residents at Willox Park and will be looking for input from local residents on plans for new property and existing properties.

Queens Quay site C looking at feasibility, currently would have to provide a road into development which is approx. £450,000, consideration of whether this is affordable and looking at options to recharge future private developments for use of road.

Bank st and Mount Pleasant, working on feasibility and looking at provision for amenity/sheltered housing -currently working with Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Submitted a bid to Scottish Government for funding for Dennystoun Forge (Gypsy Traveller site) for possibly 13 new chalet type properties.

Private developer have contacted about site at top of Kilbowie Road which could work well with potential housing development at health centre when it moves -discussions ongoing.

Strategic Housing Investment Plan will come to future liaison meeting. Wheatley Group not looking to develop any programmes in West Dunbartonshire over the next 5 years. WDC staff to meet with them to discuss reasons.

Scottish Government review of  new build grants, report due on Friday and will be shared with WDTRO. Report will show increase in grants, although still disparity between housing associations and councils. WDC disagree with this, however have not managed to reach compromise with Scottish Government.

Montreal, Quebec and Brunswick – 3 community consultation sessions carried out, currently seems to be local support for full demolition and rebuild.

Local Housing Strategy consultation ongoing, workshops not well attended but responses in general have been good. A few more general sessions being arranged towards the end of September.

Allocations policy review consultation been successful with over 1500 responses, open until first week in September and revised policy will go to Housing committee in November.

Jane asked question from tenant at Dalmuir about bus access to the new health centre in Queens Quay, John advised  there is a travel strategy and  Michael McGuinness would be good person to ask.

Action: copy of travel strategy for new Health centre to be sent to Dalmuir TRA.




Tenant Participation Update  (Jane Mack)

Lifting of restrictions on how many households can meet indoors  means that groups can meet if they wish. Advice been sent to groups about how to do this safely. The main problem is access to meeting spaces as a lot of these are closed. Phased plan for staff to go back to offices, Housing Development staff are in third phase and 6 weeks between phases. No word on public access to council buildings so likely to be a blended approach into the future.

TIS are holding their annual conference virtually from 5-7th October and TP are happy to fund a few places.

Tenant Priority Budget is still looking for proposals, zoom meeting arranged for  Tuesday 31st August at 2pm to consider proposals that have been costed up,  staff  also looking at outstanding proposals to get these completed.

Pre-HACC on Monday 30/8, tenant discussion at 10am, discussion with staff and Housing Convener  at 11am. Paper copies of committee reports been delivered.

Rent setting consultation is in early stages, hope is for tenants to be involved right from the start so they can be involved in setting the rent options.

Mary raised that tenants should have the opportunity to be involved in walkabouts as they often see things staff don’t see. Stefan said that this would be the goal for when tenants want to be involved.






June asked after Billy and Polly and Jane confirmed that Polly not doing well but Billy making a good recovery. Councillor Docherty asked for her best wishes to be passed on.

Mary asked if any progress on outside tap which have been requested at Willox Park. Martin/Scott will check this and provide feedback.

Scott advised  that new Housing Manager, Nicola Pettigrew was starting on Monday 30th taking over from Edward Thomas.


Date of Next Meeting - 2pm, Thursday 21st October 2021, via Zoom.


WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.73

Thursday 24th June 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


List of those present at meeting:

  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRO (Chaired Meeting), 
  • Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convenor
  • Billy Neeson - Westbridgend TRA
  • Ruth Dickinson - Willox Park TRA
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager
  • John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • David Lynch - Area Co-ordinator
  • Hanne Thijs - Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)
  • Martin Feeney - Building Services Manager
  • Jennifer McMahon - Snr Housing Development Officer
  • Edward Thomas - Housing Operations Manager
  • Tracy Crichton - Housing Operations Co-ordinator
  • Suzanne Marshall - Housing Operations Co-ordinator
  • Stephen Daly - Manager - Citizens and Digital Team
  • Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • Jamie Dockery - Snr Housing Development Officer
  • Emily Dorrian - Housing Development Officer


WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.73, Thursday 24 June 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


Agenda item



Welcome, introductions and apologies

Frances welcomed everyone to the meeting and Jane introduced everyone.

Apologies been received from Polly Wheelans , June Todd, Mary Paton and Mo Dempsey.


Issues arising from update on actions from previous minutes – some updates issued ahead of meeting.

Frances queried the update regarding the landing window supplies as windows been boarded for so long -  Martin Feeney confirmed was being looked at and sourcing replacements that meet specification and will get chased up. Confirmed as 9th floor West Court and at least 1 other landing, possibly 3rd.



Repairs call handling – performance report and call handling statistics issued ahead of the meeting – Stephen Daly

Updated call handling information been circulated to group. 600 extra calls in May, 74% calls answered, average queue time has increased. Stephen advised that new phone system been in place for 1 year, which allows queuing rather than just getting engaged tone and further upgrade being made which will include callers being given an  expected wait time. Also been working alongside organisational development team and listening to calls, sought tenant views and spoke to staff about experience of using phone lines to identify issues and solutions. Report on outcome being made next week and will implement changes as necessary.

Stephen offered to attend future meetings and to provide updated call handling data which Jane confirmed would be useful for the group to monitor progress.

Question from June (via Jane) as even before pandemic, lots of calls not being answered and seemed to be a resource issue. Stephen said that they are now looking at this  with more meaningful data and using staff  as effectively as possible e.g  phasing lunch breaks.

Frances asked if more staff could be hired, Stephen said no but looking at when to have staff working based on busiest hours. Also wants to understand and reduce the length of time queries take to resolve. Councillor Docherty noted that some tenants also not getting responses for their emails. Stephen confirmed this has been included in the performance review.

Billy asked if ongoing training about correctly identifying repairs is provided  for staff and Stephen confirmed that this training is ongoing, as well as training material for new staff to speed up their capacity and a new system on identifying repairs being introduced which will also help staff.

Stefan noted these positive developments and asked Stephen if the new phone update will capture all abandoned calls even when getting the  new estimated wait time message and Stephen confirmed it will. Stephen advised that appreciated any wait time isn’t good but is shorter compared to other call centres e.g DWP but is an area they are looking to improve.

(Stephen Daly left the call)

(Alan Young joined the meeting)




Local Housing Strategy (LHS) – copy of presentation circulated ahead of meeting - Jamie Dockery

First draft of document will be sent out and looking for feedback on the content of the new Local Housing Strategy. Consultation period starts today and  would like to come back to WDTRO in October to discuss in more detail the outcome. New LHS will go to November Housing and Communities Committee, to Scottish Government after that and hopefully implement from April 2022.

Consultation also includes a survey to the Citizens Panel members and Jamie happy to speak to any groups who wish to know more about the LHS or consultation.

Question from Billy to clarify if standards set by Scottish Government (SG) still the same or if improved? Jamie explained that for example, WDC require 10% provision of wheelchair accessible housing in social housing  but can’t enforce for private housing – needs new legislation from SG and for Planning to enforce. Want to encourage private housing to do this and to improve housing standards in the private sector. WDC are pushing for better building requirement standards.

Question from Ruth to clarify who to contact about getting adaptations to properties and Alan Young confirmed that it was initially through the GP who would then refer them to an occupational therapist who would assess the need. Once the OT approves the need,  then building services get the work done.

Diane praised new build adapted properties as had visited one at the St Andrews site that day and was impressed by the positive impact on tenants.



Update on Fire Safety Issues at Multi-storey flats (Martin Feeney)

Martin advised fire safety repairs are carried out routinely and from the last report from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), all repairs now complete. SFRS have made a recommendation for all door hoppers to be looked at and order  been passed for Martec to do the work – have started in N Drumry MSFs.

Martin also gave an update on enhanced service in Multi-storey flats planned and advised that have arranged for  Martec to provide training for the team and looking to do Dalmuir and Littleholm initially. Staff been identified for team and Martin pushing project forward.





Charter Performance update  (Stefan Kristmanns) – summary of action progress provided ahead of meeting as well as report on overdue actions and actions with no progress

Information sent to group on outstanding actions from last year. A few questions from the WDTRO had not been answered with updates.  Stefan advised that incomplete actions  would be picked up when the action plan is reviewed with the new performance data just been submitted to the Regulator. WDTRO given option of getting direct responses now or if happy with follow up after review and tenants happy with discussing after review and new action plan created.





Forward plan update  (John Kerr)

St Andrews, Haldane and Aitkenbar sites will all be completed by August. Dumbarton Harbour is slightly delayed due to shortage of materials, but will complete in August/September.

Queens Quay, early 2022 will complete. Next sequence of developments will be Clydebank East, planning application put in and will hopefully start early 2022.

Future sites: design plans at Pappert (including Passivhaus), Queen Quay (site C), Dennystoun Forge, Willox Park and feasibility assessment of Lilac Avenue, North Mountblow . Purchase of site of old Mount Pleasant care home not finalised yet.

Want to meet with tenant design group after summer recess to discuss design options.

Buy Back programme still going well. Mortgage to Rent scheme (council would buy back property and owner would then rent from council) this has also recommenced to prevent homelessness.

Strategic Housing Investment Plan – looking to identify new sites for building housing.

Current stock assessment exercise being carried out and looking at regeneration areas.  Consultation started at Quebec, Montreal and Brunswick with online meetings and a  phone line set up.

Benchmark review group looking at grant parity. £59,000 for local authorities but expectation that this will be increased to £71,500. £2000 additional for increasing sustainability, £4000 for balconies, £3500 for provision of office /study areas (this is already incorporated in WDC design standard). Digital enabling £300. Electric charge £500, Fire suppression system £3000. Heating system £4000. Roughly £80,000 total.

Still fighting for grant parity with housing associations for new builds, although been reduced but is still there. ScotGov have not produced any evidence that explains this, WDC, along with other local authorities are disappointed that this is the case as no benefits in terms of borrowing rates or free land. COSLA have made a case to ScotGov and requested a meeting with new cabinet secretary. John will keep tenants involved in this as ultimately council tenants are paying more for housing than housing association tenants. Has held off asking them to get involved as is optimistic that will get resolved  but will keep WDTRO posted.

Also wanted to flag that issues with supplies may push prices up due to supply and demand and could also push back completion dates.





Tenant Participation Update  (Jane Mack)

The final version of the new TP Strategy is available on the website –  link  been sent out to all TRA’s and advertised on our FB page. Paper copies will be available when we back in the office and have space to store them.. Thanks given to everyone who contributed to the strategy and had some quotes from tenants included which hopefully will help emphasis the personal aspects of getting involved.

The Joint Rent Group continues to meet and are now focused on the  HRA compliance action plan. Number of key actions to be taken by August to help make rent setting process  more meaningful and ensure that tenants are involved in the option discussions.

The summer edition of the Housing News out and included an article on the repair restart and covid safety procedures which had been discussed at the last Liaison .Also the article on the ASB service came out of discussions with the WDTRO.  The deadline for the next edition is 13/8 if staff or tenants have anything they  want included .

The Scottish Social Housing Charter is being reviewed and TPAS and TIS are facilitating a number of online sessions that staff and tenants can attend - also an online survey that landlords and tenant groups can complete.

With restrictions easing, Hanne been able to get out and meet more tenants and help groups get back on their feet so anyone who wants any assistance should get in touch.

Reminder too that the Tenant Priority Budget is available and TRAs as well as individual tenants can put in proposals – Hanne can also help put proposals together.

Stefan offered help if WDTRO would like to put in group response for the Charter review survey.







Frances noted in previous minutes  that was stated that Edward had not responded to her email about fire raising but she had in fact not sent the email and she apologised for this.
Domestic Abuse Policy (Jennifer McMahon) -Policy and briefing note circulated ahead of the meeting.

Jennifer advised that amended policy due to go to committee in September. WDC has high incidences of domestic abuse and policy incorporates the Council’s No Home for Domestic Abuse procedures and new guidance from the Scottish Government. Policy helps prevent and address domestic abuse in WDC.  The Scottish Government new bill allows for removing perpetrator of domestic abuse from property/tenancy and WDC ‘s No Homes For Domestic abuse already incorporates this.

Diane asked for clarity about definition of domestic abuse and Jennifer advised that the  Scottish Government definition is used which is best practice.  Diane to contact Jennifer  to discuss further.

Edward Thomas

On behalf of WDTRO, Frances acknowledged that Edward was moving on and thanked him for his good work and wish him well in his new job. Edward thanked the WDTRO for their work and for being fair and constructive in their work with the council.

Willox Park

Ruth raised concerns from tenants in Willox Park about asbestos in their properties, as some people have had asbestos removed and in empty properties and concerns about health implications. Martin noted that in voids, if any asbestos is found it will be removed. Also yearly inspection of all known properties with asbestos carried out by council’s compliance teams and not dangerous so long as not damaged or disturbed i.e. drilled in to. Most properties have low level asbestos in ceiling tiles , airing cupboards - if damaged it will be removed. Ruth advised that has lived in properties 9 years and has never had a check done so Martin will check Ruth’s address to see if on register and get back to her.

Kilbowie Court

Georgia asked when they will get a full-time caretaking service and David Lynch confirmed shortage due to holidays or illness. Will be recruiting and are considering having someone based at Kilbowie Court. Georgia noted that communal area does get cleaned daily but not getting a full service, David said that building is properly cleaned and particularly touch points – at recent inspection he had been impressed with cleanliness standards.

Frances thanked everyone for their time and the meeting closed.





WDC & WDTRO Liaison Meeting No. 72 

Thursday  22 April 2021, 2PM via zoom



  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies 
  2. Issues arriving from update on actions from previous meeting – copy of updated actions distributed ahead of meeting 
  3. Repairs call handling performance – Citizen Services unable to attend but in depth performance info provided giving longest waiting times for calls answered and calls abandoned. Specific issues and concerns can be discussed to raise with Citizen Services direct at June Liaison. 
  4. Repairs performance information ( Martin Feeney) – copy of performance stats distributed ahead of meeting.
  5. Charter Performance update (Stefan Kristmanns) – copy of Charter report with responses to WDTRO queries circulated ahead of meeting.
  6. Forward plan update (John Kerr)
  7. Tenant Participation update (Jane Mack)
  8. AOCB
  9. Date of next meeting - 24 June 2021, 2pm via zoom
WDTRO Outstanding actions from previous meetings
Who Agreed Action When by Progress
Edward Feedback on outcome of discussion with Building Services regarding landing window supply. Previous suggestion was that some stock could be held. Example of 9th floor in West Court has been raised. Communication to be sent to WDTRO Dec WDTRO liaison Ongoing A barrier to procuring like for like replacements was original company no longer trading, however Consultancy Services identified another company that had taken on some of the previous products and may be able to supply suitable replacements. Any change in specification needs to meet current, higher building standards, which would implicitly cost more. An Options Appraisal considering replacement or wider overhaul of these windows will be prepared for Better Homes Group to enable a decision to be made regarding the cost/benefit of available options. WDTRO will be kept apprised of developments. WDTRO Liaison 27/08/20 ET advised no progress due to Covid-19 and will get prioritised when possible in next couple of months. WDTRO Liaison 22/10/20 No progress as yet WDTRO Liaison 17/12/20 – Edward spoken to Consultancy services and paper going to Better Homes group in February re specifications and costs. No update provided prior to 25 April Liaison meeting
Scott / Suzanne Set up meetings of working group to improve communication when lifts are not working (Billy, Polly, Frances and Georgia have volunteered to join group) Jan 2020


Email invite sent to Chair of WDTRO and first meeting arranged for 25th Feb but needs to be rescheduled.

WDTRO Liaison 27/08/20

SMcL will look at getting a group meeting set up before the next Liaison and provide an update then.

WDTRO Liaison 22/10/20

email sent today to arrange a meeting next week to review

Meeting has taken place but Scott off so full update not available.

No update provided prior to 25 April Liaison meeting

WDTRO 27 Aug 2020 Action Note


Martin Building Services plans relating to area based approach to repairs – plan to tackle backlog prior to looking at this option. Jane to contact Martin Feeney for confirmation / update and Cllr Docherty to be included in email. - Ongoing MF update 8/10/20 - We are targeting end of October to clear the majority of repairs reported prior to COVID-19 lockdown; possibility this may slip into November due to the volume of new urgent repairs being reported. MF Update 9/12/20 WDC being placed in tier 4 of the SG COVID-19 model meant had to suspend non essential internal repairs from 23/11/20 until Monday 14/12/20. This will mean the backlog of outstanding repairs will have increased. We were targeting end of December to be up to date with non essential repairs and this is now unlikely to be achieved. A full update on the numbers of outstanding repairs and timeframe to complete will be provided at the January 2021 meeting. A pilot of the area based approach has been agreed in principle by housing team subject to appropriate consultation and agreement. A full consultation programme timetable is being developed and will be shared with the group. WDTRO Liaison 22/10/20 Full consultation timetable being put together and will be shared with the group. MF Update 9/12/20 Consultation programme will not commence until current rent setting consultation has been completed and therefore the consultation programme will not commence until at least end of February 2021. Timetable will be shared with group prior to commencement of consultation. MF Update 19/02/21 Reviewed timeframe to deliver consultation programme and consider that this should be delayed until 2021/2022 year. Consultation plan and timeframe will be shared with group prior to commencing with the consultation plan. MF update HIB 29/03/21 At the HIB it was agreed this would be parked; we don’t think it is the right time to introduce this change because of the restrictions to completing non essential internal repairs for much of 2020/2021 due to COVID.

WDTRO 22 October Actions


Martin/Citizen Services Stats on longest and shortest call waiting time as previously requested to be provided to give more meaning to average figure. 03/12/21 MF update 8/10/20 - Latest report attached though doesn’t include longest and shortest waiting time yet 3/12/20 Cllr Docherty confirmed that Stephen Daly happy to attend virtual meeting to discuss. Unable to attend 17/12 meeting but requested for 25/2/21 meeting or earlier JRG. 16/2/21 Update – Stephen Daly still off and Lorraine Payne unable to attend 25/2 meeting but will attend April Liaison. MF update 19/02/21 January data and report provided. An update on the request for data on shortest / longest / average waiting times to answer call been referred to Citizen Services but not available at moment - they have asked for some help to see if they can get the data and will provide an update. MF Update 22/04/21 Available data provided by Stephen Daly
Martin/Citizen Services Martin to see if phone system has functionality to tell people how long they might have to wait to get call answered 03/12/21 Update from Lorraine Payne 9/12 - do not have functionality to let people know their position in the queue or the approx. wait time. This is something being explored with ICT and Cisco in terms of future development of the telephone system. 16/2 Update – Staff from Citizen Services to attend April Liaison and will be on agenda. MF update 22/04/21 Citizen Services action

WDTRO 17 December Actions


Edward/Martin Additional sockets and limitations of electrical boards and wiring being looked as potential capital programme being looked at by Better Homes group 16/02/21 MF update 19/2/21 Specification required and options being put together for future Better Homes group starting with (MSFs) possibly extend to full stock in time and findings will be shared with WDTRO. MF update 22/04/21 Being raised at the Better Homes Meeting 20/04/21

WDTRO 25 February Actions


Edward/Martin WDTRO to be kept updated on progress of pilot of dedicated repairs staff for MSF communal repairs (including fire doors) - MF Update 22/04/21. Canvasing of team members to establish interest Seeking costs and cooperation from fire screen / doors manufactures in regard to training of WDC team and to establish replacement glazing panel sizes and spare parts so that stock can be ordered.
John Update on demolition plans for Willox Park, Dumbarton. Update to include plans for managing additional traffic at the site. - -
Scott Neighbourhood patrols of Willox park to be reinstated until demolition complete - -
John/Planning Update from Planning to be requested regarding Old Craft Street works, down from Freelands Crescent, Old Kilpatrick - -
Alan 121 and 123 Durban Avenue to be checked for inclusion in cladding programme - Completed. 26/2/21 Alan confirmed they were tenanted, been missed from programme but will be included in next scheme.
Scott Posters for multistory flats to be put up telling tenants about the out of hours services with contact details - -

West Dunbartonshire Council aims to ensure that tenants’ homes are well maintained, with repairs and improvements carried out when required and with a reasonable choice about when work is done

Our promise is that:

  • we will aim to carry out repairs quickly
  • we will aim to ensure that repairs are completed Right First Time
  • we will aim to keep repairs appointments when these are made
  • we will aim to carry out an annual gas safety check in all properties where this is required
  • we will ask you how satisfied you are and demonstrate how we have used your feedback to improve our services
Charter Performance Indicator
Charter Performance Indicator Q1 Value Q2 Value Q3 Value Q4 Value Q4 Target Q3 Target Met
Average time taken to complete emergency repairs (hours) 4.12 6.08 6.56 6.23 4 hrs No
Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs (days) 2.99 7.46 7.71 4.09 5 days Yes
% of reactive repairs completed right first time 93.4% 86.3 90.9% 93.3% 95% Amber
Number of times failed to complete a gas safety check within 12 months 102 82 0 N/A 0 N/A
% of tenants satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service 78.2% 75.2% 67.5% 84.4% 85% Amber


Contextual data
Contextual data Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Repairs appointments made 3173 5801 7543 5891
Repairs appointments kept 3107 5463 7247 5379
% of repairs appointments kept 97.9% 94.2% 96.1% 91.3%
Number of appointed repairs cancelled 737 613 802 478


Repairs Satisfaction
Repairs satisfaction response rate 2020/21 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Number of emergency repairs completed in quarter 1788 1658 1080 1358
Number of non-emergency repairs completed in quarter 2714 5283 6958 5930
Number of surveys completed 101 133 40 372
Response rate 2% 2% 0.5% 5%


Repairs Satisfaction Breakdown
Repairs satisfaction breakdown 2020/21 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q43
very satisfied 21 30 10 27
satisfied 58 70 17 287
neither satisfied nor dis-satisfied 19 11 4 5
dis-satisfied 2 9 5 42
very dis-satisfied 1 13 4 11
Total 101 133 40 372

Spreadsheet below showing data relating to the answering of Emergency repair calls from April 2020 to March 2021. 

Repairs Call Handling Monthly Activity Dashboard

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.71

Thursday 25 February 2021, 2pm Via Zoom


List of those present at meeting:

  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA (chaired meeting)
  • Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener
  • Billy Neeson Westbridgend - TRA
  • Mary Paton Willox Park - TRA
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA
  • Ruth Dickinson - Willox Park TRA
  • June Todd - WDTRO
  • Polly Wheelans- Littleholm TRA
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager
  • Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • John Kerr Housing - Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Edward Thomas - Housing Operations Manager
  • Scott McLelland - Area Co-ordinator
  • Tracy Crichton - Area Co-ordinator
  • Suzanne Bannister - Client services Officer (Repairs)
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)


WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.71, Thursday 25th February 2021, 2pm Via Zoom
No. Agenda item


Welcome, introductions and apologies

Frances welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies been received from Martin Feeney, Jacqui Peacock, and David Lynch.



Issues arising from update on actions from previous minutes – updates issued ahead of meeting.


No update given on the Littleholm landing window issue so Frances asked if there was any progress and Edward confirmed that progress being made and had received further information from Consultancy Services about fire safety specification. Also identified that the proposal for communal smoke alarms could be connected and work completed together. An update should be available for the next Liaison meeting.


Update on fire safety info re cladding on MSFs in West Dunbartonshire (Edward Thomas)


Paper went to Housing & Communities Committee in November 2020 on fire safety and included number of recommendations. Including smoke detectors in communal area, bin stores and are at advance stage with specifications and costs and a capital programme will be created. Edward also met with the local  Scottish Fire & Rescue (SFR) to get their views on plans to replace window spandrel panels and within next 4 months should have a more specific update regarding that work.

Going to co-ordinate work with the landing windows  to make most use of the  full height access equipment needed.


Frances highlighted that they had had commitment that any agenda items would be given to them in writing ahead of the meeting and Edward committed to this for future and will provide copy of todays information. ACTION: Edward




Update on fire doors and maintenance of common areas within high rise blocks ( Edward Thomas ) – Members briefing issued ahead of the meeting.


Edward talked through the briefing paper provided and explained had been initiated re Dalmuir MSFs but will apply to all MSFs. Aim is to minimise delays in repairs getting done and to reduce reliance on third party contractors. Proposal is to have dedicated repairs personnel to deal with all MSF repairs and give them specialised training so that more repairs can be done in-house and quicker. Another benefit is that will keep repair ordering more manageable. Dedicated staff will build up local knowledge as many blocks have specific types of doors, lighting etc.

Asked when this would be happening Edward confirmed that it had been agreed at Building Services Board and Martin Feeney started process of requesting interest from operatives. No firm timescale with personnel yet but Edward confident would roll out this year.

Frances also asked about the previous suggestion to barcode all fire doors to help with identification and Edward confirmed that David Lynch has completed research and will be hoping to include that in these arrangements as will help  identify repairs and gives a clear record of inspections.


Billy stated approval of proposal and saw it as the way forward and good to see. Edward committed to keeping WDTRO updated with progress. ACTION: Edward



Repairs performance update (Suzanne Bannister) – performance report and call handling statistics issued ahead of the meeting.


Suzanne explained the statistics issued and advised that the emergency response time had increased to 6.56 hrs mainly due to the additional COVID precautions that staff had to do.


Tenants satisfaction is low ( 67.5%) and the number of surveys being completed is very low – for those stating dissatisfaction, timescales was the most common reason. In Q3 ( Oct-Dec) the number of emergencies done has gone down but this is due to training being done with contact centre staff so fewer repairs are being wrongly classed as emergencies. The low number of surveys being completed has been raised with Citizen Services and they have said they will try to increase numbers. Operative handheld devices also being amended to include the survey so by end of March more should be included so figures more realistic.


In terms of the call handling statistics, less calls are being made but still a higher percentage abandoned.  With more appointments being made and text reminders, are hoping to reduce the number of calls for updates to free up staff to answer new repair requests.


Average waiting times still questioned and the shortest and longest waiting figures have been requested and Lorraine Payne from Citizen Services is attending the April Liaison meeting so these issues can be discussed directly with her.



Charter Performance update  (Stefan Kristmanns) – summary of action progress provided ahead of meeting as well as report on overdue actions and actions with no progress.


Some progress been made and only 4 actions are overdue ( down from 8 at last meeting ). Report shows actions with no progress or overdue and tenants were invited to ask any questions.

Frances asked about the homelessness action which shows no progress or updates and John confirmed that the action been pushed back but is getting focused on in the next 6 weeks via regular working group meetings and will get report updated. ACTION: John


Billy also asked about the delay in the publication about Housing  to 2040 and John confirmed that been delayed initially by Brexit and then by the pandemic but the Scottish Government  team tasked with the report are back in place and he thinks it will be published in Mid March and will be shared with the WDTRO. ACTION: John/Jane


Harry proposed that an update meeting be scheduled with Stefan to discuss further the Charter improvement plan and WDTRO happy for that to be arranged. ACTION: Harry/Stefan


Forward plan update (John Kerr)


John gave a financial update on the new build programme as previously advised that had had some overspends but had a positive meeting with Scottish Government and being allocated an additional £512,000 for new build programme. Also still negotiating for additional grant to cover additional costs for Dumbarton Harbour as original contractor went into liquidation at beginning of lockdown. New contractor in place and building is well under way but any additional grant will help Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  Scottish Government also agreed to front fund the acquisition of Bank Street, Willox Park care home site and Mount Pleasant care home site for future house building.

Tenant Design group meeting taken place and went well. John keen to ensure tenants are involved in designs right from start so this group will be ensured that.

Initial plans for Clydebank East site also open for public comments.


St Andrews handovers scheduled for February been delayed  due to additional soil sample certificates needed – no issues identified but unfortunate that affected a few new tenants move in dates. All others back on schedule.


All other new build sites all on schedule – Haldane, Aikenbar and Dumbarton Harbour all completing in next few months. Last few tenants moving into  Creveul Court  and community garden been handed over to the Leamy Foundation to develop and  maintain.


Future potential sites also being looked at – Clydebank health centre when it moves to Queens Quay but won’t know if note of interest accepted until end of the year.


Mary asked if the sale of Willox had been completed and John confirmed that it wasn’t yet and as is an internal sale from the Council’s General fund to housing will include the site being demolished first and then handed over to Housing. Asked what the timescale for the demolition was and John advised that had hoped for the sale to be concluded by end of March but looking tight for demolition to be done by then and John committed to getting an update from Consultancy Services. Update to also include plans for managing additional traffic at the site as at Willox Park there are no pavements and tenants concerned about traffic at the existing sheltered properties as only 2 entrance and exits. ACTION: John

Ruth raised tenant concerns about fire raising while the current building lies empty and Scott committed to ensuring additional patrols are restarted until the demolition is completed. ACTION: Scott


John also confirmed that still at design stage for the site but looking at additional 16-20 properties and would be sheltered housing to tie in with surrounding properties. Once site is in Housing hands John committed to ensuring there is regular communication to keep existing tenants up to date.


Query made about the site of the former Frank Downie House but John unsure as not a site they are looking at for housing development.


Query made about the Old Craft Street works down from Freelands Crescent in Old Kilpatrick but John unaware of site and will ask Planning for an update. ACTION: John


Query made about old Playdrome site as demolition starting – John confirmed will not be a social housing development and again Council will be doing demolition and then marketing the site.



Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)

Rent setting consultation – good response to online survey with 1344 tenants voting. The lowest rise of 1.5%,  Option 1 was the preferred rent option which is being put forward as the rent increase to the full Council meeting on 3/3. Having a pre-meeting with tenants, Diane and Peter to discuss the rent setting paper, like we do with HACC papers on Monday 1 March and tenants encouraged to read the paper and come along to the meeting. The rent setting response has improved but there are still improvements to be made to ensure the whole process is more meaningful and the WDTRO input on that is welcomed.

The Joint Rent Group continues to meet monthly and are working through the SHN toolkit to assess compliance with the HRA Guidance and will be used to identify the key areas that still need improved for the JRG to focus on.

Tenant Priority Budget – virtual public meeting held on  10 Feb  and 4 new projects were approved as well as the outstanding proposal for a limited laundry facility at Park Ct, Littleholm. Work will start on the agreed proposals once COVID restrictions allow.

Hanne working with the remaining TRAs that haven’t had virtual meetings so that all groups have the option to meet if they want. CATRA have now had a zoom meeting and she’ll focus on the others. Any group needing any digital support or communication help  should get in touch.

Training – a successful virtual training session held for 10 tenants on 23/2/21 on Speaking up for yourself and others which focused on confidence building and using  communication skills for positive outcomes.

Spring edition of Housing News out 12 March– any suggestions for things to be covered in future editions to contact Jane and staff too should also plan what they want to be telling tenants  about what they are doing.





June advised that cladding been done at Durban Avenue and looking really good but 2 tenanted properties at 121 and 123 Durban been missed and Alan will check out. ACTION: Alan Y


Frances asked if posters could be put up in multistory flats telling tenants about the out of hours service with contact details and Scott committed to doing that – service can be assessed via the ASB helpline and is manned every day until 2am. ACTION: Scott


It was also confirmed that the day caretakers finish at 2pm as part of the Health & Safety assessment of their work. Edward advised that the caretakers have worked throughout the pandemic with reduced duties as main focus was on cleaning touch-points. Their working times was reviewed as part of efforts to minimise potential exposure to the virus. Arrangements are regularly reviewed and essential duties are still done.



Date of meeting  - 2pm Thursday 22nd April, via Zoom