WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.70

Thursday 17th Dec 2020, 2pm Via Zoom

List of those present at meeting:

  • Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener (chaired meeting)
  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA
  • Billy Neeson - Westbridgend TRA
  • Mary Paton - Willox Park TRA
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA
  • Ruth Dickinson - Willox Park TRA
  • June Todd - WDTRO
  • Lucy Dunbar - Community Development Officer
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset and Investment Manager
  • Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • John Kerr Housing - Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Edward Thomas - Housing Operations Manager
  • Martin Feeney - Building Services Manager
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)
  • Hanne Thijs - Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)
No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies

Diane welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. No apologies received.



Illegal money lending project (Lucy Dunbar (WDC))


Joint Working4u and Trading Standards project, hoping to empower communities so that they have knowledge and information about alternatives to money lenders and where people can go for help. Making people aware of services available throughout WD about debt advice, welfare advice, employability service. Difficult to get evidence and prosecute money lenders so project focuses on giving advice and preventing people thinking money lenders are their only option.

WDC has been identified as having one of the worst rates of illegal money lending in Scotland. Tends to be women lending to women. Average amount borrowed is only £30 but on average will have to repay about £150. Lucy been made aware of money lenders operating in Silverton and Whitecrook – knocking on doors and target people more vulnerable.

Lucy is running finance classes to help people understand their finances better., access online banking, using direct debits to reduce costs etc.

Not yet set up but hoping to set up texting service for people to ask questions and advice.

Can also provide One to one support as everyone’s needs will be different and important to build up confidence.

Lucy is looking for referrals and her contact details are Lucy.dunbar@west-dunbarton.gov.uk  07741184283

Harry noted that pleased that service is available, and his group would be happy to promote and asked if any online information available - Lucy said that not yet but hoping to have this in the future and will share with Jane to circulate to the TRAs. Action: Jane

Diane asked for information to be shared with councillors too.

Lucy will also be using future editions of the Housing News to promote the project and update about outcomes.

Edward said that he is keen to take up offer of training for his staff, possibly starting in the areas that Lucy has identified that there is money lending activity. Asked about joint working with official money lenders and Lucy confirmed she’s working closely with local credit unions.

General agreement that really worthwhile project and Lucy was thanked for joining meeting.




Update on actions from previous minutes – (Jane Mack)


External full height screens on landings at Littleholm – still boarded as of last week. Edward has spoken to consultancy services, looking to get a paper to Better Homes group in February. Paper will look at specification/cost and then get back to WDTRO and local groups.


Lift communication – meeting has taken place, no update as Scott Mclelland off but positive feedback from tenants and awaiting update from Scott in the new year.


Repairs call handling data – Stephen Daly has agreed to attend a virtual meeting but off just now so will be February’s Liaison. Still looking for shortest and longest waiting time to put average waiting time in context so to be highlighted to Stephen.


District heating and longer term future of gas – meeting took place on 24 November. Local energy strategy being put together for whole of WDC which will give more targets and timescales- will wait for that to discuss future plans. Alan confirmed that district heating system at Queens Quay been tested and is working.  


Fire safety paper has gone to committee in November. Action also refers to  bin chutes and sockets being upgraded but  Jane noted that they not mentioned  in committee paper so asked if people were happy that the action was complete. Edward noted that paper based on recommendations within fire risk assessment and chutes and sockets not a fire risk but more an asset management  issue. Been  conversations about replacing chutes but access is a problem, major disruption for tenants and possible asbestos. Consultancy services have spoken to other landlords to see what solutions are available as many MSF s now in this situation , but no simple solutions.


Billy asked that if it is explained to new tenants about what not to put down chutes and Edward confirmed that they should, and he will re-iterate this to housing officers but is issue of some people not being sensible. Action: Edward


Frances raised that sockets weren’t being done – she had got one extra put in but then told couldn’t do any more. Edward said could discuss specifically with Frances. Have identified through pilot that sometimes limit to capacity of electrical boards and becomes a bigger rewiring job. Potential Capital programme and being looked at by Better Homes group. Action: ET/MF

Agreed fire safety aspect of action complete but would like update on socket and chute developments.


Tenants being involved in new build design group - will meet in the new year. Action: Martin


Building services area-based approach – still prioritising clearing repairs backlog and Martin to share consultation plan with group when it’s available. Action: David/Hanne


Littleholm laundry – David Lynch waiting on response with costings and then Hanne taking forward consultation with Littleholm tenants.


WDTRO not had chance to discuss how they want to be involved in Allocation policy review .Stefan gave update on ideas from steering group  - could be provided with options papers, could be involved in discussions. Trying to look at ways for tenants to influence outcomes. Frances confirmed that they want to be involved right from the start and  John happy to do that as  don’t want tenants’ view being asked for at end of process.- key policy that tenants can influence.


Stats for repairs performance, repairs cancellations, split between tenants not being in and staff not being showing up. No information on split.

346 – Nov, no access

310 – Oct, no access

Year to date – over 3,000 no access so is an issue of concern. Texting has now gone live, confirmation texts for date, text day before and half an hour before. Hoping that this will make a big difference and will report on progress. Action: Martin

Jane asked how it is reported if tradesperson does not turn up which is what tenants wanted to see in the split - Martin said that he will get this data off the system. Diane noted that people have raised concerns that tradesperson turn up and don’t have correct information about repair required. Martin confirmed that training on-going with citizen services to try and get accurate information.

Also looking at getting vans more materials for repairs so they can fix anything, regardless of how it’s been noted.

Appointments kept is 96%.

Stefan noted that breakdown can be added to quarterly figures. He also asked for more information on how many “no access” were where no appointment had been made and to when there is a set appointment as that is critical in relation to access. Action: Action: MF/SK

Billy noted private contractors such as City Technical not turning up on the date they say and also sometimes not turning up at all. Martin said that they are representing council, so their performance was monitored - was aware that some issues at Westbridgend but was also flagged that same issue at Kilbowie Court – tenants got letters but no City Tech on the day. There are performance management meetings between contractors and council and Martin will raise issue at next meeting. Action: Martin


Phone functionality to advice people on how long they will be waiting – confirmed that currently not possible, but Lorraine Payne from citizen services will look at whether this can be developed. Action: Edward


Poster for staff, to wear face masks. Draft available, will be printed and put up soon. Wil pass to TP to put on Facebook.


Notice boards to be tidied up before new posters added. Edward will put out email to team leaders to advise tidying up notice boards. Action: Edward


Repairs performance update (Martin Feeney)


Performance info shared on screen and Martin talked through it.

Still waiting on information for longest and shortest waiting times. Stephen Daly to come to next Liaison meeting to discuss this.


Timetable to clear backlog, trying to clear before the end of the financial year but will depend if change in Tier again. 


Stefan noted from earlier Joint Rent Group discussion, drop in average length of time could this be related to drop in numbers of calls coming in? Martin said that Stephen Daly would be better able to answer this. Recruitment and staff training ongoing to help improve performance.

Stefan asked if tenants happy with how information presented, and they confirmed they were.









Charter Performance update (Stefan Kristmanns)


Complex action plan with 50 actions so too lengthy to discuss at Liaison but met with WDTRO reps on 11/12 to go through detail . Frances voiced frustration that too many actions had  little or no progress and only 3 months left until they all meant to be completed. Stefan confirmed that same point been made at Housing Improvement Board and hopes that when meeting in New Year, more of these will be done and WDTRO will be updated.


Forward plan update (John Kerr)


New build programme ongoing with number of handover dates between Jan and July 2021. Some issues with Creuvel court, requires toughened glass for Juliet balconies.

Good news is that additional £3million Scottish Government funding been secured to help accelerate wider affordable new build programme - Bellsmyre and Queens Quay will benefit.

New build programme being negatively affected by council tax regulations. WDC’s enhanced space standards means higher than average CTAX banding as bandings don’t distinguish between private and rental properties. Bellsmyre (Band F) and Haldane (Band E) developments. WDC would prefer to have social housing council tax banding, lobbying Joint valuation Board regarding this and may be seeking tenant support in the new year.


Strategic Housing Investment Plan are approved at Nov. housing committee and actively looking at 11 potential sites for new developments including the Clydebank health centre site when it moves to Queens Quay, Bank Street, Lilac Avenue and Willox Park old care home.


Also looking at full assessment of current stock condition to look at making improvements. Will give more information at February’s Liaison meeting and allow for wider discussion.

Ruth raised a question about Willox Park care home and asked if current housing there will be improved too, and John confirmed that looking at options at incorporating whole site to make housing suitable for the future. 


Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)


Rent setting consultation well underway – information about the options and the freepost voting card been sent out to all tenants and been promoted on TP and Council’s social media and on the Council’s consultation webpage. Housing staff too been asked to encourage tenants to vote and vote on their behalf if no internet access. TRA s also asked to encourage their members and neighbours to use their vote to ensure a good response rate that we can say reflects the majority of tenants.


Tenant Priority Budget been badly affected by the lockdown as not essential so been affected by initial lockdown and then again when we went into Tier 4. Hanne been chasing up costs for the few proposals received this year and once received, we’ll be able to hold a virtual meeting in January to get them authorised. Work has been done when possible, to the outstanding work from last year like the raised beds at Willox Park, painting at Melfort Avenue etc.


TP Strategy review nearly completed –had 2 virtual discussion groups in November and draft Strategy going to February housing committee. Will also send a copy to the WDTRO and hope that as with previous Strategies they will be happy to contribute to the beginning of the Strategy.


All TRA’s are reminded that Hanne is available to help support them and can help them keep members involved and up to date and groups can just get in touch with her.


Mightynetworks been mentioned before and is a digital hub that you can use to share information and meeting notes and gives a chat facility which makes it more interactive than our TP webpages. Hanne has started working on it and will hopefully get more time in the New Year to get it up and running and available for tenants.


Winter edition of the HN is out, and thanks given to everyone who submitted articles and anyone wanting to make use of the Spring edition should get in touch and the deadline for articles is 8 Feb. 2021.



None raised and best wishes for Christmas and New Year were exchanged.


Date of meeting - 2pm Thursday 25th February, via Zoom

The WDTRO have confirmed their committee meetings for 2021 so the schedule for the Liaison meetings that are timed around them will also be confirmed and issued out as soon as possible.

To:  WDTRO liaison meeting
Person to: Stefan Kristmanns, Housing Development Co-ordinator

Date: 17 December 2020
Tel No:  07584 275749
Subject:  Charter Improvement Plan update



Social landlords are required to assess performance against the Charter Outcomes and develop an improvement plan based on this assessment on an annual basis. Our assessment of 2019/20 performance was carried out and our Charter Improvement Plan was subsequently approved by the Housing Improvement Board (HIB) on 26 October 2020 with managers being responsible for ensuring it’s implementation.

Main Issues

The implementation of the improvement plan is monitored by the HIB and it has been agreed that regular updates would also be provided to the WDTRO. This is done by providing a summary of progress to the WDTRO liaison meetings and also discussing progress in more detail with WDTRO Committee members at meetings arranged specifically for this. Current progress in terms of implementing the plan is outlined on the summary table below:


Charter Outcome Completed In Progress Overdue Total

Outcome 1 – Equalities






Outcome 2 - Communication






Outcome 3 - Participation






Outcome 4 - Quality of housing






Outcome 5 - Repairs, maintenance and improvements






Outcome 6 - Estate management, Anti-social behaviour






Outcome 7,8,9 - Housing Options






Outcome 10 – Access to housing






Outcome 11 - Tenancy sustainment






Outcome 12 - Homeless people






Outcome 13 - Value for Money (rent collection)






Outcome 13 - Value for money (void management)






Outcome 13 - Value for Money (factored owners)






Outcome 14,15 – Rents and service charges






Outcome 16 – Gypsy / Travellers













Meeting with WDTRO Committee members 11 December 2020

Our Charter Improvement Plan was discussed in detail with WDTRO Committee members at a meeting on 11 December 2020. Of the 52 actions within the improvement plan, 6 have been completed, 38 are in progress and 8 are overdue (some of these required reviewed due dates to be agreed). Many questions were asked about the detail of individual actions and progress in terms of implementation. Comment was also made around the number of actions that have yet to show any progress.

These meetings allow the WDTRO to have a better understanding of the actions we are taking to deliver improvements and monitor the progress we are making. The feedback received is that the meetings are useful, increases transparency and accountability and helps the WDTRO raise any issues of concern.

Copy of draft Annex to the Housing Allocations Policy

To be discussed at WDC/WDTRO Liaison meeting 22/10/20


This Annex to the Housing Allocations Policy outlines technical changes to the policy approved by the Housing and Communities Committee in November 2020 and outlines a timetable for a full review and update of the policy which will be carried out.

No Home for Domestic Abuse

“No Home for Domestic Abuse” is the Council’s zero tolerance policy approach to domestic abuse occurring within our properties. It provides victims/survivors of domestic abuse with access to practical help, legal assistance and support to allow them to remain if this is what they want.

The current Allocations Policy was approved prior to the our “No Home for Domestic Abuse” initiative being established.  To fully align the policy with this approach and to support victims to stay in their own homes and to make them feel safe, our Allocations Policy requires a flexibility to address the housing needs of perpetrators.

Council tenants who are victims of domestic abuse are offered a range of housing advice based on their circumstances to support them.

This includes:

  • Supporting victims to remain in their own home – including transferring the tenancy into their own name where possible. Support includes making the victim feels safe and security measures such as lock changes;
  • Supporting victims to gain legal information and advice;
  • Supporting victims to access specialist domestic abuse support; and
  • Providing suitable alternative safe and secure accommodation via the homeless service.

The Council:

  • will use the full scope of Anti-Social Behaviour powers in conjunction with Housing and Matrimonial Homes Legislation to legally remove perpetrators if we need to;
  • recognises that in order to support victims to stay in their own homes and to make them feel safer we must also address the housing needs of perpetrators. Those found guilty of committing domestic abuse will be offered short-term or permanent tenancies dependant on their circumstances and appropriately distanced from the victim.

This is in line with the Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Bill, which if passed by Parliament will allow social landlords to end or transfer a tenancy of a perpetrator of domestic abuse to prevent a victim becoming homeless and enabling them to remain in the family home.

New Build for Specific Needs

The Council is committed to delivering new housing as part of our More Homes West Dunbartonshire approach   Where the complex specific needs of a household cannot be met via the existing housing stock and construction of a specialist property is agreed as part of the new-build programme, the property may be pre-allocated prior to completion at the discretion of a Senior Housing Manager to ensure that these specific identified needs are met.

Allocations Policy Review

The Housing and Communities Committee agreed the current Housing Allocations Policy in November 2017, following the implementation of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014.

It was agreed that a full review of the policy would take place in 3 years, however the Covid-19 pandemic delayed this work and the following timetable for a full review and update of the policy was agreed in November 2020:

4. Allocations Policy Review
Details End Date

Research and pre consultation:

  • Establish working groups for each section to be reviewed
  • Interim Committee Paper for November outlining changes and timeframes
  • Carry out consultation on any proposed changes

Oct/Nov 2020

Develop drafts of any areas being refreshed and share with working groups

  • Use consultation feedback to shape review

Dec 2020 – Mar 2021

Review of Allocation Policy Review report to Housing and Communities Committee

May 2021

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.68

Thursday 22nd October 2020, 2pm Via Zoom


Name Position

Councillor Diane Docherty

Housing Convener

Frances McGonagle

Littleholm TRA (chaired meeting)

Billy Neeson

Westbridgend TRA

Polly Wheelans

Littleholm TRA

Harry McCormack

Tullichewan TRA

June Todd


Jamie Docherty

Housing Development Officer

Scott McClelland

Area Co-ordinator – Ward 2 &3

Stefan Kristmanns

Housing Development Co-ordinator

David Lynch

Area Co-ordinator –Wards 4,5a and 5b

John Kerr

Housing Development & Homelessness Manager

Edward Thomas

Housing Operations Manager

Martin Feeney

Building Services Manager

Alan Young

Housing Asset & Investment Manager

Jane Mack

Snr Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation)

Hanne Thijs

Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.68 - Thursday 22nd October 2020, 2pm Via Zoom
No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies


Apologies received from Georgia McGambley




Update on actions from previous minutes – (Stefan Kristmanns)


Landing window supply - still outstanding and will be prioritised as soon as possible. Action: Edward


Working group to improve tenant communication when lifts are off – Scott to contact tenants to arrange meeting and committed to doing so for next meeting. Action: Scott


Call handling – report received from Martin. Now a standing agenda item so will be discussed later in meeting.


District heating and improving energy efficiency in properties–briefing note been produced by Alan and John McKenna and sent to Jane to circulate. Jane to circulate and provide possible dates for virtual meeting. Action: Jane


Fire safety report – Edward confirmed that a report is going to Nov housing committee and can be discussed at pre-HACC Forum (2/11) and Edward can answer and any questions.


Design group – Hanne and Dawn putting together group of tenant volunteers. Will possibly look at meetings for new year in-line with new Social Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). 


Building services plans for area-based approach to repairs – written update provided and currently focusing on clearing repair backlog first. Pilot of an area-based approach been agreed in principle with Housing subject to consultation and agreement. Full consultation timetable being put together and will be shared with the group. Action: Martin


Littleholm laundry proposal– Options being reviewed. David to chase up a response from consultancy services regarding costs and will then arrange a meeting to discuss. Action: David


Allocation Policy Review (John Kerr)


Report going to housing committee in November and a copy of the main changes issued ahead of Liaison meeting. Over-due a review of the Allocation Policy and been pushed back to beginning of next year to allow time for full consultation and a new policy will go to committee in May. The changes outlined in Nov report are to amend the policy to incorporate changes already agreed through other strategies like the “No Home for Domestic Abuse”, care leavers protocol and to ensure new build of specialist properties are allocated to meet those specific, complex needs.


Consideration being given to how to consult this time. John asked how the WDTRO would like this consultation to be done, either with WDTRO or as a tenant/officer working group. Could be standing agenda item at WDTRO Liaison meetings. Jane raised that working group would be good to involve future tenants. Billy noted would be good for progress to be a standing item.

John asked for WDTRO to discuss and confirm back how they would like to be involved. Action: WDTRO


Social Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) Update (Jamie Dockery)


Presentation on SHIP based on report shared on screen. Outlined the Council and Housing Association plans for new builds up to 2026. Still a need and ambition to build but numbers will be determined by the level of grant funding made available. Other obstacle is availability of sites as sites left are more likely to have complications that increase costs.

Question raised by Billy if internet access being considered in new homes? Jamie confirmed that requirement for home office space has been added and option for internet connection being looked at. Pandemic has made all housing providers rethink what is needed.


Question from June about exact location of the site at bottom of Mount Blow and concerns about traffic as when was housing before, less cars and no vehicle access to properties. Jamie confirmed looking at site off Lilac Avenue. Is a small site due to the slope and looking at energy efficiency proposals due to exposure of site. Likely to be just about 30 units but appreciated road access issues and these would be considered carefully.



Repairs performance update (Martin)


Repairs performance information shared on screen for Q2 (July – Sept). Q2 figures have gone down from Q1 as restrictions allowed them to do more types of repairs and surveys but still needed to comply with restrictions in how workforce operate. Satisfaction level only fell slightly but was pointed out is only a 2% response rate.

Call handling stats show level of waiting times and number of calls abandoned. Martin advised that had been a working group set up to improve tenant contact with repairs. Diane welcomed this and highlighted that councillors also concerned about repairs performance and will be monitoring this along with tenants.


Jane raised question from tenants at Joint Rent Group about cancelled repairs as not clear if tenant or council cancelled them? Martin explained that this can be due to tenant not being in. Looking at using texting on IHMS to remind tenants of appointments. Frances raised those tradespeople also not always turning up to appointments.

Diane asked for stats on repair cancellations and how many are due to tenants not in and how many tradespeople not turning up. Also enquired about text service as thought that was in place. Martin confirmed that not currently working and is being worked on. John confirmed that issue been escalated with system provider Areon and a report being put together for IHMS Board and happy to share report with WDTRO. Action: Martin & John


Frances asked for stats on longest and shortest call waiting time as previously requested as average not always useful. Action: Martin


Stefan raised call handling discussion at joint rent group and that current system doesn’t tell people how long they might wait and if this is possible? Martin not sure if is part of current functionality or would be an upgrade and will speak to citizen services. Online services should help ease pressure on contact centre as will leave phones more open to those who can’t/ don’t want to use on-line reporting. Action: Martin



COVID measures ( Edward Thomas / Scott McLelland)


Scott advised of new workplace guidance related to face coverings which mean that care takers and other staff will be wearing facemasks inside buildings as well as social distancing at 2 meters. Wanted to make tenants aware of these new measures.


Edward raised that nothing binding on tenants to wear facemasks in common areas but would like to encourage tenants to do so too. Frances agreed that reasonable for tenants to be encouraged. Discussed need for any communication to be clear and easily understood and Edward will work with Comms team to produce suitable posters re wearing facemasks. Action: Edward


Jane raised that noticeboards in multi-storey flats often overfilled and information partially covered and recommended that these are tidied up before any new posters added. Action: Scott


Stefan raised that message could also be shared via Housing News and TP Facebook page. Action: Scott/TP










Charter Performance update (Stefan Kristmanns)


Stefan advised that all teams in last few months have carried out an assessment of 19/20 performance. Charter improvement plan to be agreed at housing improvement board on Monday (26/10/2020).

Meeting also arranged with Harry and Frances on 6th November to discuss the action plan and if there are particular areas the WDTRO would like to focus on. Regular updates on the action plan will also be given at Liaison meetings.




Forward plan update (John Kerr)


John advised that the first handover of new builds since pandemic taking place at Haldane development and more planned over next few months.


Demolition of flats at Clydebank East now finished and plans for site being developed.


Dumbarton harbour has had problems, previous contractor had gone into liquidation. New contractor in place now but costs have gone up significantly by £970,000. Positive dialogue with Scottish Government for increased funds to cover increased costs.


Working with asset management team looking at more possible sites including Willox Park.


Diane asked about guttering being cleaned when cladding is being done as scaffolding is up and more efficient to do together. Edward advised he has already raised with Alan and generally they do get done. Most contractors happy to do or give access for Council to do but has been a problem with one specific contractor in Clydebank and Diane asked to provide address after meeting for Edward to check out. Action: Diane/Edward


Alan and Martin left the meeting.



Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)


TP activities fully functioning remotely.


Scrutiny Panel finished report on medical adaptations and being presented to Housing Improvement Board on 26/10.


Hanne working with TRAs to support them stay in touch with their members and the wider community - number are making more use of FB , zoom or newsletters. Any group needing support should get in touch with Hanne.


Chromebooks being bought to enable more WDTRO members to get online and will look for more funding opportunities to buy more as digital contact remains so important.


Interest in an idea from Highland Council who are using a digital hub called ‘Mighty Networks‘ as a way of creating a digital community to bring people together. Digital hub to share information and meeting notes – different TRAs, Scrutiny Panel could have their own private section and gives a chat facility which makes it more engaging.  Being considered for TP and would like the WDTROs views. WDTRO to consider if they would support such a development. Action: WDTRO


Survey on TP strategy still online and staff and tenants urged to complete this. Virtual focus groups (one afternoon, one in evening) also being set up and dates will be confirmed next week.


Tenant Priority Budget – Repairs are costing up proposals that have been received and a virtual meeting set up as soon as they are costed up.


Rent setting consultation – process of drafting budgets more difficult this year due to the impacts and uncertainties of COVID but being worked through by Finance and housing and consultation plans will be made as soon as that’s done.


November HACC- papers due out and electronic versions will be emailed as soon as available and paper copies delivered next week. The Pre-HACC Forum is on Monday 2/11 at 10am for tenants to discuss the papers together and 11am with Diane and the paper authors. Action: All


Jane asked for permission to take a screenshot of meeting to use in Housing News and all agreed.



Frances requested info on where One Stop Shop in Clydebank is as tenant looking for a new fob. Scott advised that Housing Officers , David or himself can be contact for fobs. He will check what offices are open and provide update on this to Jane for Housing News and Facebook. Action: Scott



Date of meeting - 2pm Thursday 17th December, via Zoom

West Dunbartonshire Tenants & Residents Organisation (WDTRO)

Climate Change & Net Zero Housing

Summary Brief (Draft)

The global climate is changing at a considerable rate.  The Met Office detailed how since 1884, the 10 warmest years recorded have occurred since 2002, whereas the top 10 coldest years were recorded before 1970.

In Scotland, climate averages between 2009-2018 compared to averages for 1981-2010 show that:

  • Temperatures have increased by 0.3°C; and
  • Summers have been on average 11% wetter and winters 5% wetter.

Overall, in Scotland:

  • Changes in our climate will accelerate, with winters becoming warmer and wetter; and hotter summers with changing patterns and intensities of rainfall;
  • By the 2050’s Scotland could see summer temperatures increased by 4-5 degrees Celsius, with 40-60% more winter rainfall in places if no action is taken to reduce carbon emissions;
  • Rates of sea-level rise are predicted to increase at an accelerated rate, with a global sea level increase of between 0.56 -1.12 metres by 2100 under a high emissions scenario; and
  • Weather extremes will become increasingly the norm.
  • Overall average temperatures will continue to increase (Figure 1.)

Figure 1. Overall temperature change in Scotland from 1890 until 2019.  Note the significant increase in temperature from the mid 1980’s until now.


Legal and policy drivers

In a drive towards a low carbon economy, the Scottish Government set world leading Climate Change targets to reduce Scotland’s carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, with an interim reduction of 42% by 2020.  In 2014 this interim target was met and exceeded (45.8%), leading to a new target set for a reduction of 50% for 2020. These targets present Scotland with significant social and economic opportunities, as well as challenges, and required a range of actions across society and the economy.  The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, which details these targets, is unanimously regarded as the most ambitious Climate Change legislation anywhere in the world.

In Scotland’s latest climate plan - ‘Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 (RPP3)’, further expectations are placed on the public sector to increasingly demonstrate how its own operations are driving down emissions.  RPP3 sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.  Since the publication of RPP3, a Climate Emergency has been announced by Scotland’s First Minister, followed by new national emissions reduction targets and the ‘Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019’ which details new emission reduction targets for Scotland.    These are:

  • 56% reduction by 2020;
  • 75% reduction by 2030;
  • 90% reduction by 2040; and
  • ‘Net Zero’ emissions by 2045.

To achieve this, the decarbonisation of the domestic housing and non-domestic building sectors will be key to achieving a net zero Scotland by 2045.  This ambition is matched by the following policy and strategy documents, providing guidance on what we should be doing with all Scotland’s building stock starting immediately:

National, EU and UN/IPCC policy

What is Net Zero?

Net zero’ refers to achieving an overall balance between emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere. Simply, this means that for all the emissions produced there must be mitigating actions in place to remove the same level of emissions from the atmosphere.  Net zero does not mean that there should be no emissions, just that they must be balanced through emission reduction interventions. This is illustrated in the diagram below.  The interventions range from land-use change methods, tree-planting, peatland restoration, investing in carbon-offsetting charities, technical solutions that draw carbon from the air, or Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). 

CO2 diagram of above

What this means for WDC and the wider domestic sector in Scotland?

Committee on Climate Change (CCC): Reducing UK Emissions – 2020 Progress Report to Parliament

  • A switch to low-carbon heating. From 2025, all new build homes will need to be built with low-carbon heating. The UK's 29m existing residential dwellings, and all commercial and public buildings, will need to switch away from fossil fuelled boilers towards low-carbon heating sources.
  • Furthermore, we must phase out the installation of all new gas boilers by 2035 at the latest. This means that any decision we make or any projects we are planning should already be including low-carbon heating as a replacement of gas or other fossil fuel heating types.

The ‘Energy Efficient Scotland Programme’

Energy Efficient Scotland is a 20 year programme containing a set of actions aimed at making Scotland’s existing buildings near zero carbon wherever feasible by 2050, and in a way that is socially and economically sustainable.  It has two main objectives:

  • Removing poor energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through more energy efficient buildings and decarbonising our heat supply.

It’s vision is, by 2040, Scotland’s homes and buildings are warmer, greener and more efficient.  To achieve this they have set the following targets:

  • Domestic sector - By 2040, all Scottish homes are EPC C (where technically feasible and cost effective).
  • Non-Domestic Sector – Our non-domestic buildings will be assessed and improved to the extent this is technically feasible and cost effective by 2040.

These overall targets can only be achieved if we are to quickly and radically change the way we approach energy efficiency in our homes and all other buildings.  It must be set at the core of what we do when carrying out retrofit and new builds.  The following table highlights the targets we must achieve.

EPC standards

EPC standards
Social Housing Private Rented Owner-Occupied Fuel Poor Households
  • Maximise the number of social rented homes achieving EPC B by 2032, and to include air quality and environmental impact requirements.
  • No social housing should be let if the energy efficiency rating is lower than EPC D.


Private rented homes to be:

  • EPC E by 2022;
  • EPC D by 2025; and
  • EPC C by 2030

(Where technically feasible and cost effective.)



  • All owner-occupied homes to reach EPC C by 2040 (where technically feasible and cost effective).



  • All homes with households in fuel poverty to reach EPC C by 2030 and EPC B by 2040 (where technically feasible and cost effective).



Homes in the social rented sector are some of the most energy efficient in Scotland, with over 90% already achieving an EPC D or above. We want to continue the excellent progress that has been made.

People living in private rented accommodation generally live in homes that have poorer energy efficiency than elsewhere in the domestic sector.

Owner occupied homes account for 61% of domestic housing and around 34% of these are EPC C or above.

There were around 649,000 households living in fuel poverty in 2016, of which 79% lived in homes rated below an EPC C. These are our most vulnerable households and improving the energy efficiency of their homes will have a significant impact on their heating bills.

Building standards

Strive towards a higher energy efficiency and sustainability standard for our homes and buildings. This will require moving towards the highest sustainability standard as set out by the Scottish Domestic Sustainability Building Handbook.

  • Look to prioritise retrofit of existing dwellings and buildings over new build. Ensure that retrofit strives towards the highest sustainability standard set out in the Scottish Sustainability Building Handbook; or similar retrofit standard such as ‘EnerPHit’ *1.
  • When new build is necessary, strive towards the highest sustainability standard set out in the Scottish Sustainability Building Handbook; a net zero building standard; or similar building standard such as ‘Passivhaus’ *2 (where technically feasible and cost effective).

*1 A standard for an economically and ecologically optimal energy retrofit, for old buildings that cannot achieve Passive House Standard with reasonable effort. (PHI).

*2 A voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building's ecological footprint.  It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.



  • Fuel poverty – if we are to convert our heating to electricity, costs of electricity must be reduced to prevent increased fuel poverty as a result of more expensive electricity bills. The cost of gas is still too low and this must be considered going forward.
  • Nationwide shift towards alternative ‘greener’ fuels for heating – decisions still must be made at a national or international level on the feasibility of retrofitting and converting the gas network to include greener alternatives such as hydrogen and biogas. Both of which have their own challenges. 
  • Holistic approach – Local Authorities and many other organisations must take a holistic approach to energy efficiency in the domestic and non-domestic sector. There is no ‘silver bullet’ that can help us with this, it most definitely will be a ‘mix’ of various technologies and interventions including building fabric improvements, renewables, District Heating, electricity and hydrogen.  This will vary depending on the project, area and/or approach we take as a Local Authority.
  • Capital costs – Local Authorities will likely need to invest more money in higher energy efficiency standards, low/no carbon heating systems and more sustainable building materials and construction practices. More funding will become more available from UK and Scottish Governments to help, but it still requires more investment from councils .
  • A better understanding of Whole-Life Costs (WLC) and avoidable environmental impacts of purchasing and construction. This will include (but not limited to):
    • Understanding where materials are sourced;
    • Measuring the environmental impacts of their extraction and development;
    • Avoiding carbon emissions from transport and supply chain;
    • Reducing the environmental impacts of Land Use Change (LUC) if the development is new-build;
    • Avoiding construction materials that may have additional pollutants and off-gases;
    • Measuring and avoiding the environmental impacts of disposing or recycling construction waste;
    • Reusing existing construction materials from other projects or demolitions; and
    • Measuring the ‘embodied’ carbon of existing buildings over new builds.


Financial support for tenants

  • HEEPS: Warmer Homes Scotland scheme – assistance from the Scottish Government to help private sector tenants and homeowners struggling to heat their home and who meet the qualifying criteria.
  • Energy Company Obligation (ECO) - Low income and vulnerable households could be eligible for support with insulation and heating through the Energy Company Obligation.


Contact Home Energy Scotland

  • If you would like help, please call 0808 808 2282to speak to their advisors at Home Energy Scotland
  • Their trained advisors can carry out a Home Energy Check over the phone and give you practical advice on how to save energy and reduce your energy bills They can also let you know if there are benefits, credits or funding you may be eligible for but may not know about. And they could also advise you if you are eligible for discounted energy rates.  

Write to your landlord

  • As a tenant you can also write to your landlord and ask them to consider helping make the property you are renting more energy efficient. Energy saving measures don’t have to be costly as there is funding and free impartial advice available to landlords

Quick fixes

  • In the meantime, there are lots of ways you can improve the energy efficiency of your home which don’t involve major changes to the property. Learn more about our quick fixes for improving your homeand saving money on fuel bills.


Financial support for residents

  • Contact Home Energy Scotland directly or go on the grants and loans section of their website to find out what financial support can be provided for you to improve energy efficiency at your home. As a resident or homeowner there are more grants or funding options available to you.
  • HEEPS: Warmer Homes Scotland scheme – assistance from the Scottish Government to help private sector tenants and homeowners struggling to heat their home and who meet the qualifying criteria.
  • Energy Company Obligation(ECO) - Low income and vulnerable households could be eligible for support with insulation and heating through the Energy Company Obligation.

Contact Home Energy Scotland

  • If you would like help, please call 0808 808 2282 to speak to their advisors at Home Energy Scotland
  • Their trained advisors can carry out a Home Energy Check over the phone and give you practical advice on how to save energy and reduce your energy bills They can also let you know if there are benefits, credits or funding you may be eligible for but may not know about. And they could also advise you if you are eligible for discounted energy rates.  

Quick fixes

  • In the meantime, there are lots of ways you can improve the energy efficiency of your home which don’t involve major changes to the property. Learn more about our quick fixes for improving your homeand saving money on fuel bills


Queens Quay DHN;

The Queens Quay district heating system is nearing the completion of the fit out portion of the Energy Centre. The fit out in principally complete with the commissioning of the system and its individual components almost complete. The Water Source Heat Pumps are now operational and last week were run to full operating temperature and tested. The network and thermal store has since been charged with hot water and heat was supplied to the Clydebank Care home last Friday. This week we are aiming to get heat on to Titan Enterprise Centre and Aroura House with Clydebank Leisure Centre to follow shortly thereafter. We are currently investigating the comparison cost of doing a gas boiler replacement in the town hall and library against the installation for the district heating, but stress gas is not the future. We are in negotiation with Clydebank College and The Golden Jubilee Hospital regarding connecting both of them to the network.

We are currently developing a pilot Local Heat and Energy Efficiency strategy (LHEES)

The project will seek to identify local solutions to reduce emissions from buildings and tackle fuel poverty across all building types within the town of Clydebank. It is proposed that the project will identify opportunities for expansion of the Queens Quay District Heating network which is currently being developed centrally within this area. The project will also explore the feasibility and costs of other energy efficiency measures across this area and build on existing EWI programmes, explore alternative heating solutions and opportunities with a focus on solutions and technologies around energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation.

The 20 strategy will strive towards achieving net zero emissions from buildings by 2045 and removing poor energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty.

All analysis on fuel poverty will use the latest poverty definition as laid out in the Fuel Poverty (Scotland) Act 2019.

West Dunbartonshire Council aims to ensure that tenants’ homes are well maintained, with repairs and improvements carried out when required and with a reasonable choice about when work is done.

Our promise is that:

  • we will aim to carry out repairs quickly
  • we will aim to ensure that repairs are completed Right First Time
  • we will aim to keep repairs appointments when these are made
  • we will aim to carry out an annual gas safety check in all properties where this is required
  • we will ask you how satisfied you are and demonstrate how we have used your feedback to improve our services


Charter Performance Indicator Q1 value Q2 value Q3 value Q4 value Q2 target Q2 target met
Average time taken to complete emergency repairs (hours)






Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs (days)






% of reactive repairs completed right first time






Number of times failed to complete a gas safety check within 12 months






% of tenants satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service








Contextual data
Contextual data Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Repairs appointments made




Repairs appointments kept




% of repairs appointments kept




Number of appointed repairs cancelled





Repairs satisfaction response rate 2020/21
Repairs satisfaction response rate 2020/21 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Number of emergency repairs completed in quarter




Number of non-emergency repairs completed in quarter




Number of surveys completed




response rate





Repairs satisfaction breakdown 2020/21
Repairs satisfaction breakdown 2020/21 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

very satisfied








neither satisfied nor dis-satisfied









very dis-satisfied










Skills Calls Presented Calls Handled Calls Abandoned % of Presented Calls % Calls Handled % Calls Abandoned Avg Handle Time Avg Queue Time





































The Housing Repairs Contact Centre telephony performance for August 2020 is reported above. The figures reported show an increase of 29% in calls received in August 2020 when compared with July 2020.  The increase in the number of calls presented reflects a similar 29% increase to that reported in July 2020 and indicates a growing demand in requests both for repairs and information.

A new working group has been established with representatives from the IHMS Project Team, Citizen Services, CAS and Building Services.  The aim of the group is to look at the process for receiving, recording and appointing repairs.  This is welcomed by Citizen Services and will help identify system issues, training requirements and improve working relationships. 

As noted above the highest number of calls received is from tenants requesting an update on an outstanding or existing repair (36% of calls) or to report an emergency (35% of calls).  It is hoped the working group will help in understanding any issues and working to address this. 

Training is being completed for staff from our face-to-face team and they are already providing support to the Repairs Contact Centre.  The support provided has been invaluable especially with the continuing increase in call volumes noted above.  Our concern remains capacity to manage call volumes as services offered are increased.  As noted above the number of calls not answered increased in August 2020 when compared with July 2020 and this is despite having increased resourcing available. 

We continue to work on customer satisfaction and are seeking guidance on both numbers to be completed and details of tenants to follow up.  As highlighted previously the move to the new QL system means tenants now have the opportunity to complete a survey on the operatives device or opt for telephone follow up.  This has reduced the numbers which are coming to Citizen Services.  We are working with Building Services to ensure information is available to enable completion of the required number of surveys.   


Stephen Daly

September 2020

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.68
Thursday 27th August 2020, 2pm Via Zoom


  • Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener (chair)
  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Harry McCormack - Tullichewan TRA
  • Janette Donlin - Dalmuir TRA
  • Scott McClelland - Area Co-ordinator – Ward 2 &3
  • Stefan Kristmanns - Housing Development Co-ordinator
  • Peter Barry - Strategic Lead
  • Joanne Sutherland - Homelessness service co-ordinator
  • David Lynch - Area Co-ordinator –Wards 4,5a and 5b
  • John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness Manager
  • Edward Thomas - Housing Operations Manager
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset & Investment Manager
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer ( Tenant Participation )
  • Tracy Crichton - Housing Co-ordinator – wards 1 & 6
  • Tom Black - Technical officer
  • Hanne Thijs - Housing Development Officer (Tenant Participation) (minute taker)


Thursday 27th February 2020, 2pm at Dalmuir Community Centre, Clydebank.
No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Billy Neeson, Polly Wheelans and Suzanne Bannister


Update re discussion at full Council meeting 26/8/20

Peter Barry joined meeting to give clarification and discuss any concerns the WDTRO had regarding discussion about HRA and DLO that took place at full Council meeting on 26/8 in relation to a paper on the impacts of COVID. Downturn of DLO through lockdown, still paying wages, but had no income. Some staff were furloughed, 80% of wages covered, 20% had to be covered by Council. One of the options in the Council paper was to explore whether HRA could fund the DLO’s lost income. Been discussed by COSLA and Audit Scotland happy to give Councils this flexibility. Councillors raised concern about this option at Council meeting and the potential £2.1m gap in DLO total budget . Only part of this figure is likely to be considered from HRA as some of these costs may still be recovered through work completed in the rest of the year. Too early to say what the final financial impact on DLO will be. If this money were to come from HRA, clear cost would need to be confirmed, would need to consult with tenants and would need to consult with Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). Peter wanted to clarify the situation with tenants as this is likely to be discussed widely and emphasised that long way from any agreement and that JRG and WDTRO would be fully consulted.

Frances advised she had listen to the Council discussion and had been concerned but happy to hear Peter’s clarification and assurances about consultation.

Peter Barry left the meeting


Update on actions from previous minutes – (Stefan Kristmanns)

Windows at West Court, no written update. Edward Thomas advised no progress due to Covid and will get prioritised when possible in next couple of months.

Working group to review communication when lifts not working - Scott will look at getting a group meeting set up before the next Liaison and provide an update then. ACTION: Scott McLelland

Repair call handling information - Stefan discussed call handling stats provided and Cllr Docherty asked for stats from non-Covid affected months and more information on average waiting time . Suzanne confirmed that monthly reports go to DLO Board so Stefan to get these and have as a regular agenda item so can build up trend information and monitor performance. Waiting time is key area for tenants – average waiting time given so also want to know what is longest and shortest waiting time in relation to average. ACTION: Stefan Kristmanns

District heating – no progress due to Covid. Alan Young been in touch with John McKenna to let him know WDTRO meetings have resumed, to then provide update. Jane requested that written info is provided as can be technical and tenants need time to digest before discussion. ACTION: Alan Young

Fire safety report – Edward Thomas noted consultant has resumed work on report. Looking to get report to committee in November and so will be discussed at Pre-HACC Forum.

Tenant involvement for new build design – John Kerr will update on this in his Forward Plan update on the agenda. Have completed a survey of new tenants of recent new build projects and a report on their views is available. Frances noted that doors should be considered for new builds as there are accessibility issues for people with disabilities.


Building Services -Information circulated ahead of meeting.

Tom Black discussed briefing note. Confirmed that not all staff back to work, some still furloughed and hoping as we move into Sept, more staff are back at work. Backlog is declining, had initially concentrated on external repairs but now also doing internal. Plans to work within localised areas to get backlog down further being looked at. Frances and Jane asked for clarity as previously told this option was no longer being considered and had agreed that move to this method of working would need tenant consultation. Alan Young clarified that Martin Feeney had had discussions with other stakeholders and the backlog would be cleared before looking at new method of dealing with repairs.

Action : Jane to contact Martin Feeney for confirmation and Cllr Docherty to be included in email.


Housing Operations - Information circulated ahead of meeting

Scott McClelland gave update on new neighbourhood team. During lockdown were vital in dealing with vulnerable tenants and once lockdown eased brought in full job specs. Been very busy, on patrol to midnight every day. Feedback has been positive and high visibility of staff been well received. Also dealing with emergencies and ASB concerns and Scott happy with how they are integrating into caretaker service.
Neighbourhood team can act as professional witnesses and been successful in dealing with incident witnessed at West Court Multi storey flats of people throwing things out of a window, they contacted police and can go to court if necessary. Team very enthusiastic and Scott getting lots of ideas from them. ASB officers will be mobile and back in areas within next few weeks, working within government guidelines. Scott will let WDTRO know when they are fully active. Frances confirmed that neighbourhood team been fabulous ,they are on the ball and visible.

David Lynch gave an update on caretakers who since lockdown adopted a Covid-19 awareness cleaning routine focusing on touch plates, handrails etc. David acknowledged drop in some of their duties to allow them to focus on Covid cleaning. Neighbourhood care-taking team now available at weekends so have a caretaking service 365 days a year from 8am to 4pm.

Tracy Crichton gave update on housing officers who are working from home and been contacting tenants to check if any support needs. Initially dealing with homeless lets and emergency calls but since end of June introduced mainstream lets, completing viewings and sign ups with PPE, social distancing in place. Also doing inspections in areas. Moving towards normal practice but not fully there yet.

Edward Thomas noted that staff working very hard, thanked tenants for patience during lockdown and recovery plan and asked for continued patience as moved through recovery phases.


Update on work agreed through Tenant Priority Budget 2019/20

A lot of work which had been halted due to lockdown is being restarted. Outstanding work on the spreadsheet being progressed by Tom and Craig.

In relation to Littleholm laundry option which had been a proposal from previous year so not on the spreadsheet, David Lynch confirmed that had conducted joint inspection with building services and architects and has drawings and costings to consider – work has a lot of additional complications with regard to plumbing and wiring. There are options and David will arrange a local meeting with tenants to discuss and invite architect Leong Lee too. ACTION: David Lynch


Forward Plan Update ( info provided by John Kerr)

John Kerr shared video of one of the 126 units at the St Andrews development. First handovers end of Sept. New handover processes due to Covid-19 and will use more digital content for user guides on heating etc but still have physical handbooks. Will be a break in handovers from 10th Dec over festive period as not fair to tenants to move at this time so any slippage on site might mean more moving in 2021. Going to use “show home” model to help with viewings.

John reminded group of desire to set up a new tenant design group to look at enhanced specifications and energy efficiency measures for future housing – was tenant interest and John will send out invites as soon as possible. ACTION: John Kerr

New social housing will be important for providing new homes and also for economic recovery so want to be developing ambitious but achievable plans for the future and are assessing all HRA sites for suitability


Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)

A summer TP Update was issued 3/8 and emailed to Housing teams, TRA members and elected members. Focused on introducing Hanne , encouraging new proposals for the Tenant Priority Budget and the review of the TP Strategy.
Autumn edition of the Housing News being put together and will be a full 8 page edition and due to be posted to tenants around 23 Sept.
The annual report on TP progress is going to Housing committee on 2/9 and the paper includes a copy of the Strategy action plan and performance report. The Strategy survey is to help gather views on what is currently working and what needs improved so tenants and staff are encouraged to give their views. ACTION: Staff and tenants

Will also review what other consultation can be done depending on how lockdown restrictions change. The new Strategy is planned to go to February 2021 committee and survey is open until the end of October.

Throughout lockdown kept in touch with most of our active tenants by phone and our FB page has been an important way to keep in touch and to help spread useful information and support for people. The Scrutiny Panel , JRG and the WDTRO meetings are all taking place via zoom so most of our participation activities have been sustained – only face to face meetings not happening so means some TRAs not been meeting but Hanne will be contacting them after the summer recess and see what support can be given. Some groups been using zoom and FB to keep in touch and been going really well. ACTION: Hanne
Have put together some COVID guidance and any group with questions or any concerns should just get in touch. There are no plans to open offices up for meetings so virtual meetings will remain in place but we’ll also do more to get paper copies of material out to people to aid participation at virtual meetings. Lockdown has brought difficulties but there are also opportunities as many people are more aware of the community around them so we want to make the most of that too.

Harry McCormack acknowledged hard time but Facebook been good for Tullichewan TRA and helped them link in to other services for the community and been more interest in the TRA due to them keeping people up to date.



Frances McGonagle asked if anyone knew when Lady of Loretto Nursery was opening again – Jane to find out and confirm



Date of meeting - 2pm Thursday 22nd October, via Zoom

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.
Thursday 25th June, 2020 via Zoom video conferencing

Present: Jane Mack, Hanne Thijs (minute taker), John Kerr ( chaired), Edward Thomas, Frances McGonagle, Harry McCormack, Joanne Sutherland, Jacqui Peacock, Martin Feeney and Alan Young


WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No. Thursday 25th June, 2020 via Zoom video conferencing
No. Item

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Councillor Diane Docherty,Douglas Clark, Maureen Dempsey, Polly Wheelans, Billy Neeson, Janette Donlin and Georgia McCambley



JK welcomed everyone and thanked the members of the WDTRO who have been involved in engagement activities during the pandemic, he said that the council is appreciative of the hard work and patience and that it is important for tenants to remain involved as things change.

He noted that the council is now moving from the response phase to the recovery phase and feedback from tenants is an important part of that.


Repairs restart plan

MF first apologised for sending out the briefing note late yesterday, he noted that information from the Scottish Government is updating frequently which means that the repairs service are having to move their work patterns continually.

MF spoke through the repair restart briefing note, highlighting that the service has been working with reduced staffing levels with team of about 70/80 providing emergency repairs, other staff redeployed and about 130 not providing any service at the moment. Some changes including staggered starts are interim measures for 6 months, looking at making more flexible service for long-term.

External works restarted, concentrating on sites where scaffolding has been up long-term. Re-roofing recommenced, environmental works (safe paths etc restarted), end of this week 30-40% of pre-Covid levels, hoping to increase this within coming weeks so long as safe working can remain.

Current figures for outstanding repairs are:

Routine Repairs

  • outstanding repairs excluding emergency, right to repairs and voids – 2929; of these
  • internal repairs – 2077
  • external repairs – 852
    • Alexandria – 176
    • Dumbarton – 110
    • Clydebank – 566

Not included in the routine repairs

  • capital repairs 605, roofs renewals, environmental works (paths etc.) kitchen, bathroom, shower, window / doors installs
  • direct sub contractor repairs – 484

Total outstanding repairs 4018

MF hopes that reporting of outstanding routine repairs can restart mid/end July, they are hoping to phase in new works so that this is manageable.

MF asked for feedback on proposed new model for dealing with non-urgent repairs. Repairs would be planned for a sub area within the council over a 6 week period (flexible depending on amount of work). Each area would be returned to after 18 weeks in a cyclical repairs roster. Roster could be flexible – some areas may need more or less time. Other housing providers doing it this way, tenants would know when repairs will take place in their area and less travel time for staff so more productive. Initially this could be an interim model, with consultation if it worked and wanted to roll out permanently.

FMcG asked if not easier for people to phone in repairs during the pandemic instead of letting them build up. MF advised that due to lower staffing levels, this had not been possible although emergency repairs were done. FMcG asked if people might be confused by new system, MF said that will probably take some time for people to get used to this but once people understand it may be a simpler process for people but appreciated that communication about the process will be very important.

HMcC asked why repairs were not logged during pandemic. MF advised that no other housing providers have been logging repairs, SHR have acknowledged this. New system would help to stagger repairs service when lines re-open.

JP unsure how tenants will feel about proposed change as all tenants feel their repair is important, some tenants might not like this. MF acknowledged that is completely different repairs service, but current system inefficient and old fashioned.

JM said that discussions with tenants raised concerns about how quickly can get through backlog before new repairs are logged. Questions about resourcing repairs. MF said that through further analysis can look at best way to prioritise backlog repairs. In the future, all repairs can be done by appointments.

JK noted that some positives but some concerns raised particularly with reference to communication. MF said that he can provide more information on proposed system and can provide this to WDTRO, could have two-tier system for a time to clear backlog. Can test it as an interim.

MF to create further information for discussion with WDTRO and meeting to discuss in more depth. ACTION: Martin Feeney


JK then offered opportunity for WDTRO to raise any other issues.

FMcG asked for update on care takers. ET said that care takers are back to full time hours as of last Monday, focusing on outside work, littering picking etc, and urgent cleaning duties. Care takers assessing areas where work which was not urgent but has gotten worse and some interim solutions being looked at. ET highlighted some areas where tenants have done some work in lieu of staff which has been appreciated.

FMcG asked about night-time hours of staff and ET confirmed that neighbourhood team now back to midnight. Looking to get another communication to residents of flats to introduce staff.

JP asked for clarity on times of operation for staff in her area, ET confirmed caretakers will be there until 4pm, neighbourhood team will be there from 2pm to midnight.

Action: ET to get communication out to tenants about responsibility of everyone to help keep spaces clean. ACTION: Edward Thomas


Tenant Participation Update ( Jane Mack)

JM confirmed that the TP Strategy was being reviewed and that a survey to collect views from staff, tenants and Councillors had been issued and want to encourage people to give feedback. Been sent out to all TRA members and been on FB, and sent to staff. Would like managers to encourage staff to provide feedback. Survey open until end of August.

Tenant Priority Budget

Want to also start encouraging tenants to make proposals, £400k in budget, people on walks etc. may have seen things out and about that could be improved. Suzanne Bannisters team can then cost up proposals . Will need to consider how we get tenants to consider proposals depending on how lockdown eases – could do online voting. HT is working on some communique around this, to be sent out over next few days.



JM thanked everyone for attending meeting.


Date of meetings for 2020


Briefing Note: WDTRO
Subject: Building Services Re-Start Plan COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis
From: Martin Feeney, Building Services Manager
Date: 24 June 2020


  1. The recent and on-going pandemic has restricted the maintenance and repairs services the Council could deliver under the Scottish Government Lockdown in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis.
  2. The pandemic and lockdown resulted in only essential services being provided and these included the Emergency Repair Service, Void House Repairs to build resilience within the Council’s Homeless Accommodation, were void houses were pre-allocated to Residents whose current accommodation doesn’t meet their needs and other Essential Incidental Urgent Repairs including Special Needs Adaptation.
  3. During lockdown each week circa 70 – 80 Building Services team members have been delivering the services highlighted in 2 above. Technical and backroom team members have and continue to work from home, others have been released to other services and the remaining team member confined to their homes awaiting call back to work.
  4. The Scottish Government have started to lift some lockdown restrictions under its 4 stage route map and Construction Scotland Re-start Model 6 stage plan.

    Table 1: Scottish Government Route Map

    Table 1: Scottish Government Route Map
    Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

    High transmission of the virus. Risk of overwhelming NHS capacity without significant

    restrictions in place.

    High risk the virus is not yet contained. Continued risk of overwhelming NHS capacity without some

    restrictions in place.

    Virus is controlled but risk of spreading remains. Focus is on containing outbreaks.

    Virus has been suppressed.

    Continued focus on containing sporadic


    Virus remains suppressed to very low levels and is no longer considered a significant threat to

    public health.

    Table 2: Construction Scotland Re-start Model

    Table 2: Construction Scotland Re-start Model
    Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5


    Pre-start site preparation

    "Soft start" to site works
    (where physical distancing can be maintained)

    Steady state operation (where
    physical distancing can be maintained)

    Steady state operation (with
    physical distancing or controlled close
    working with PPE)

    increasing density / productivity


  5. As we progress to the phases beyond lockdown, we will be able to return to delivering more services.

  6. In the Scottish Government update on Thursday 18 June 2020 it was confirmed we were now in phase 2 of the route map and construction sector could implement remaining stages of phased return subject to all criteria being met

Building Services Re-start Plan

  1. Building Services re-start and recovery plan will be in-line with the Scottish Government 4 stage route map and Construction Scotland Re-start Model subject to the Scottish Government criteria being met.

    Table 3: Building Services Re-start Plan
    Table 3: Building Services Re-start Plan
    Scottish Route Map Re-start Model Construction Scotland Re-start Model Building Services Action Status / Date
    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)



    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Prepare Depot / Offices and Sites including signage, one way systems



    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Introduce safe office and depot plans ensuring social distancing / welfare



    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Review Risk Assessments (RAs) / Safe Systems of Works (SSoWs) / Method

    Statement (MS)


    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Agree staggered start and finish times with TU’s and



    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Review supply chains and possible lags in material



    Phase 1 Phase 1

    Small team preparing site for re- commencement,

    including all revised welfare, cleaning, signage & security (team size: 10 to 12)

    Manage current shortages of personal protective

    equipment (PPE)


    Phase 2

    Phase 2

    Slow build-up of workforce to optimum capacity with physical distancing and no use of Covid-19 PPE - familiarisation with new


    External works and essential internal works commence

    Commencing 22/06/20

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Steady state operation with physical distancing and no use of Covid-19 PPE. Progression through Phase 3 will be subject to continuous monitoring by site management with feedback of data/evidence used to inform ongoing review of health and safety systems

    As above increasing pre COVID-19 levels to 30% - 40%



WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.65
Thursday 27th February 2020, 2pm at Dalmuir Community Centre,


  • Frances McGonagle - Littleholm TRA ( chaired meeting )
  • Councillor Diane Docherty - Housing Convener
  • Polly Wheelans - Littleholm TRA
  • Georgia McCambley - Central Radnor Park TRA
  • Billy Neeson - Westbridgend TRA
  • June Todd - WDTRO
  • Douglas Clark - Littleholm TRA
  • David Lynch - Area Co-ordinator – Clydebank
  • John Kerr - Housing Development & Homelessness
  • Edward Thomas - Housing Operations Manager
  • Alan Young - Housing Asset & Investment Manager
  • Jane Mack - Snr Housing Development Officer ( Tenant
    Participation )
  • Ryan Chalmers - Finance Section Head
  • Jim Fraser Repairs – Technical Officer
Thursday 27th February 2020, 2pm at Dalmuir Community Centre, Clydebank.
No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Harry McCormack, Peter Barry, Scott McLelland, Suzanne Marshall and Martin Feeney


Updates on outstanding actions (Update sheet circulated)

Alternative supplier for landing windows getting costed and assessed if cost effective. Don’t have a firm timescale from Consultancy Services but will keep group up to date and hopes for a timescale within the next 4 weeks. Working group to improve communication – initial meeting set up but had to be cancelled due to number of tenants who couldn’t make proposed date - meeting to be rearranged.

Call handling performance report – outstanding but also being pursued through JRG as information provided to them not sufficient.

Edward Thomas confirmed new phone system gives good monitoring.

Action : Jane to email Stephen Daly on Diane’s behalf and ask for the data and for him to come to future meeting.

Meeting to be arranged with WDTRO members following their requests for alternatives to storage heaters in MSFS – to cover District Heating, long term
future of gas and impact on housing sector. Alan Young collecting information together and WDTRO will then be invited to a meeting.

By 2025 Scottish Government don’t want any new homes to rely on a fossil fuel heating systems.

Updated Fire Safety Report should go to May Housing & Communities Committee and will share report with WDTRO.

New Build Design Consultation group - invites to go out – John will send out a couple of dates and will avoid Thursdays to suit .


Update on ASB and caretaking service review (Edward Thomas)

Edward advised that progressing well. All ASB new staff in place – now up to 8 in team (from 6) 4 day time and 4 back shift – in training phase so will be fully operational late March. Staff keen to start and will provide cover 3pm – 2am – 7 days a week.

Caretaking – now appointed 3 seniors – will work closely with the area housing teams. Will continue to re-prioritise tasks and react to issues too. Committed to retaining dedicated caretakers for each multi-storey flats following the engagement meetings last summer as this was something tenants wanted kept.

Induction and training ongoing. Should ‘go live’ by end of March and back shift will be 1pm – 12 midnight, 7days a week.

Question asked about how tenants can contact the out of hours staff and was confirmed that can be contacted through the usual out of hours number.
Hopefully they will be a reassuring, visual presence for tenants and Edward confirmed in the evenings they will be in pairs and Scott has a working group on Health and Safety issues.

Will be manual checks for regular duties so no time to spend hours in office. Question asked about how TRA’s be kept up to date and updates will be given at Liaison meetings but Edward also agreed some specific communication for the Multi-Storey Flat tenants would be a good idea as they will see the biggest change.

Question asked about using the noticeboards for information but also pictures of the new staff. David will ask new staff but often staff not keen to have
pictures publically displayed. Staff will all wear I.D. badges so tenants will know who they are.

Problems with teenagers hanging around in blocks at Littleholm was raised as at the weekend had over 100 hanging about and they had flares. Edward will liaise with the police and CCTV and that is the sort of situation they would want the out of hour staff to concentrate on. ACTION: Edward


Review of Rent Collection Policy ( Ryan Chalmers)

Number of years since last reviewed and been internal changes plus introduction of Universal Credit that need to be incorporated into the Policy.
Ryan circulated copy of draft policy with proposed changes in red.

Corporate Debt are responsible for full rent collection. Since reorganisation of Housing Officers they have been doing early interventions with new tenants as they will already have had contact with tenant through allocation and sign-up. Appendix changes reflect the new working practices of the Housing Officers. Online survey being used to collect tenant views and been extended to 13 April as article being included in spring Housing News. Reviewed policy will go to May’s Housing & Communities Committee ( HACC).

Question asked about DWP delays as can create arrears and often backdates then can’t be applied and tenant gets left with arrears.

Ryan confirmed that do have regular liaison meetings with DWP and they don’t pursue tenant when they are waiting on Universal Credit. Focus is on getting a sustainable arrangement and do take other debts into account - look at bigger picture.

Relies on tenant being open about other debts and can liaise with Working4U colleagues. Focus is on communication and creating a relationship with tenants so that staff have the full picture and can provide support. ACTION: TRA members encouraged to complete survey


Scottish Social Housing Charter Performance update plus specific queries from WDTRO ( John Kerr)

Harry and Frances had met with Stefan to discuss the Charter performance action plan and specific questions been raised with officers ahead of the
meeting and their answers circulated on sheet.

Item 1 on sheet refers to 100% satisfaction with Repairs in quarter 3. Diane queried that we had reported on only 1 survey response and it was confirmed that the Repairs satisfaction level was based on 1 response and reason given was due to resource issues but which have now been addressed. Importance of providing credible information was raised and agreed. Was clarified that the annual satisfaction figure will include all quarters and that figure is what is publicised in the year end performance to the Housing Regulator.

Convener disappointed that Citizen Services haven’t provided the credible number of surveys and asked for an email to be sent to Citizen Services ( cc
Peter Barry) asking why number so low and what is being done to increase numbers in future quarter so response rate was credible. ACTION: Jane/Citizen Services

Item 3 on sheet relates to repair appointments. Tenant frustrations that communal and external repairs not getting appointments were made but examples were given of internal jobs being given appointments and were kept so improvements are happening. Example given of human error inputting wrong type of door to be replaced had resulted in unnecessary appointments and initial job still not done. Jim Fraser agreed to take the specific repair details and chase up.

Edward confirmed that caretakers are reporting communal repairs but they can also have issues getting through and need to do around other duties.

Douglas raised concern about reporting repairs particularly in relation to fire doors catching in landing floors and not closing but also other communal
repairs not getting done and very frustrating on lack of progress. Edward Thomas will liaise with repairs about outstanding repairs as want to make sure fire doors and lighting are kept in good order. ACTION: Edward/Repairs

Item 4 on sheet relates to drop in satisfaction in relet standard and WDTRO wanted to know why. David advised that more work getting done once new
tenant has moved in e.g. plasterwork to help reduce the void time. Diane gave examples of new tenant having no shower and no water but David clarified should only be improvement work or work that can be done later without affecting tenant living in property.

Frances gave example of new tenant waiting months to get void works done and was explained that target is 10 days but can be work that takes longer e.g. asbestos etc. focus for housing to re-let as soon as possible.

Item 6 - 6 actions without milestones? –Confirmed that Tenancy sustainment actions had been transferred to Suzanne and she had focused on rent
collection and much work been done. Many of the remaining Tenancy Sustainment actions needed the IHMS and it’s delay and personnel changes
meant the milestones still to be created but will be carried into new year.



Forward Plan Update ( info provided by John Kerr)

  • St Andrews – First handovers planned for May
  • Haldane, Creval Court and Aitkenbar - Progressing well and all on target.
  • Dumbarton Harbour – Piping, drainage and ground works all complete and road to finish next week, issues with contractor but progress will
    continue and won’t affect plans.
  • Queens Quay – Tail end of contractual process and should go onsite end of March.
  • Buy Backs – Going well and have secured additional £600,000 funding from Scottish Government.
  • Clydebank East and Pappert – Design stage and wanting tenants views.
  • Housing have declared an interest in current Clydebank Health centre site as it is moving to Queens Quay.
  • Demolition at Clydebank East progressing well and only 1 block remaining - will probably be completed by July. Design stage ongoing but site will be secured. Opportunities have arisen to help develop site so worth taking time.
  • Queens Quay and Pappert housing developments aim is to be carbon free so looking at Passivhaus model of building.
  • Will be carrying out a Better Homes assessment and will share with WDTRO. 
  • Gypsy/traveller site at Dennistoun Forge – Scottish Government providing additional funding £90,000 to improve standards, meeting next week with officers and will also meet with site tenants to set priorities.
  • Current Local Housing Strategy(LHS) runs out 2022 so will start the refresh of the LHS and will want tenant involvement in that process.
    Private housing not seen the improvements there’s been in social housing but challenge is to try to increase that – still valid to have tenants views as has an impact on look of areas.

Question asked if Clydebank East will just be developed by WDC? –John advised it might not - keeping open mind and might consider other tenures but
not seeking a Housing Association partner at this stage.


Tenant Participation Update ( Jane Mack)

Rent setting consultation – survey closed on 15/12/19 and report going to Council on 5/3. Thanks given to everyone who came to the public meeting at
the Clydebank Town Hall in October and those who completed the rent setting survey. The final total of responses was 845 which is a massive increase from last years’ 257 so people either getting more interested and see that they can influence the outcome or other change was that an individual mailing out to all tenants might have got people’s attention more that it being just included with the Housing News.

Preferred rent option from the survey is 1.9% option with 40.6% of votes. Council meeting next week will confirm decision and all tenants will then get a
letter formally advising them of the increase and what the increase will be for their rent.

Tenant Priority Budget – Public meeting took place on 6/2/20 and 7 new proposals got the go ahead- 1 at McColl avenue needs more discussion .
Budget still open for proposals so would encourage all TRAs to have a walkabout and see what improvements can be put forward.

New Tenant Association been set up at Willox Park sheltered housing complex - have had their first committee meeting and have a public meeting
arranged for 18/3 to agree their constitution and can then get a bank account set up. They a small Association just representing the 36 tenants there so
probably won’t be joining the WDTRO but been given Harry’s contact details.

Staff update. Only ended up with Alex for a couple of week before she started another job unfortunately but do have another preferred candidate and just waiting on references so hopefully she will be starting in about 4 weeks. In meantime Jane supporting the groups as much as possible.



None raised



Date of meeting - 23 April 2020, 2pm in Council Offices, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton, G82 1QL