Pre-Housing & Communities Committee Forum - open to all tenants and TRA representatives

Note of meeting on Monday 21st August 2023 at Church Street Council Offices, Dumbarton and on zoom.

People present:

Cllr Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convenor) - chaired meeting
John Kerr (Housing Development & Homelessness Manager)
Frances McGonagle (Littleholm TRA + WDTRO)
Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA + WDTRO),
June Todd (WDTRO)
Jane Mack (Snr Development Officer-Tenant Participation)

Via Zoom:

Stefan Kristmanns ( Housing Development Co-ordinator)
Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant)

Apologies received from:

Janette Donlin (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO), Jacqui Peacock (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO) Ruby Wilkins (Dalmuir MSF TRA) Councillor Sorrell, Martin Feeney ( Building Services Manager) and Ruth Dickinson ( Willox Park TA and WDTRO)

Item 8 - More Homes West Dunbartonshire - West Dunbartonshire Council Affordable Housing Supply Delivery Programme

John Kerr gave a summary of this update report which sets out the Council's completed and planned new build projects. He advised that the Council was still waiting on Scottish Government confirming if additional funding for Clydebank East will be made available after additional ground work was needed. Planning applications for Mount Pleasant and Gilmour Avenue been submitted and a contractor appointed for the Pappert development.

Key points from discussion:

Tenants happy with progress but a question was asked about paragraph 34 on page 24 and how feasible it was for the Council to build 2500 homes in the next 10 years. John clarified that the 2500 figure includes all Registered Social Landlords within West Dunbartonshire , ie Housing Associations and any affordable private builders and the Social Housing Investment Plan sets out the target.

Item 9 - Scottish Social Housing Charter/Regulation of Social Housing in Scotland, Annual Update

John Kerr advised that the Council very aware of the decline in tenant satisfaction and have an action plan to address key issues. The report sets out Housing Services performance against its own targets which should be challenging to ensure continuous improvement. Majority of targets are met or nearly met and there are 5 key areas that the Housing Improvement Board will focus monitoring on .

  • SHQS compliance
  • Services for people who are homeless
  • Tenant satisfaction
  • Void management and
  • Complaints response times.

Key points from discussion

Harry raised the number of targets that aren't met and this is a concern for many tenants. John agreed with his concern and have been studying the information closely. The survey uses a sample of tenants from different areas, house types, ages etc and all are asked standard questions but many may not have had a recent contact with the Council. Nationally satisfaction survey levels have been lower and maybe that people's tolerance levels are lower now. Example of tenant participation given as recently got Gold Accreditation from TPAS on arrangements for tenants getting involved in decision making but in the survey the satisfaction level had fallen.

Item 10 - Enhanced Housing Capital Investment Programme - Better Homes West Dunbartonshire

The reports reflects the work of the Task and Finish Group that had been set up with tenants. The report outlines how the additional £30m will be spent over the next 5 years. Tenant input was crucial and their request for CCTV has been included in the proposed programme of works. John thanked the tenants involved for their input.

Key points from discussion

No issues raised and tenants were happy with the meeting outcome.

Item 11 - 'Involving You' West Dunbartonshire Council's Tenant Participation Strategy 2021-24 - Annual Progress Report

Jane Mack outlined the key aspects of this annual report which highlights the input and influence tenants have had over the last year. The report outlines progress of year 2 of the TP Strategy 2021-24 and the action plan used to ensure the Strategy is effectively put into practice. The report includes an update on the action plan as well as the latest TP performance Report. One of the key drivers to get more people involved is that they can see that they can make a difference which is why it's so important that tenant impact is reviewed and can be evidenced. An article will also be included in the Autumn Housing News to help emphasis to tenants the influence they can have and the full report is on the Council's website.

Key points from discussion

None raised.

Item 12 - Nominations Agreement with Veterans Housing Scotland

John outlined the report which sets out a new agreement with Veteran Housing Scotland to give them 2 properties a year to help prevent homelessness . Veterans are dis-proportionally at higher risk of homelessness and this agreement is to help prevent that and also provide specialist support to Veterans once they are housed.

Key points from discussion

No issues raised and all in support of proposal.

(Jumped to Item 14 as waiting on Angela Wilson joining meeting)

Item 14 - Housing Revenue Account Budget Control Report 2023/24 to 30 June (Period 3)

Laura Ann Paton outlined the details of this update report on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). Biggest concern is about the affordability of the repairs budget as well as void costs and rent loss from voids still being high. HRA needs to balance so need to offset these overspends by reducing the Capital from Current Revenue (CFCR) which is usually used to help reduce borrowing.
The 2 main Capital projects that are flagged as 'red' are the void repairs as void numbers are still higher than expected at the beginning of the year. Also the Heating budget is overspent due to an increase in the number of boilers that need replaced rather than repaired.

Key points from discussion

No issues raised and all happy with update and voids being looked at in separate paper.

Item 15 - General Fund Housing and Communities Financial Report 2023/24 Period 3 (30 June 2023)

Laura Ann Paton outlined the details of this update report in relation to the General Fund services that come under the auspices of the Housing & Communities Committee. Main area for concern is in relation to the increased use of B&B accommodation due to the lack of available properties - this increases costs as are more expensive than providing temp accommodation.

Key points from discussion

Discussion focused on voids and question asked if the HRA pays Council Tax on all void properties. Laura Ann confirmed that the HRA does pay Council Tax - thinks it's for the first 6 months and then reduces but will get clarification and confirm.Do get an exemption if a Council decision been taken to demolish and not relet - e.g Clydebank East flats got picked up before by JRG - currently Brunswick, Montreal and Quebec being cleared and shouldn't be paying any Council Tax.

Laura Ann will get a breakdown of properties that Council Tax is being charged for - number and for how long.

Void template used by Joint Rent Group will be adapted to include Council Tax costs so that the whole impact of voids can be monitored.

Item 13 - Progress to re-let empty Council house properties

Councillor Johal explained that he had requested this paper as Councillors were looking for more information about the reasons behind voids and more detail about what was being done to prioritise void work.
The paper outlines the work of Building Services and how they are categorising and prioritising work on voids and have been able to significantly reduce the number of void properties.

Key points from discussion

Councillor Johal asked about evictions and the impact of having to rehouse people. John confirmed that in some circumstances Council has a statutory duty to rehouse certain households but if they were rehoused after an eviction, they don't get a full Scottish Secure Tenancy ( SST) but probably a short SST with support included. Eviction from a Council tenancy is always a last resort and support is provided and has to be evidenced for a Judge to grant an eviction order.
Following on from discussion about Council Tax costs for voids ,Stefan Kristmanns and Laura Ann Paton agreed to provide further reports on Council Tax costs and will include them in the quarterly template provided for the Joint Rent Group.

The next Pre- HACC Forum will be on Monday 20 November with the Housing Convenor and officers who have written the committee papers.

The papers are available the week before and electronic copies will be sent to all TRA Secretaries, WDTRO members and via TP Facebook page.

Paper copies will also be made available as are usually a lengthy document to read on a small screen- please contact Tenant Participation if you want a paper copy delivered to you.

Pre-Housing & Communities Committee Forum – Open to all Tenants and TRA representatives

Note of Zoom Meeting on Tuesday 2nd May 2023

People present:

  • Cllr Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convenor) - chaired meeting
  • Frances McGonagle (Littleholm TRA + WDTRO)
  • Jacqui Peacock (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO)
  • June Todd (WDTRO)
  • Jane Mack (Snr Development Officer-Tenant Participation)
  • Hanne Thijs (Development Officer-Tenant Participation)

Via Zoom:

  • Ruth Dickinson (Willox Park TA+ WDTRO)
  • Mary Paton (Willox Park TA+ WDTRO)              
  • Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager)               
  • Suzanne Bannister (Building Services- client services)
  • Emily Dorrian (Snr Housing Development Officer)
  • John Kerr (Housing Development & Homelessness Manager).

Apologies received from:

Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA + WDTRO), Janette Donlin (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO), Councillor Sorrell, Martin Feeney (Suzanne B representing Building Services) and Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant)

ITEM 8 - Housing & Employability Delivery Plan 2022/2023 - Year End Progress and Housing & Employability Delivery Plan 2023/2024 

Housing and Employability setting out the year-end progress of the 2022/23 Delivery Plan and presenting the new Delivery Plan for 2023/24.

Key points from discussion

No questions raised

ITEM 9 – Supply, Distribution & Property Delivery Plan 2022/23. Housing Asset & Investment and Building Services Year End progress and Supply Distribution & Property delivery Plan 2023/24 Housing Asset & Investment and Building Services

Supply, Distribution and Property setting out the Housing Asset & Investment and Building Services priorities of the Supply Distribution & Property (SD&P) year-end progress 2022/23 and presenting the new Delivery Plan for 2023/24.

Key points from discussion

Tenants asked about EESH compliance level (p67), Alan said that to be confirmed but thinks progressing 4/5% over last year. Biggest hurdle is EICRs - these are moving but slowly.

Energy efficient in council houses, 100% target (p83) tenants asked if this was different standard to EESH and Alan confirmed that it was. This target is the target for the council to complete 100% of the works they are doing.

Frances asked about the costs i.e. changing Littleholm from gas to electric and costs for tenants. Alan said that this move isn’t planned at the moment. Emily said that there is a team looking at options appraisal for joining Littleholm and Dalmuir MSFs to district heating system. Needs to go to Jubilee hospital and then to the flats so no immediate plans.

ITEM 10 – Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme Update - Better Homes West Dunbartonshire

Update report on the development of a revised Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme following the decision taken by West Dunbartonshire Council to agree a weekly rent increase of 5% in 2023/24.

Key points from discussion 

John advised that he will be writing to all TRA members and ask for volunteers to be involved in an officer/ tenant working group to meet 3-4 times to agree a revised programme to spend the additional capital from the rent increase.

Mary asked about environmental sensors at Willox Park. Emily said that these are going into 3 properties at Willox Park as part of the non-invasive survey. The ones noted in the report are separate to this and will be going into stock across the council. Emily said that unsure of timescales for this, first step is getting this approved at HACC.

ITEM 11 - Housing Repairs - Addressing Dampness and Mould in Council Houses

Report provides an overview of the Housing and Employability services’ approach to the management and future prevention of dampness and mould in council houses.

Key points from discussion

Suzanne summarised that the key change was to a more proactive approach to dampness and the analysis of dampness reports. As well as repairs and advice they are also providing specialist cleaning packages where required and follow up visits.

Mary said that previously at Willox Park dampness been painted over and then properties relet, she asked if permanent solutions are going to be considered. Suzanne said that they would, along with giving tenants information about how to deal with damp and mould. They will be doing an inspection after 3 months of initial works to ensure the issue been resolved. Paints that are used are antifungal so are part of the treatment. Suzanne will be running statistics monthly to keep an eye on the issues.

Mary asked if most properties are cavity walls or single bricks? Alan advised that there are 37 different build types within the council stock so very varied.

Tenants asked about affordability of putting the heating on. Suzanne said that the process includes information about this, Energy Advice Officer and Housing Officers will be given training. Vouchers may be available to some tenants depending on their income. Advice can be provided that those who are struggling can contact for further information.

Tenants asked about storage heaters and tenants not being given information on how to use these properly, and that this information should be given to new tenants when they move in. A leaflet was suggested for new tenants and this will be passed onto Nicola Pettigrew, Housing Operations Manager about providing more information to tenants about using storage heaters.

Gurpreet said that there is no information about how to contact the Energy Advice Officer. Suzanne explained that this was because they did not want him to be inundated. Building Services Officers and Housing Officers should be dealing with most queries initially.

John noted that tenant handbook is currently being updated and so could include specific information on storage heaters and energy advice. This will be incorporated with repairs handbook.

Jacqui asked about cleaning of extractor fans as hers has not been cleaned in four years. Suzanne said that Building Services Officers will be looking at these, there is a cyclical programme starting to make sure that fans are all cleaned and working.

Action:  Jane to speak to Housing Manager about storage heater information for new tenants.

ITEM 12 – More Homes West Dunbartonshire Council
Affordable Housing Supply Delivery Programme 

Update report on progress with West Dunbartonshire’s More Homes Programme which oversees the delivery of the Council’s new home building programme. Includes acquisition of old Clydebank Health Centre and Gilmour Avenue for council housing. Development at Pappert development also being reduced by one unit but maintaining bed spaces within the development.

Key points from discussion

No questions raised.

ITEM 13 - Willox Park Sheltered Housing Complex 

Update report on the action being taken to understand the damp and mould problems experienced by the tenants at Willox Park, Dumbarton, and also the delivery of a wider masterplan approach for the future provision of sheltered housing within the location.

Key points from discussion

Emily outlined more about the work underway in relation to invasive surveys being carried and reports will be received over coming months. Non -invasive surveys also being carried out to help build overall general picture. Fire compartmentalisation also an issue that has being investigated. There has been delays in the procurement process for getting the new build at Willox underway, but hopeful for retender process starting soon that will attract necessary builder.

Mary asked about paragraph 4.6 which refers to a report going to committee in November, and if this is final viability report? If not, what is the timescale for getting this report? John said that the paper for November would hopefully provide information on future masterplan based on the survey information now being collected. John gave assurance that will also be detailed consultation before then.

ITEM 14 - Enhanced Standards for Multi Storey Living -
A Strategy For Enhancing The Experience of Living in a Multi-Storey Home in West Dunbartonshire 2023/28

Update report on the recent resident consultation which gathered ideas on how to enhance our 19 multi-storey homes and seeking approval to implement a strategy to enhance living standards in these homes by delivering a number of improvement actions.

Key points from discussion

Tenants asked about timescales and Emily said that aiming for starting things as soon as possible if Strategy gets Councillor approval. Smaller projects i.e. deep cleaning and Connected Response could start quicker, might be a year or two. Other projects, like foyer upgrades might take longer as will need to consult and go through procurement process. The Strategy will be monitored by the Better Homes group and updates provided at the WDC/WDTRO Liaison meetings.

ITEM 15 - Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Report presents the results of a comprehensive Tenant Satisfaction Survey on the Housing and Homelessness Services that has been carried out, and the results of which will be reported to the Scottish Housing Regulator as part of our 2022/23 Scottish Social Housing Charter requirements.

Key points from discussion

John informed that this is a survey done every 2 years and was delayed since covid, but carried out in Nov 2022. Generally satisfaction levels are up from 2014 levels when first reported but been a decline from 2019 levels. Other factors in play including recovery from pandemic, cost of living crisis and tenant concerns about how, and if they can heat their homes – affects wellbeing and reflected in dissatisfaction. Trend is across country for tenant satisfaction to be down but not complacent, and want to improve tenant satisfaction and work like the Enhanced MSF Strategy and Dampness response will help do that. From report staff will create an action plan to help focus improvements and updates on progress will be given at WDC/WDTRO Liaison meetings.


This Forum is open to all tenants and members of Tenant & Residents Associations

The next Pre- HACC Forum will be on Monday 21 August with the Housing Convenor and officers who have written the committee papers.

The papers are available the week before and electronic copies will be sent to all TRA Secretaries, WDTRO members and via TP Facebook page.

Paper copies will also be made available as are usually a lengthy document to read on a small screen- please contact Tenant Participation to arrange for a paper copy to be delivered to you.

Pre-Housing & Communities Committee Forum –open to all tenants and TRA representatives

Note of zoom meeting on
Monday 20th February 2023


People present:

Cllr Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convenor) - chaired meeting

Frances McGonagle (Littleholm TRA + WDTRO)

Harry McCormack ( Tullichewan TRA + WDTRO)

Ruth Dickinson (Willox Park TA+ WDTRO)

John Kerr (Housing Development & Homelessness Manager)

Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant)

Jane Mack (Snr Development Officer-Tenant Participation)

Apologies received from:

Mary Paton (Willox Park TA+ WDTRO), June Todd (WDTRO), Councillor Sorrell  and Stefan Kristmanns.

ITEM 9 – Housing and Employment Delivery Plan 2022/23 Interim Progress:

Update paper on action plan for 2022/23 and most actions are on track to complete by end of March 2023 target.

Key points from discussion

Question asked about the digital opportunities action on page 83 which refers to a ‘Near me ‘ app – John confirmed that it was funded and developed by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and a number of Housing Associations use it before and even more so since the pandemic.  Ambition is for WDC to use in future and a business case being prepared by Nicola Pettigrew (Housing Operations Manager) and will bring a report to a future Liaison meeting. It would compliment the QL housing system and can use it to inspect properties etc.

Question asked about the training referred to on page 82 and John confirmed it was on track to be completed by end of March.

ITEM 10 – Supply, Distribution and Property Delivery Plan 2022/23 – Housing Asset and Investment and Building Services

Sets out the delivery plan for Repairs and Housing Asset & Investment teams for 2022/23. Includes achievements and an update on action plan.

Key points from discussion 

No questions raised.

ITEM 11 - More Homes West Dunbartonshire - West Dunbartonshire Council Affordable Housing Supply Delivery Plan.

John outlined the report which gives an update on the Council’s new build programme and includes updates on Clydebank East development where ground work has started. Queens Quay development completed and 29 new council tenants have moved in and getting good feedback about the properties. Report outlines the delay with the acquisition of the old Clydebank health centre from the NHS into next financial year and will mean a new evaluation of the site needed and need to reapply for grant funding.  

Key points from discussion

Gurpreet confirmed that he had been at Queens Quay opening and tenants there were very positive and loving their new homes.

Ruth asked about what stage the planning permission for Willox Park new build was at and John confirmed that they weren’t as far on as they had hoped, and still to meet with the pre-planning design team, so might be after summer (August) before ready to go for planning permission.

Ruth advised that the fencing around the site had been damaged in winds and John agreed to get this checked and repaired.

Action:  Fencing around demolition site of Willox Park care home to be checked and fencing repaired or strengthened.

ITEM 12 – Willox Park Sheltered Housing Complex

Report gives an update on the survey work being done on existing properties at Willox Park.  Paper states that had a shortage of volunteers for the more intrusive surveys but now have 4 volunteers so that work is starting. Also have a contractor to do the less intrusive surveys on all the properties. Repairs and Housing staff also doing a door round to check that all outstanding repairs are being taken care of.

Key points from discussion

Question asked about when the non intrusive surveys would start and John advised that contract just being finalised and then would get started and a newsletter will be sent out with a start date.

Section 4.6 refers to recommendation that fire compartmentalisation be enhanced and question asked about what that will involve – John advised that solution is not known yet and specialist contractor will make recommendations.

Section 4.5 says that a Fire Risk Assessment flagged the need to explore new bin storage solutions and Ruth advised that tenants not happy about bins having to be moved, and wants to meet the fire risk assessor and discuss the issue – been promised consultation but not happened yet.

Action: John agreed to speak to Scott McLelland and chase up consultation about need for bin relocation.

Question asked if was still a potential for demolition as section 4.11 refers to ’ opportunities to redevelop the site through demolition and new build’ – John agreed that is a possibility if properties aren’t salvageable but too early to make any conclusions. Need comprehensive picture and that will come from the surveys being done – rising damp found in 3 Willox might be a one-off.  Probably end of year before in position of full picture and he confirmed this would be discussed with tenants.

ITEM 13 - Housing Revenue Budgetary Control Report to 31 December 2022 (PERIOD 9)

Laura Ann explained the report in more detail and highlighted some key issues – overspend in employee costs due to backdated pay award and repairs overspend due to increase in work being done and increase in costs to do the work. Void rent loss also much higher than budgeted for and CFCR been reduced to offset these higher costs.

Key points from discussion

No specific questions and tenant happy that the font size been increased and report easier to read.

Laura Ann explained the report in more detail and highlighted some key issues –overspend down slightly to £79k and Capital programme spend on target.

No comments or questions raised.


This Forum is open to all tenants and members of Tenant & Residents Associations

 The next Pre- HACC Forum will be on Tuesday 2 May (due to bank holiday weekend) with the Housing Convenor and officers who have written the committee papers.

The papers are available the week before and electronic copies will be sent to all TRA Secretaries, WDTRO members and via TP Facebook page.

Paper copies will also be made available as are usually a lengthy document to read on a small screen- please contact Tenant Participation to arrange for a paper copy to be delivered to you.