
Blocked gullies at the side of the roads or fly-tipping in watercourses can cause flooding. If you come across any of these please contact:

  • Fly-tipping - (Dumb Dumpers) 0300 777 2292
  • Blocked gullies - 01389 737542

Make a Flood Plan

You are the first line of defence against flooding and you can take simple steps to reduce the impact of flooding on your life.

Follow Floodline Scotland's simple steps to prepare for flooding: Your home - Floodline Scotland - Be prepared for flooding

Advice and support - precautionary measures

If a property is in an area at risk from flooding, the owner should take time to identify where water might enter and consider how to deal with it.

Flood insurance

If you find it difficult to obtain flood insurance that meets your needs, contact Flood Re. They provide affordable insurance to households at the highest risk of flooding.