On 20th December 2023 and 6th March 2024, West Dunbartonshire Council will meet to agree the budget for 2024/25. As part of this engagement, we are asking residents, businesses and community partners for their views on our budget proposals for 2024/25.

All local authorities are having to deal with large increases in inflation that are driving up costs and prices for energy, fuel and materials. For 2024/25, we have a significant funding shortfall of at least £11.8 million. This position may change after we have worked through the implications of the local government’s final budget settlement expected in December.

We will manage the council’s finances responsibly and are planning carefully to meet current and future financial challenges. Our financial pressures have been exacerbated for a variety of reasons but primarily:

  • The Scottish Government providing real terms funding cuts, which leaves the Council having to absorb the impact of spiralling inflation, rising utility costs and the impact of increases in bank interest rates.
  • The Scottish Government not fully funding the 2022/23 & 2023/24 pay awards.
  • Increases in anticipated waste costs due to the Scottish Government changing legislation increasing the landfill tax required to be paid on waste disposed of in landfill sites.

We have been listening to you about the big issues that matter most to you and your communities in our recent Citizens Panel. We have been guided by what you have told us about your experiences living in West Dunbartonshire. We now want to hear your views on your priorities across several key areas. Together, all this feedback will help inform our decisions during the budget process.

The budget setting is to help us balance the main council budget, however this does not include the annual rent setting consultation, a separate consultation with all tenants will be carried out later in the year.

You can find out more information on how the Council brings in and spends money to deliver services on the West Dunbartonshire Council Budget Consultation 2024/25 information page.

Have your say

You can have your say on our budget proposals between 18th August 2023 and 30th September 2023 by completing the online survey https://arcg.is/0OCW1z.


The outcomes of the budget conversation will be considered at the council meeting on 20th December 2023 and 6th March 2024.  

Once the budget has been agreed, we will plan any specific service changes that we need to work within our budget.

Alternative formats

If you require this document in an alternative format please contact engagement@west-dunbarton.gov.uk

Sign up

If you would like to take part in regular consultations sign up for the West Dunbartonshire Citizens Panel and get the latest consultations direct to your inbox. Email Citizens Panel Registration to engagement@west-dunbarton.gov.uk

This consultation closed
Sat 30 September 2023 11:59 PM