Your rent – Your say

The annual rent setting consultation has begun and all tenants have an opportunity to influence this important decision.

Having as low a rent increase as possible has always been an important issue for tenants and this again has been clear from the discussions we have had about this year’s rent setting consultation and so continues to be the main focus.

More information on the current financial circumstances and the rent options being consulted on are being sent out to all tenants and are available on the Your Rent - Your say page.

A presentation was given at a public meeting on 15 November and has been provided below to view.

Launch of Rent Setting Consultation for 2024-25

We appreciate this is a busy time of year but have made voting as easy as possible and hope that you will have your say.

As a thank you for your time you will have the chance to win £50 worth of shopping vouchers in a prize draw.

The consultation will close on 10 January 2024 and Councillor Gurpreet Singh Johal, Housing Convener has given an assurance that the outcome of this survey will inform their decision so please have your say.

Councillors will agree the rent increase on 6 March 2024 and all tenants will be informed of the outcome and what it means for their rent charge.

If you would like to discuss the consultation or want more information please contact Jane Mack on 0798 354 2993 or by email to

More in-depth information about how your rent money is spent and the draft budget for next year is available in the HRA draft estimates 24/25 document. Paper copies can be provided by contacting Jane Mack on 0798 354 2993 or by email to

This consultation closed
Wed 10 January 2024 11:59 PM