External Audit and Inspection Reports

West Dunbartonshire Council are regularly inspected by external bodies to ensure that we provide the best possible service and adhere to quality standards.

Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body which assess the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards.

To search for West Dunbartonshire inspection reports please visit Care Inspectorate Publications & Statistics page.

Education Scotland

Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish Education. They have an inspection process aimed in evaluating the quality of learning and teaching in Scottish schools and education services.

To search for West Dunbartonshire Educational reports please visit the Education Scotland Inspection reports page.

Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing regulator is an independent regulator of Registered Social Landlord and Local Authority housing services in Scotland. They protect the interests of tenants, people who are homeless, and others who use social landlord’s services.

To search for West Dunbartonshire reports please visit the Home | Scottish Housing Regulator website.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has the aim of supporting better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland. There priorities include providing quality assurance that gives people confidence in the quality and sustainability of services and also supports providers of Healthcare to improve.

To search for West Dunbartonshire reports please visit Healthcare Improvement Scotland website.

Food Standards Scotland

Food standards Scotland audits local authority’s food law enforcement services. These audits focus on the local authority’s capacity and capability for delivering official controls.

To search for West Dunbartonshire reports please visit Food Standards Scotland website.

 Audit Scotland

Audit Scotland is a statutory body providing services to the Accounts Commission and the Auditor General for Scotland (AGS). Working together, the Accounts Commission, the AGS and Audit Scotland ensure that public sector bodies in Scotland are held to account for the proper, efficient and effective use of public funds.

To search for West Dunbartonshire reports please visit Audit Scotland website.