Published 28 September 2022

Thousands of young people across West Dunbartonshire benefited from summer holiday camps which offered fun activities, learning opportunities and a free lunch.

The Council invested £100k along with £198k from the Scottish Government to support new and existing groups provide a range of fun activities during the school holidays.  The popular events were attended by 11,500 children, including places for children with additional support needs and 843 adults.  

More than 1,900 families attended events at the Golden Friendship Halls and 1,831 young people attended the Rock Community Church where they also received meals.

Bellsmyre Digital Community ran gaming and 3d printing workshops attended by more than 200 children and 531 children enjoyed lunch and outdoor activities at Bellsmyre Cutty Sark.

More than 1,090 young people enjoyed a six week summer programme including 37 trips, youth clubs and a two day camping festival dedicated to young carers.

Along with local providers, the Council also gave support to individual families.

The council received very positive feedback from parents and carers of children who attended the summer programme with 93% confirming children enjoyed most or all the activities and 98% rated activities as very good or good. And 95% said their breakfast or lunch was very good or good; they found activities close to home and they benefited from their children attending the activities with a further 80% saying it allowed them free time to  work or study.

Feedback from parents and carers included ‘He really enjoyed attending these clubs and would love to go back’, ‘She really enjoyed the multi camps….the coaches were fantastic’, ‘my daughter loved the clubs, she enjoyed meeting new friends and being able to do things in the holidays’.

Councillor Clare Steel, Convener of Educational Services said: “I would like to thank everyone involved in arranging the programme which offered increased learning opportunities and fun activities at no cost to parents. We have built a great partnership with local organisations and through working together we offered a summer of activities and forming friendships.  I am particularly pleased to see places offered to support families with children who need additional support. The summer holidays can be a challenging time for parents and the camps offered young people the opportunity to learn meet new friends and get a free breakfast and lunch at some activities. It is also very encouraging to see the very positive feedback from parents and carers which shows how popular these activities are to the children and their families.”


Councillor Michelle McGinty, Vice Convener of Educational Services, added: “It’s very encouraging to hear how popular these activities have been and read the great feedback from families.   I would like to thank all the organisations who worked in partnership with the Council in offering fun and engaging programmes and meals over the holidays. It’s great to hear the programme supported parents and carers by allowing them to continue to work or study.”