Published 08 September 2022
Pupils and staff at St Mary’s Primary School are celebrating after being awarded their sixth prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
The Clydebank school was praised for achieving the aims of their Eco Action plan, which involved three core topics of Litter, Global citizenship and Water.
The school, led by the pupil 'Global Group' were proactive in reducing litter, increasing recycling, minimising food waste and encourage a cleaner environment.
Inspired by COP26, the school developed learning projects focusing on action for climate change and pupils took part in the Global Forest of Promises campaign, carrying out experiments to investigate the levels of pollution in water.
As global citizens pupils worked to improve the lives of those less fortunate by collecting for West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare and the emergency appeal for Ukraine. The school also raised awareness and promoted the importance of Fairtrade by organising a Fairtrade coffee morning and a range of learning experiences across the school.
Councillor Clare Steel, Convener of Educational Services, said: “I would like to congratulate everyone at St Mary’s for their part in being awarded their sixth Green Flag award. This is a great achievement and everyone should be very proud of taking action to help the environment. It’s vital that we raise awareness on how we can all make changes to live cleaner and greener and promote positive changes that will benefit future generations.”
Councillor Michelle McGinty, Vice Convener of Educational Services, said: “The pupils have shown a great appetite for improving their environment, they have been rewarded for this hard work and commitment through the school receiving another green flag award.
It is heartwarming to hear that the pupils are collecting for much needed causes and raising awareness to others of how we can make changes that will have a positive impact in the world.
I am delighted that this award recognises the pupils commitment, determination and collective goal to protect our environment now and in the future.”