Published 26 May 2022


A community walkabout aimed at giving residents additional opportunities to make positive change in their area was held last week.

Residents joined officers from Council teams including Greenspace, Roads and Neighbourhood, Housing, Anti-Social Behaviour and Communities in a walk around Radnor Park in Clydebank on 19 May.

The council’s new Convener for Housing and Communities, Councillor Craig Edward, also attended along with Councillor Clare Steel.

Community walkabouts restarted last year, with the aim of empowering residents to take ownership of any issues by working with the council to make sustainable change and improvements.

The approach involves developing and implementing joint action plans and monitoring outcomes.

Councillor Craig Edward, Convener of Housing and Communities, said: “As new Housing Convener for West Dunbartonshire, I was pleased to get out and about with members of the community and our officers to discuss how we can work together and make lasting improvements for our tenants and residents.

“The people who live in an area are the ones who know where additional focus is needed most and these walkabouts give us the opportunity to have a conversation about that and consider ways that both the Council and other partners can assist.

“I am pleased that members of the Central Radnor Park TRA attended and agree that communities have a central part to play in improvements and clean ups.”

Councillor John Millar, who is Vice Convener of Housing and Communities, added: “We listen closely to the needs and wants of our residents, and community walkabouts bring everyone together – from Council tenants, officers from a variety of Council services and external partners including Police Scotland – at the same time, so it is a really effective way of progressing ideas and resolving any issues quickly.

We encourage residents to take a zero tolerance attitude and ensure they report fly tipping and antisocial behaviour.”

Any tenant or resident interested in getting involved in community walkabouts should contact

To report anti-social behavior, please contact the helpline number is 01389 772048 between 8.30am and 2am Monday to Friday, or between 3pm and 2am on Saturday and Sunday.