Published 11 March 2022

Additional woodland and habitat improvements are being introduced in Faifley Knowes as part of work to support the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.

The new wooded area will be created on the hill on Douglas Muir Road to provide a wildlife corridor from Faifley Knowes to Auchnacraig Woodland Park.

It will be planted with native trees and shrubs to provide seasonal interest, colour and shelter for people and wildlife.

The Council secured funding in partnership with the Green Action Trust to undertake the work, with the woodland forming part of the COP26 legacy Clyde Climate Forest plans.

Small pockets of woodland will also be planted in Faifley Knowes to improve biodiversity and provide shelter.

The plans take community feedback gathered last year into account, meaning the area and land under pylons which is popular for sledging will not be planted, and grass paths through the woodland and sledging area will be kept short during the summer months.

In addition, none of the planting will obscure views, and overhanging vegetation will be cut back along paths.

Councillor Iain McLaren, Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “The planting of these trees will not only benefit our residents and the environment, but also encourage and boost biodiversity in the area.”

Councillor Diane Docherty, Vice Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, added: “I’m pleased that West Dunbartonshire Council is continuing the COP26 legacy of the Clyde Climate Forest by created this new woodland area, which will benefit not only local residents, but also wildlife and the environment.”