Published 21 July 2022

Council tenants are being encouraged to take part in community walkabouts aimed at making improvements in their local area.

The walkabouts see Council officers join forces with partners, community groups and interested tenants to patrol communities and identify any required actions.

The aim of the walkabouts is to empower communities to take ownership of any issues within their neighbourhood by working with the Council to make sustainable improvements.

The community-led approach involves developing and implementing joint action plans and monitoring outcomes.

The Council will work closely with West Dunbartonshire’s Tenants and Residents Organisations to support tenants get involved in future walkabouts.

A number of walkabouts have been requested, including at Littleholm and Radnor Park in Clydebank, with an action plan created for both areas identifying required repairs, requests for additional litter bins and any potential projects for the Tenant Priority Budget.

Councillor Craig Edward, Convener of Housing and Communities, said: “I was pleased that the TRA in Littleholm requested a walkabout as I’m always happy to meet with members of the community to discuss how we can work together and make lasting improvements.

“Our tenants are best placed to advise where additional focus is needed and these walkabouts give us the opportunity to have a conversation about that and consider ways that tenants, the Council and other partners work together to action improvements and clean ups.”

Councillor John Millar, who is Vice Convener of Housing and Communities, added: “Our walkabouts are a really effective way of progressing ideas and resolving any issues quickly because we invite along a range of partners including Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service.

We encourage residents to consider whether a walkabout would be useful for their area and get in touch to arrange by emailing