Published 14 July 2022

A new funding bulletin has been launched by West Dunbartonshire Council to highlight the range of grants and funding opportunities on offer to community groups and projects.

The bulletin – which will be updated on a monthly basis - will detail funding opportunities available in West Dunbartonshire and nationally.

The bulletin splits details of funding into different sectors - including Arts and Culture; Health; Young People and Business and Enterprise - making it easy for groups to find funding relevant to their work.

Any funding with an approaching deadline is highlighted at the start of the document.

Councillor Craig Edward, Convener of Housing and Communities: “This fantastic new resource was developed to support and help local communities access future funding opportunities, and I hope organisations and projects in our area find it useful.

“There is a wealth of funding available out there if you know where to look, and as a Council supporting residents through the cost of living crisis, we felt it was appropriate that we highlighted these opportunities.”

The bulletin has been created by the Council’s Communities Team, with support from Argyll and Bute Council as part of shared Community Planning arrangements.

Councillor John Millar, Vice Convener of Housing and Communities, added: “We know our community organisations and projects do a huge amount for our residents, and the aim of this bulletin is to help them find something that supports the great work they are doing.

“The Council can also support organisations with completing funding applications, so if anyone requires help I would encourage them to contact the Communities team.”

The bulletin is available for viewing here:

Groups can also request to join the funding mailing list to receive the bulletin directly to their inbox each month, by emailing

For updates and information on Business Funding take a look at our Grants and Loans page: Business Grants and Loans