The development plan sets out the strategy and policies for the use of land and buildings within a planning authority area.

The development plan for the West Dunbartonshire planning authority area consists of the Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) and the adopted West Dunbartonshire Local Plan (2010).

The Proposed Local Development Plan (2020, as modified) is not part of the statutory development plan for the West Dunbartonshire planning authority area but is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The West Dunbartonshire planning authority area does not cover those parts of Balloch and countryside to the east and west of Loch Lomond which are within the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.

Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement

The Council has begun preparation of a new Local Development Plan (LDP3) for West Dunbartonshire. As a first step, the Council has prepared a Draft Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement. This document sets out the timetable for the preparation of the new Local Development Plan and what is involved at each stage of the process. The Participation Statement part of the document  sets out how stakeholders are to be involved in the preparation of the new Plan.

A draft version of the Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement has been published so that views can be gathered on the Council’s timetable for the new Plan, and for how it intends to involve stakeholders in the plan-making process. The consultations runs until 17 November 2023, and responses can be submitted via the following survey link -

The Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement can also be viewed as a storymap at

You can register your interest in the Local Development Plan process at

Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4)

The Fourth National Planning Framework was adopted by the Scottish Government on 13 February 2023.

West Dunbartonshire Local Plan (2010)

The West Dunbartonshire Local Plan was adopted in March 2010. You can view and download the plan and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment documents below.

Proposed West Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan (LDP2) (as modified 2020)

On 15 March 2023, the Planning Committee took a decision that the Council would not adopt Local Development Plan 2. The Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2), incorporating the recommended modifications of the Examination Report received on 22 April 2020, which were accepted by the Planning Committee of 19 August 2020, remains the Council’s most up to date spatial strategy and is therefore afforded significant weight in the assessment and determination of planning applications. The Scottish Ministers’ Direction relating to the adoption of LDP2, dated 18 December 2020, is also a material consideration. Relevant documents can be viewed and downloaded below.

Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement 2022

The Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement sets out what development plans cover West Dunbartonshire and the timetable for replacing them. It also sets out how the Council will engage people in the preparation of the new local development plan.

Development Plan Archive Documents

Documents on below are no longer referred to in decision-making and are provided here for information purposes only.

Written Statement (2016)

Clydebank Proposals Map (2016)

Dumbarton Proposals Map (2016)

Vale of Leven Proposals Map (2016)

Strategy and Rural Areas Proposals Map (2016)

Environmental Report (2016)

Examination Report (2016)

Examination Report – Table of Modifications (2016)

Main Issues Report (March 2012)