Clydebank Central Ward - Area Profile


Clydebank Central Ward - boundary and area profile statistics - West Dunbartonshire Council
  Multi Member Wards: Clydebank Central Local Authority: West Dunbartonshire Scotland
Total Population: 2011 14647 90360 5254800
Total Population - Children (%): 2011 17.61 17.81 17.38
Total Population - Working Age (%): 2011 59.77 62.59 62.79
Total Population - Pensionable Age (%): 2011 22.62 19.6 19.83
Economic Activity, Benefits and Tax Credits
Total Income Support claimants.: 2012Q04 585 3030 111180
Percentage of population aged 16 to 24 Claiming Key Benefits: 2012Q04 20.7 19.2 12.7
Percentage of population aged 25 to 49 Claiming Key Benefits: 2012Q04 27.8 22.3 15.4
Percentage of population aged 50-64 claiming Key Benefits: 2012Q04 29.6 25.1 19

Percentage of women smoking at booking: 2011-2013

26.6 24 19
The average number of registered patients per contracted GP: 2012    1,343 1,295
Education, Skills and Training
Total number of pupils in primary schools: 2013 1109 6956 375308
Total number of pupils in secondary schools: 2013 940 5226 288022
Average tariff score of all pupils on the S4 roll: 2012/2013 176 182 193
Average tariff score of Female pupils on the S4 roll: 2012/2013 183 193 201
Average tariff score of Male pupils on the S4 roll: 2012/2013 169 170 184
Number of Female pupils on the S4 roll: 2012/2013 86 488 26952
Number of Male pupils on the S4 roll: 2012/2013 91 495 27734
Percentage of dwellings in Council Tax band A: 2012 35.65 18.51 21.85
Percentage of dwellings in Council Tax bands A to C: 2012 86.41 72.94 61.47
Percentage of dwellings in Council Tax bands F to H: 2012 2.51 5 12.42
Total number of dwellings per hectare: 2012 15.55 2.81 0.32
House sales, median price: 2012   95,000 130,050
House sales, mean price: 2012 94,045 118,578 158,491
Crime and Justice
Number of all fires: 2012-2013 169 719 26613