Help Us Improve in West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel is a group of residents who have volunteered to be contacted for their views on key local topics and priorities.  The panel is reflective of the population of West Dunbartonshire and results of surveys are used to measure satisfaction and performance and service improvements.

Full panel surveys are carried out a minimum of twice a year, with members invited to provide their views anonymously.

Have Your Say - Join West Dunbartonshire Citizens Panel

We are keen to welcome employees and their family who live within West Dunbartonshire to join our Citizens panel. Please complete your details in the New Member Registration form.

If you have further questions please email

Latest Citizens Panel Reports 

The Spring 2023 survey was themed on the four priority areas of the Council’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, Our Communities, Our Environment, Our Economy, Our Council, and sought to help us understand what people’s priorities within these were, and any changes over time.

Spring 2023

This year’s survey focused on how residents’ experiences over the last three years had changed focusing on areas of existing and emerging importance.

Spring 2022

The latest survey conducted in Spring 2021, focused on Council services, contacting the Council and community. 

Spring 2021

The Autumn 2020 survey focused on Climate Change. 

Autumn 2020

The Winter 2019 survey focused on satisfaction with Council services and contacting the Council.

Winter 2019


If you have any further questions or would like to see previous reports please let us know at