Old Kilpatrick Community Council Meeting

Minutes – meeting held 10.01.2023 @ Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick.

Present: Isobel, Debbie, Jana, Gordon, Rena, Chris Young, Maria

Apologies: Carolyn, Rhona

Approval of previous minutes:  The minutes of the previous minutes were not available for approval due to a mix up and they had not been circulated to the wider group.

Police Report:

Scott Hardy and Kayleigh Hughes in attached from Scottish Police Force

  • 2 cases of vandalism – both of which enquiries are ongoing
  • 2 cases of vehicle/traffic crime
  • 2 breach of the peace/disorder
  • 3 theft – 2 of which enquiries are ongoing
  • 1 breach of bail
  • 2 breach of communications act – both of which enquiries are ongoing
  • 1 misuse of a laser at a plane landing at Glasgow airport

(The above all exclude fixed penalty notices issued in respect of anti-social behaviour, non endorsable and endorsable offences (road traffic))

  • It was noted that while the gathering of youths in the usual area’s (Glen, Saltings, under the railway bridge) were less frequent they were still happening. The reduction in frequency is most likely due to the time of year and the weather.  Police advised that we should encourage individuals to call them when they see something they think should be reported and not assume that someone else will do it. 

Local Issues:

Graeme Anderson attended the meeting with the hope of speaking directly to the councillor’s from WDC.  Unfortunately, there was no representation from WDC at the meeting with no apologies submitted for non-attendance.  Mr Anderson resides at 125 Dumbarton Road and has been having issues with the tenant in adjoining property, which is owned by WDC, for approx. 3.5 years.  Mr Anderson gave the group a very thorough and detailed account of the past 3.5 years.  WDC have not been responding to Mr Anderson or his partner Debbie Keenan despite constant requests for things to be addressed.  The lack of communication from WDC has become unacceptable.  The below are the main points that have not been addressed.

  • Property left unattended since the tenant was told by the courts that his is not allowed anywhere near the property.
  • Front and back lawns not being upkept despite constant requests.
  • Lights left on 24hrs a day in the property despite a request for WDC to come out and switch them off as Mr Anderson was advised by Fire Service that it was a fire hazard.
  • Roof tile damaged and despite WDC been informed nothing done to fix it.
  • On 18.12.2022 water from the property at 127 Dumbarton Road started to flood out of the property.
  • Mr Anderson called WDC emergency response line 3 times – he received no response to any of those calls.
  • Mr Anderson then called fire brigade who came out, broke in via a boarded-up window, turned off both the water and electricity. The informed Mr Anderson that the leak was caused by the broken tile in the roof (previously reported to WDC on several occasions with no action taken by them) and that there was a burst pipe in the loft and 3 ft of water in the bedroom.
  • Mr Anderson’s property is now being effect with damp walls, wallpaper bubbling and cracks appearing in walls. Mr Anderson has now got to run dehumidifiers 24 hours a day in one of his bedrooms to try and dry out the damage.
  • WDC council were call on 9.1.2023 and inform Mr Anderson that the tenant would not engage with them despite this being a council property.
  • Issy will write to WDC chief Exec with copy to Martin Docherty and Mairi McNair to detail the failings of WDC on many occasions and the effect on Mr Anderson and Ms Keenan.

Local Place Plan

  • It was agreed that there will be time put aside at every other meeting to discuss our local place plan.
  • By the end of 2023 the aim is to have everything in place to submit our local place plan.
  • This will give is valued partner status round the table with regards to any discussion/decisions about development in the village.
  • Local place plan given us the opportunity to be able to identify what we may need and work out a solution on how best we achieve it.
  • Issy explained to those present how the process works end to end.
  • It was agreed that the CC will do the initial preparation then circulate to the wider groups (church groups/ youth groups etc….) for their comments/input.
  • It was agreed we will use the 20-minute neighbourhood plan approach.
  • Liam Green (Head of Roads, WDC) and Michelle Lynn (Asset Mgmt, WDC) have been invited to attend the next meeting.
  • Issy asked that everyone should have a think about the infrastructure of the road accessibility into and out of the village and around the village. Please come prepared with the issues we face and some solution proposals if you have any thoughts you would like to present).
  • Michelle Lynn is also in charge of the Pavillion which has been ongoing for 2/3 years so, again, thought on this to be brought along.
  • Gordon has written to WDC 4 times regarding the Pavillion with no response received. It was decided that any future communication should be done centrally through the Chair and not on an individual basis to ensure transparency across the entire CC.
  • Gordon will share the 4 letters he sent with the CC at the next meeting.

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th February 2023, Napier Hall @ 7.30pm

Meeting Closed @ 20.51pm

Old Kilpatrick Community Council Minutes   14/2/23


Isobel Plunkett (Chair), Rena McKenzie, Maria Gordon, Chris Young, Jim McElhill, June McKay, John Pryde (police officer) Carolyn Hutchison.


Gordon King, Rhona Young, Daniel Lennie, Jana Moracova, Debbie Keenan, Lauren Oxley.

Minutes from 10 /1/22

Jim McElhill raised concern re.issue highlighted by Graeme Anderson around data protection issues and also that this was the first time he had heard of it despite holding regular surgeries in the village.

This issue has been going on for 3.5 years and community council were concerned re.council communication and lack of action. Questions raised - why a single person was housed in a family home which is now unoccupied and is living in another property both of these being paid for by the council. Lack of response from emergency phone number,leading to call out of fire brigade who have highlighted that there is a risk of fire.

Letter sent to Chief Executive Peter Hasset and no response received,the secretary to the housing convener will contact all departments involved and then reply, Peter Barry, Martin Docherty and Marie McNair have all responded.

Jim McElhill will look into this and contact Martin Docherty and Marie McNair. Request that all 4 councillors receive a copy of this letter and any other issues but only 1 councillor deals with it.

Councillors have 10 working days to reply to correspondence but the most annoying thing for the community council, who are all volunteers, is lack of acknowledgement.

Police Report

John Pryde

7 recorded crimes:

  • 1 common assault
  • 1 theft
  • 1 small drug crime
  • 2 breach of the peace
  • 2 vandalism

Concern raised regarding speed of traffic on Station Road and through the village. Especially as a 40mph speed limit where new flats are.

Questions re.parking when new legislation is in force.

Youth issues quiet as tends to be seasonal.


Rena McKenzie raised issues in the village.

  1. Junction at Station Rd and Dumbarton Rd - refuge islands in disrepair and request for a give-way sign.
  2. Request for 1 way system at Erskine view and Church place and 20 mph speed limit. Access for emergency services. This was highlighted 10 years ago. Carpark behind the Ettrick is very muddy and covered in potholes. Restricting accessibility to Church Place.
  3. Road where hub and MB Motors are in an awful state. Jim McElhill has contacted the asset management team for the owner and it is housing who own it. David Lynch from housing has passed an order to the roads department who have contracted it out for resurfacing.
  4. Disabled access at Kilpatrick Station on North side. This has been previously discussed with Scotrail but there are financial implications. Jim McElhill has said he will contact Scotrail. There is also no signage at the station.

Issues re Antonine Wall Project

  • Garages on Portpatrick Road and huge bins opposite the milestone.
  • June McKay had contacted John Kerr but has had no reply.

Issues re roads and Asset Transfer

  • No response to previous correspondence. Isobel Plunkett will write to Liam Greene and Michelle Lynn and copy in the councillors.
  • Proposal for the agenda - to put 20 -30 minutes aside to work on locality plan at the end of community council meeting.

Date of next meeting

  • 14th March 2023 Napier Hall 7.30pm

Old Kilpatrick Community Council Meeting

Minutes – meeting held 14.03.2023 @ Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick.



Isobel, Debbie, Jana, Gordon, Rena, Chris Young, Maria, Davis, Jim, Tom


Carolyn, Rhona

Approval of previous minutes

  • Approved – Isobel Plunkett
  • Seconded – Maria Gordon

Police Report

Apologies from the Police as they could not attend.

  • 4 Traffic incidents
  • 2 breach of the peace
  • 2 Vandalism
  • 1 drugs offence

Secretary Report

  • Response from WDC which did not address the questions raised.
  • Response to be sent by MG to the 4 counsellors.

Treasurer Report

  • No report as treasurer not present.

Local Issues

  • Lauren chased John Kerr on the Lock ups on Port Patrick Road – no response received. Jim will be invited to a future meeting as this has been ongoing for some time now with no forward movement and very little engagement.
  • Kilpatrick railway station – the east direction platform has been tactiled- Gordon has spoken to Scotrail directly who have said that the west direction platform will also be done.
  • Roads – the roads department will pick up the issue with the island at the bottom of Station Rd and the one-way suggestion for Erskine View. With regards to the car park at the back of The Ettrick, we are still trying to locate who owns this section of land through Michelle Lynn – no response yet.
  • Liam Green has not responded to any communications that Issy has sent.

Napier Hall

  • Public Meeting will be held on 15th March regarding the closure of the Napier Hall.
  • Michelle Lynn sent a message to Issy to say she would not be attending.
  • 3 of the 4 counsellors will attend, Lauren gave apologies as she has a prior engagement.
  • WDC have been asked to find out what funding will be available and what the plans are when the hall has to close.
  • There are final discussions ongoing with regards to the closure of the Church and if that goes ahead then the Church may be an alternative option (or maybe and additional one) for a community space.

Local Place Plan

  • Gordon will share the 4 letters he sent with the CC at the next meeting (c/f from last meeting)
  • No other discussions on this matter due to arrangement of public meeting.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 11th April @7.30pm - Napier Hall.

Meeting closed – 20.52pm.


Old Kilpatrick Community Council Minutes  

Minutes of Meeting 11/4/23



Isobel Plunkett (Chair), Rena McKenzie,Maria Gordon, Chris Young, Debbie Keenan, Davis Robertson, Jana Moracova, Lauren Oxley(Clr), Tom Morrison, Carolyn Hutchison.


Gordon King, Rhona Young, Daniel Lennie(Clr), Jim McElhill (Clr).

Minutes from meeting

Approved by Jana Maracova and Lauren Oxley.

Rena McKenzie let us know about the Dementia Safeguarding Tag which is available in WDC for further information go to alzscot.org

Davis Robertson updated us on the church which has a stay of execution until the end of 2026.

Lauren Oxley reported that Michelle Lynn was unable to attend the meeting but that the pavilion in the high parks date was August 2023.

Issy commented that the money for the Pavillion was still tagged and that there may be scope to redesign it.Multi use use not just for changing and discussed with reconfiguration team with ideas of an outdoor gym.

Maria Gordon had written to the council regarding the empty house on Dumbarton Road,highlighting the safety issues and the question was not answered in the response.

Tom Burke who stays in Erskine got in touch with the community council regarding an incident on the Erskine bridge regarding trail bikes with riders having no helmets.Police not at this meeting to ask.

Contact from Kevin Waters the principal project manager for the Malin group for the Marine Technology park is happy to come along to a community council meeting to discuss progress.

Treasurers Report - Elaine McNally has applied for the grant.

Chatty Cafe now in situ at Scout Square - Men’s shed are going to make raised beds and a seating area is planned with gates.

First public meeting for the Napier Hall was well attended around 120 people.Community Council will act as support until a group for the Napier Hall is established.A building condition report has been requested and council representatives and councillors will be in attendance at the next public meeting at 19th April 2023 at 7pm.

Locality plan still ongoing,areas/topics allocated to community council members and ideas will be collated Chris Young will look at a format for this.

7th June 2023 is the Community Council Forum Meeting which will take place in either the Napier Hall or OKFP.

Date of next meeting

9th May 2023 Napier Hall 7.30pm.