Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of meeting 12 January 2021


  • Mrs I Plunkett
  • D Keenan
  • Mrs M McAulay
  • Mrs A Hamilton
  • Mrs E Stormonth
  • Mrs D Robertson
  • Mrs E McNally
  • Mrs C Hutchison
  • Cllr Casey
  • Lennie McNair and Hendrie
  • Megyn Tyrell


  • J Moracova
  • Mrs R Young
  • Mr G King

Minutes of previous meeting approved by D Keenan and seconded by Mrs E McNally.

Matters arising from previous minutes:

  • Isobel welcomed an email received from Cllr Casey re the process for the participatory budget. Isobel has been struggling to get a quote to clean and restore the village signs and therefore it is unlikely we will be able to submit an application for funds from the Participatory Budget.
  • Greenspace have replaced tree at the memorial site.

No Secretary Report

  • Correspondence received correspondence from S Greer re a conference on the 24/2 about planning in Scotland. She was requested to get involved in neighbourhood action plan in Alexandria.

Chairpersons Report:

  • Isobel has been approached by residents from Station Road looking at traffic calming. They have requested assistance from us, roads dept, the council and the Forestry Comm re the parking on both sides all the way from the chemist right up to the hills and round in mount pleasant road. Isobel forwarded a letter from one of the residents to all the councillors requesting their assistance. People are parking nose to tail all the way up the road. We are in a situation where police will say that there is little they can do and the council will say it’s a police issue. Cllr Casey said all waterfront councillors have probably received correspondence about this issue. Cllr Casey has emailed the roads dept to see what solutions they can offer. Cllr McNair contacted the council about installing barriers re inconsiderate parking. She has spoken to Mo Boyle from police and she has discussed with her colleague Alan Dickson about the issue and looking at trying to discourage unnecessary travel. Also Donald Petrie has written to the Forestry Comm re extra parking. Marie has also had communication from the council Gail Macfarlane about this issue.  
  • There was a good discussion about possible solutions but double yellow lines wouldn’t be good for the residents and it’s very difficult for the police to enforce this unless they see dangerous parking. Cllr Lennie feels the Forestry comm need to be involved as Police can’t be expected to enforce all the time and don’t have the resources and as the Forestry Comm are advertising the walks up the hill and that parking is available. We need a resolution for this issue very quickly. Isobel was at a recent meeting with Forestry Comm and she felt that they indicated more parking would be available.  Isobel to write to the Forestry Comm about this issue and invite to our March meeting and Cllr McNair to invite both Mo Boyle and Alan Dickson from the police to the March meeting.  
  • Mount Pleasant site- Isobel emailed the 4 councillors re a phone call from a local resident that a rumour is circulating about a possible use of this building as a house for wayward boys. Councillors responded that this building will be marketed but as its only just been vacated its early days about what will happen to this building. Councillors have heard nothing yet about the future use of this building.
  • Mrs Plunkett raised and issue that has arisen in the village about Anti-Social Behaviour/neighbours. As we know there are a mixture of private housing and council housing in most areas in Old Kilpatrick.   The councillors have all received correspondence about a particular case which will be discussed within this meeting.
  • In brief we have a council tenant next to a private tenant where there have been some criminal offences and anti-social offences.    This is an ongoing issue which is causing extreme distress and it is imperative that we understand the housing structure and strategy and what the process is for dealing with anti-social behaviour. How is housing distributed in Old Kilpatrick and what is the procedure and how does the council deal with anti-social behaviour. The community council would like to understand the process in order to support the local community.  
  • A long discussion took place about a very volatile situation in our village and we need to understand what the council policy is re anti-social behaviour and how this team in the council are following through and implementing this policy.   Cllr Lennie spoke about how the councillors need to do more to enforce this policy and help the victims.   Cllr McNair shares her frustration that the victim doesn’t get enough support.   The 4 councillors will look to work together to try and get a resolution.
  • Mrs Plunkett has suggested we invite Steven Williamson from the Anti-Social Behaviour Team and Edward Thomas, Head of housing to our February meeting and this was agreed by all members.
  • Welcome back to Megyn Tyrell . Megyn's role is to support the community council and one of the issues we were looking at was the scheme of establishment and the boundaries which were both up for renewal last year but has been delayed due to Covid restrictions. One of our issues is we have the Antonine Estate which is not in our boundary and we would like to extend our boundary . Megyn explained that her team were pulled to help with the covid in the community. She doesn’t have a timescale about when scheme of establishment will come back on the agenda.   Isobel talked about producing a leaflet to explain the role of a community council and what we do in our community council and this would be a start in our consultation and engage with our community.  Suzanne Greer talked about supporting us to produce a leaflet about 3 years ago but this never came transpired. Liz had an old leaflet which could be used as a starting point.   Megyn thought a leaflet would be good and also look at social media and Megyn has offered her support with assistance for a leaflet. Liz suggested that we get the leaflet ready so that when we get a date for the scheme of establishment we are ready to go.
  • Summer Party for the Erskine Bridge is probably not going to go ahead. So we need to look at using the money in some other way.   Isobel has suggested that we look at purchasing a half container that has been converted and use it as an information centre for the community council, action ok etc.  James Steele has one ready. Possibly have to look for a central site.   We will explore the possibility of this idea.   We need to think of any our ideas for the use of these funds. To be discussed in February.
  • OK Food Parcels- 120 Xmas boxes distributed on Xmas day. There was 20 in the depot and 70 to 100 people volunteering wrapping presents and preparing for the lunches. Kids got a chance to see santa at the depot. They are feeding approx. 30 children per day during the school lockdown with packed lunches. Also looking at setting up a Chatty Café.

Treasurers report:

  • Balance as at 30/11/20              £6906.70
  • Expenses                                           22.40
  • Balance as at 31/1/21                 £6884.30
  • Books due to be audited at end of March 2021.

Councillors Report

  • Cllr Casey advised that 6 new bins put into village between freelands and Gavinburn. Total now 46.   The burning bin has also been replaced in the glen. Cllr McNair reported that the better homes group are meeting on 26/1 and having a review of all lock ups. This will hopefully incorporate the issues in Port Patrick Road.   We would like to invite John Kerr to a future meeting to discuss the way forward to sort this issue.


  • Alison Hamilton reported that she handed a hamper into the Mount Pleasant Care home prior to them leaving for the new care home.

Next meeting

  • 9/2/21

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of Meeting 9th February 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs A Hamilton, Mrs E Stormonth, Mrs E McNally, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs McAulay, Cllrs Casey, Lennie and Hendrie.

Invited guests: John Wallace (Anti-Social behaviour Officer), Gary McCallum (Housing Operations Team leader, Waterside Ward)


Cllr McNair, D Keenan.

Minutes of previous meeting

Approved by Mrs M McAulay and seconded by Mrs A Hamilton.

Mrs Plunkett invited Gary McCallum to give an overview of his role.

There are 7 housing Officers who deal with tenancy matters and estate matters. Looking at kerb side appeal and to ensure tenants look after their property including gardens.  They ask them to get on neighbours and try to enforce Tenancy agreements and we try to take reasonable steps to resolve the issues ( Section 3 in tenancy agreements) but we need enough evidence to take things forward to anti- social behaviour team.

Housing officers look at allocations, new applications, transfers, mutual transfers and manage waiting lists.

Covid 19 is restricting our housing inspections and estate Audits are not happening.  Can really do no house visits and is really just emergency issues.  

Cllr Casey asked about Neighbourhood Assistants. Gary not sure about the numbers (numbers are depleted) but they are dealing with issues remotely with some working till 10 at night. This is primarily for issues that happen like fires, plumbing issues etc. They also do care taking duties and work with anti-social behaviour team and work as professional witness. Cllr Lennie commented that there isn’t a huge presence.  

All procedures governed by Scottish Housing Act.

If someone breaks tenancy agreement, it is very difficult to get it to courts and can take a long time. Housing has their own process first and tries to resolve firstly, then it would be referred to our Legal Services and then they would decide if it goes to court.  

Question asked how many cases have been taken to court for anti-social behaviour or rent arrears. Gary McCallum did not have these figures.   Is there a housing officer allocated to Old Kilpatrick? Could an officer come to our meeting? Mrs Plunkett said that as a community council we would like to work with our housing officer and for us to make new people welcome into our community.

Question asked about how does housing support officer give support to a new tenant who is transferred into a new community and how are they integrated into the community? Gary said they try to get to know there prospective tenant first before they move into the area. Look at their financial situation etc. to ensure they are able to sustain the transfer to a new property. They help with furniture vouchers, carpets, white goods. This all happens before they move. They go through all the agreement and in particular about respect for others and also about how they need to look after their garden and in some cases they have been given lawnmowers to help them get started. There is always a dialogue between housing office and tenant. Lots of tenants don’t really want to engage with housing officer and they do not wish to discuss their living arrangements. We can only enforce a tenancy agreement with evidence. Gary gets an email every day from Police about issues that have been reported to them and housing office decided what is next steps.  

Cllr Lennie raised the issue of anti-social behaviour and stated how frustrated and how difficult it is to deal with but the victim is left behind and nothing appears to happen.

Question is asked how much is enough for the victim. Gary says he needs 2 pieces of evidence and that is enough to take legal action. That does not automatically secure place in court.  

Mrs Hamilton asked if housing have a file on people who have previous anti-social behaviour. Gary says background checks are done but we can’t always hold it against them forever if time has lapsed.

Mrs Plunkett asked do we have an Empty House Officer - comes under remit of housing strategy team (John Kerr) this is a shared resource between Renfrewshire and WDC.

John Wallace invited to speak:

This has now become a Telephone anti-social behaviour team for the last year. This team normally are face to face but haven’t done so for past year due to Covid.

2 people work 9am to 5pm and 6 people work 8pm to 2am. Main remit is to attend anti-social behaviour however this is now done by telephone. All low level issues goes to Housing officer and then if they can’t resolve it goes to anti- social team. They gather evidence, however the biggest issue is getting official statements.

Mrs Plunkett asked how many ASBO’s have been issued (No figures to hand). She stated that this whole anti-social behaviour issue very much supports the side of the perpetrator. Perhaps the legislation is not fit for purpose.                      

Question asked about a time limit on a complaint. Answer - aim to close after 4 weeks. It can be raised again then the case is re-opened. However after a year they have to start again. Any legal case needs to have issued a notice of proceedings and this is done within 28 days and we will issue this if we are going to take this to court. There is a huge backlog in the courts.

To evict someone it has to go to court and needs to be granted by the Sheriff.  

Cllr Casey requests the details on how many neighbourhood assistants we have in our area.

Gary McCallum would be delighted to come to any future meetings with a housing officer.


Mrs Plunkett asked about empty houses - do they pay 200% Council tax? (she will take this forward to the empty house officer). The house at bottom of Station Road and the canal cottage. Are they paying 200% council tax?. Cllr Casey said this is to try and encourage people to upgrade property and rent out. WDC will help with loans etc. as WDC have 300 Empty Houses and could use this housing. How do we find out if this is happening in our empty houses in OK.   We hope this would be a way in to try and get owners to upgrade these houses.

Look at what to do with lottery funding and carry forward to next meeting.

A Forestry representative will come to next meeting. Liz to email Cllr McNair to check if Mo Boyle and Alan Dickson from Police are able to attend March meeting.  

Cllr Casey provided an update re parking in Station Road. Police have reviewed matter and local police officers had provided extra attention in this area in the early start of the pandemic. However as this has now emerged again regular patrols have restarted and will continue. Police advise that this parking has not amounted to be dangerous or illegal parking and they will continue to monitor and will look at any Covid breaches however people are allowed to travel the 5 miles for exercise.   Community Council feels that if emergency services needed access then this would be very difficult. Hope to discuss next month with police.

OKFP - Community council put in an application under participatory budget scheme on behalf of OKFP for volunteer training package. As OKFP are now independent the hope is that the grant will go direct to them.

Treasurers Report

Balance as at 31st January 2021 - £6884.30



Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of Meeting 9th March 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs L Stormonth, Mrs A Hamilton, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs M McAulay, Mrs E McNally, J Moracova, Mrs C Hutchison, Cllrs McNair, Lennie & Hendrie

Invited Guests

Inspector Mo Boyle, Gail McFarlane (Road Transport) Paige Klinkman (Forestry)


Cllr Casey, F Boyle, D Keenan, Megyn Tyrell

Minutes of previous meeting

Approved by Mrs M McAulay and seconded by Mrs A Hamilton.

Matters arising

Gary McCallum (Housing operations Team leader) has now provided figures which were requested from previous meeting. Court Cases in WDC, 51 granted by court in 2019/20, 6 granted in 2020/21. Rent arrears 144 in 2019/20, 10 in 2020/21. ASBO’s since 2018 – 2. Evictions 2. Pending legal is 2, evictions is 3.   It was suggested that perhaps we may invite Gary to attend another meeting as these figures seemed very low.

Mrs Plunkett invited Paige Klinkman from Forestry to speak. Specifically looking at ongoing developments at the Kilpatrick Braes and how this affects us in the village.

Forestry and Land manage the Kilpatrick hills which have multiple access points and they can see an increase in footfall by 4 to 6 times in last year. There is 2 way traffic counter but this doesn’t distinguish between person, bikes and horse etc. Access & Strategy maintain Car Parks and people surveys. They look to develop high quality access and recreation opportunities. Looking at developing further car parking spaces and also Litter management.

Mrs I Plunkett advised that Forestry and land haven’t updated their online documents since 2008. Access and recreation strategy says that Forestry will maintain car parking facilities and also do community surveys and this hasn’t been updated 2014. Highlight that you are going to develop the Kilpatrick Braes and we haven’t seen this other than a road going up the Rosie Road and also that litter will be managed. You also want to promote this with partners and who are they. Most interested in how you are going to develop the car parking and how you will link with the community.  

Community Asset transfer scheme is in place and gives the community the right to buy land etc. If community believe they can better manage the land they can apply.

Litter is collected from designated bins on a weekly basis and will move to bi/weekly in the summer. They are looking to launch a campaign and strategy about litter and fire raising. They are aware of anti-social behaviour, large parties drinking (underage) at the Humphrey. They are looking to create a media campaign. Also a craft team do a litter pick on the Rosie road up to the Humphrey on a fortnightly basis. Their communications manager is working on a strategy linking in with community councils and share in social media.

Partnerships - WDC, Anti- social Task Group, Scottish water, various neighbours, nature Scotland.

Promotional of development and recreation is going to be reviewed shortly.

Parking Facilities: they are aware not sufficient. Looking at acquiring a field- timescales 21/22 financial year to work on this which involves acquisition/planning. Groundwork and preparations /constructions in year 2022/23. Looking at some temporary facilities for the summer to alleviate the issue in the village.

They do tree safety inspections and maintain cycling routes.

Plans to further develop the Kilpatrick Hills but we need to focus on the parking facilities first before they explore further recreation of new routes etc.

Public Opinion surveys - nothing has been done recently. Kilpatrick hills have just had its 5 year review and when it is ready it will go out to public consultation first.

Need a better handle on or out of date web pages and need further info. Mrs Plunkett was quoting from the current web page. In the document in 2014 it says they will develop the car park and Sports Park.   Unfortunately the Forestry didn’t know about the SGN works and that the WDC manage the car park at present.

Gail McFarlane advised that Grounds management are currently with the forestry commission about additional car park with an extra 20 spaces and are looking at going through the Approval process. We are looking at inconsiderate parking particular in station road and working with local residents. 2 phases to go through to put any restrictions in place. 1st phase is the consultation period which would include Community Council. There is a time period and she will share this once they have a formal plan.   They are looking a quick wins, re signs, litter etc and working with police and the Forestry. Gail has said she will share the draft plan.  

Isobel said we have been working with greenspace and developing plans for Lusset Park and we were unaware that the park was being considered to increase parking on a greenspace. Gail says the extra spaces would just be a temporary thing and can be put back to a park.

As residents of this community we would like to know what is short term and long term. This should have been sorted out prior to promoting the Kilpatrick Hills to the public. Not years after.

Mrs Plunkett now invited Inspector Mo Boyle who heads up community engagement team to speak.

Restructured how they deliver policing and now have a problem solving team headed up by Alan Dickson and looking at neighbourhood issues, anti-social behaviour etc in WDC. Inspector Boyle heads up community engagement team to include town centre officers, community safety officers, anti-social behaviour teams. Going forward they will find a way to link in with the community councils.   Perhaps this would be on a quarterly basis and Inspector Boyle would set up under a different system to bring CC’s together. She will try and link in with regular crime reports . Looking at identifying a specific Officer communicating by phone or email and her details will also be available to raise issues and engage with CC’s.

Traffic Issues - Our involvement has mainly been about what we call inconsiderate parking and the knock on effect down station road and she has spoken with residents. Local Officers regularly attend and engage with people who are parking. Their view is inconsiderate parking with a small number of dangerous parking.   We can only act on enforceable yellow lines and this would give police more scope and do campaigns. At the moment there is no yellow lines.

Questions: Will the football park be left - Best for Gail to forward a plan and where the compound is that they are looking at.

Paige is looking at the old car park which was temporary used but there is a different planning procedure for permanent car parking as opposed to temporary parking facility. It wasn’t opened last summer as Forestry took decision to close all their car parks due to Covid 19.   Unfortunately because this was closed then the village were put in more danger and this should have been considered. Mrs Plunkett said that there must have been lots of complaints about the amount of cars that descended on our village.

Mrs Plunkett is happy to meet on Microsoft teams as Inspector Boyle suggested and getting a sub group going to sort this problem quickly.

Question to Inspector Boyle re people coming from afar re travel restrictions under Covid 19. Policing approach is 4 E’s (engage, explain, encourage and enforce).   Early on in lockdown WDC did have a lot of people coming into the area however it wasn’t built into the legislation that anything could be enforced. Now it is up to 5 miles out with your local authority area. Perhaps there are WDC residents and further afield however there is a police patrol unit and are very active. An independent review was done about how the police were patrolling and responding and WDC policing was highlighted and praised about their approach.

Mrs Plunkett raised a question about the teenager’s finishing school, take drink up to the hills, glen, saltings etc. and we are concerned about this issue and about how we can all work together. Y-sort-it did pop up tents to engage with the youngsters and maybe we need to give this our attention again. Inspector Boyle says they have been doing out reach work and this is a focus for them in OK.   20 calls since October 2020 regarding youth behaviour under Erskine bridge, Glen, Saltings etc. The police try to be visible in Easter, summer to have a police presence to encourage the youngsters to disperse. Calls about parking only had 5 calls since October 2020.


Marie McNair advised changing Facilities at the park still supposed to be starting in March 2021 and no update so far. Meant to have been demolished by Jan 21 and rebuilt by March 2021.  

Scheme of Establishment Review email sent out 7th March 2021 looking to discuss this at our next meeting in April and perhaps Megyn Tyrell or Susanne Mason may attend.

Town Twinning - We have been invited to think about whether we want to consider this? Moira thought we were twinned.   Marie McNair said we do have twinning with a town in France and we also have a friendship with another area. To be discussed at another meeting.

Follow up to get John Kerr to come and give us an update on the review of our derelict buildings. Isobel to invite him to next meeting.

Isobel attended the Circular Economy and Planning system meeting - all about zero waste and Isobel can give an account to everyone once she receives the report.

Elaine asked about rubbish around the Old Care Home and who do we report this too? Michelle Lynn would be the person to report it too and Marie McNair will raise this issue. Cllr McNair offered her apologies.

Cllr Hendrie advised Old Playdrome is being knocked down at present but so far this site has not been sold.

Community Testing Centres are up and running in WDC. This is for asymptomatic testing.

Question asked about Covid Test centre at Napier Hall - originally 3 month lease extended till 6 months.   Update required as to how long it will continue.

Next meeting

Invite J Kerr re derelict buildings, Discuss Scheme of Establishment, Development plan for Lusset Park.

Next Meeting 13th April 2021.


Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of Meeting 13th April 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs M McAulay, J Moracova, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs E McNally, Mrs L Stormonth, D Keenan, Mrs C Hutchison , Cllrs Casey, Hendrie and McNair .

Invited Guests: Alan Karas (WDC Your Community Team), John Kerr( WDC Housing Development & Homelessness Manager.


Mrs A Hamilton, Cllr Lennie


Mrs Plunkett welcomed everyone to the meeting and offered Happy Birthday wishes to Cllr McNair and thanked her for coming on to zoom even on her birthday.

Minutes of previous meeting approved by Mrs M McAulay and seconded by Jana Moracova.

Mrs Plunkett advised that topics for discussion tonight time permitting would be: Twinning Issue with French and German towns that have been requested, Lusset Glen Draft Strategy, Info from Police. Traffic Calming and signage in the village.

Mrs Plunkett advised she attended a Licensing Forum which in WDC very low figures of 1 adult and 10 young people charged re underage drinking which she feels is very low. Police didn’t want to criminalise youngsters. She also attended an initial meeting to discuss Scheme of Establishment. Isobel received an email regarding the slipway @ ferry road and looking to find out who owns that area.

Received an email regarding slip way at Ferry Road and re an oil leakage and who owns what pieces of Land in the village. We seem to know who owns what and who is responsible.

Mrs Plunkett invited John Kerr to speak to us about his role.

His role is Housing stock, WDC strategic housing authority role in the development of local housing/refurbishment and responsible for the Policy Development which there is 30 policies approx. He looks at future new builds and also manages homeless society. WDC are proud not to have a huge issue with people living on the street.

There are 3 key issues which we have asked him to speak about.

  1. Council Policy on empty homes.
  2. Portpartrick Road Garage sites.
  3. Future use of the old care home in the village.

Empty home strategy updated November 2020 and he has confirmed that there is an empty housing officer. Firstly talk about the empty house at bottom of station road and John confirmed there are no services within this property and they have tried to make several attempts to the owner and no response has been received and so he is choosing not to engage. He has instructed building control to do an inspection.

Bridge Keepers Cottage- again he has instructed building control to complete an inspection. He has had some communication with KPM as they purchased this in 2006 and last thing they intimated about 14 months ago that they had no plans to do anything with this cottage.

WDC are looking to see if they can have a change of powers to do something about these properties as at the moment a compulsory purchase order is a very long drawn out process. There is a hope that new legislation could assist in these matters. Once he receives the outcome of the inspections it may give them more powers.

Garage Sites: Key actions is to carry out a review and this has been delayed but hopes that there will be a site visit in May or June 2021 and have a consultation with the lease holders and bring a report back around September but it will not go to committee until November.

Care home- it will be the subject in may at the committee but they are looking at developing this as amenity housing for the elderly.

A discussion took place in which we were advised that the empty houses are not habitable and therefore do not pay council tax. Question raised that under the Community empowerment act do we have any leverage? John Kerr replied that easiest route would be compulsory sale route but that isn’t available yet. It was suggested by Mrs Plunkett that   the bridge keepers cottage could be used as a tourist info centre, museum given that it is at the end of the Antonine Wall. John Kerr said that was a good idea and would raise it as a possible community asset.

The garage sites are owned by the council and leased and that there is meant to be 6 monthly inspection visits but again these have been delayed. Cllr Casey asked that following previous inspections has there been any communication with lease holders as nothing has been done and John Kerr advised last inspection was October 2019 but nothing had been following through due to Covid. Mrs Stormonth said it should simply be that lease holders get given a short time to sort their garage out or return it to the council for the space to used as a community area. John Kerr apologised for the lack of action in the area.

Mrs Plunkett invited Alan Karas to speak. He is part of the WDC Communities Team and to assist in the Scheme of establishment review where a 16 week consultation has started to link in with all Community Councils and to establish a stronger voice. The review will cover recruitment of young people to CC, boundaries, merging community councils and looking at the digital approach. The whole process will go to WDC by December 2021 and look to put in place in 2022. They are working to establish Community Council Forum and to support CC and up-skill community councillors. Isobel intimated that perhaps our review would need to be a special meeting only to go through the document but would be interested for WDC/Local authority to tell us what they would like the community council role to be. Isobel has previously sent out a copy of the scheme of establishment and she will arrange a special meeting to go through it point by point.


Mrs Plunkett advised that the Police can’t attend Zoom meetings. See attached Police Document dated 13/4/21.

We will look to catch up all our outstanding issues over the last 6 meetings as we have had a lot of guests and we don’t seem to have time to discuss any outstanding issues properly. Liz to put together a list and will liaise with Isobel and Moria. AP. Anyone who wishes to add to this list and go through previous minutes please advise Liz by email.

Cllr McNair advised that Beverly Dennett from WDC legal can help with finding out who own what area in the village and Isobel will speak to her about the slip way in Ferry Road re the issues.

Perhaps in future we could get Gail McFarlane (Road Transport) to come back and discuss Traffic calming/ signage to try and slow traffic in the village.

Debbie raised the issue about the bollards at bottom of station road have been knocked down and this needs to be addressed soon.

Mrs Robertson raised that the lights are out at the crossing at Napier Hall and this is causing a dangerous issue due to volume of traffic.

Isobel raised about whether we would like to consider the Twinning with French and/or German Towns-   This will be put on our list of things to discuss in future.

Strategy for the Lusset glen document which was all sent to us recently will be discussed in the June Meeting and look to discuss what grants might be available to us and getting the community involved in some of the areas that need to be addressed.

Update on the Pavillion/changing facilities- Cllr McNair advised that demolition would be end of May and the modular building would be installed July after the temporary hard standing car park is laid. The hope it would be handed over by the end of July.

Treasurers Report

Balance as at 28/2/21 - £6884.30

Next meeting

  • 11th May 2021 and will be chaired by Mrs Moira McAulay.  

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of meeting 11th May 2021



Mrs M McAulay, Mrs L Stormonth, Mrs A Hamilton, J Moracova, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs E McNally, Cllrs Hendrie & McNair


Mrs I Plunkett, D Keenan, Cllr Lennie & Casey

Mrs McAulay is chairing the meeting and offers our best wishes to Marie McNair for becoming an MSP. Marie says she still wishes to maintain a close relationship with our community council.


  • Minutes of previous meeting approved by Mrs A Hamilton and seconded by J Moracova.
  • For the purpose of the meeting Mrs McAulay will go through the outstanding issues which were forwarded recently to all community councillors and will be updated by Liz on a monthly basis following the meeting.

Outstanding Issues

  • Pavilion/ Changing /facilities: Still ongoing Demolition due by end of May with Modular building being erected in July.
  • Twinning French/German Towns: put forward for discussion in June meeting.
  • Strategy Document Lusset Glen: to be discussed June meeting.
  • Scheme of Establishment: Isobel, Moira and Liz attended zoom meeting on 5th May and gave a brief update and explained we had asked to extend our boundary to take in the Western Isles estate on both sides.
  • Garage sites Portpatrick road: No update on the inspections/review to be done May/June 2021.
  • Empty Housing Bridge Keepers cottage and house at bottom of Station Road: John Kerr to provide update after Building Control Inspections.
  • Car Parking re Kilpatrick Hills: Email received from Paige Klinkman from the Forestry Comm dd 19/4 . At present the temporary car park at the Gas Governors has not opened as planned on the 23/4. The Email dd 19/4 to be sent to the councillors . (Liz has actioned this).   Issue raised by Mrs A Hamilton about the parking and driving around the station road area is becoming very dangerous and feels there needs to be signs with go slow being suggested and the need for more discussion with Police, council and the Forestry Comm. Cllr Mcnair received and email from Gail MacFarlane re a report going to council about bins, signage, Road traffic restrictions.   (Once email received by Liz this will be forwarded to all CC. ) Temporary Car parking @ the Pavilion still to be done.
  • Police Reports: Last report received 13/4/21 covering period 9/3 to 13/4. They have advised that we no longer have a dedicated Community Policing Officer for our area. The info was gathered by an officer from Community Engagement Team. Any issues we wish to raise will be disseminated to either Local Policing or Problem Solving Team. Any specific issued contact Brian Simpson , Community Engagement Team Sergeant Telephoning 101. They urge us to continue using Crime stoppers tel no 0800 555 111.
  • Care Home site: no update
  • Bollards at Station Road: Still not fixed, Cllrs will take forward.
  • Crossing Lights @Napier Hall: Now Fixed.
  • Traffic Calming/signage in village: This is ongoing however Marie McNair will raise with Road Traffic Dept and in the first instance ask for a traffic counter.
  • Lottery Funding rec’d May 20: It was thought we could use the money for the Erskine Bridge 50 year celebration and Isobel sent out an email asking for some volunteers to join with Erskine Community Council to discuss plans. Short discussion took place where it was suggested a plaque be done and installed in middle of bridge to commemorate this event by both Community Councils with a walk to meet in the middle. To be discussed further at June meeting.
  • Covid Testing Centre Napier Hall: Marie McNair to get an update.
  • Cleaning of 3 signs at start, middle and end of Village: Alison will ask Gordon McKay if he knows anyone who could do this in order for us to a quote and Elaine will google and see if she can find any local companies who could do this for us.
  • Production of Leaflet to explain role of CC: Megyn Tyrell to be contacted to ask her for support.
  • Signage on Cycle Path between Erskine ferry and Bowling: Liz to contact Sustran and Raymond Walsh @ West Dumbarton to ask for signage as its very dangerous walking in this area.

Treasurers Report

  • Balance as at 31/3/21     £6884.30
  • Expenses ( item for care home) £46.90
  • Balance as at 30/4/21   £6837.40

Elaine reported that she has been attempting to get a refund for the Port a Loo paid for last May. When this was booked it was paid up front and then we transferred the booking till May/june 21 but as we are not going to have an event that requires this she is trying to get a refund which is over £500. Elaine will have further update at June meeting.

Next meeting

  • 8/6/2021

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of meeting 8 June 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, J Morcova, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs A Hamilton, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs E Stormonth, Mrs M McAulay, Cllrs Casey, Lennie and Hendrie.


Mrs E McNally, D Keenan, Cllr McNair

Minutes of previous meeting approved by Mrs A Hamilton and seconded by Mrs C Hutchison.

Police Report: received from PC Alison Whyte, 2 thefts and 4 notices of vandalism. Any issues call 0800 555111.

Treasurers Report

  • Balance as at 30/4/21  is £6837.40 no expenses.
  • Balance as at 31/5/21 is £6837.40.
  • Treasurer reports that she is currently awaiting the refund from the port-a-loos.

Scheme of Establishment: Everyone should have received an email re meeting held 5th May by Zoom. This document is a proposal and it will go to consultation by end of summer and then it will go full council.

Lusset Glen

  • This proposal would be to work with AOK, Planning and council to produce a strategy to develop the Glen. Isobel asked for our views and our vision for this project.
  • A discussion took place that this is an ambitious project and we discussed the short, medium and long term goals using the document provided. Community councillors should give comment to Isobel by end of next week which will then be passed back to redraft the document and then it would go out for consultation.  
  • WDC/AOK/CC will all have to drive towards our goals. Cllr Casey suggested these groups need to meet together. Isobel advised she has met with Kath Ryall and Donald Petrie and that this is just the first draft.


Issue raised about dog fouling in particular at Gavinburn and to tackle this it needs to be reported to the 2 dog wardens for them to investigate.  

Erskine Bridge 50 year celebration: Looking to develop an event later in the year possibly October. Moira, Carolyn and Isobel to meet with Erskine Community Council. (Lottery still need a report on what we do with the funds we received back in May 2020) Short discussion took place and different opinions were given and about the size of the event and that in the May meeting it had been discussed that we do a walk to meet in middle and erect a plaque. Mrs Plunkett said nothing had been decided and they would discuss plans with Erskine CC.

Liz Raised the issue about Pavilion changing rooms still have not been demolished and would welcome an update from the Councillors in this respect as it should have been demolished by end of May with new Modular building erected in July 2021.

Liz reported that she contacted Sustrans about the issue on the cycle path re cyclists/pedestrians/dog walkers and she received a response from Simon Phillips saying he would contact Scottish Canals to discuss possibly using that route as a starting point to get clear signage about the usage of this shared path. They would look at signage that could eventually be used across the wider canal network.

Liz also reported that she had contacted Gail McFarlane re the large potholes over the bridge from Mount Pleasant Drive approaching the High Park. She reported this on the 19th May and is pleased to report it was fixed just 8 days later. Liz wished to acknowledge the speed of this repair and was very grateful to Gail McFarlane for this prompt action.

Car Parking issues re Kilpatrick Hills: Liz received an email from Marie McNair which will be passed to all community Councillors which was received from Gail McFarlane on this issue.

Discussion took place about future meetings and where they could be held. Cllr Casey reported that they hoped to get back to using council buildings in September but nothing confirmed as yet. Issue raised again about Napier Hall usage but no update so far.

Pedestrian traffic Lights at crossing at Napier Hall: Seems to be working one day and then not the next so could this be looked at to fully resolve.

It was agreed we wouldn’t have a meeting in July but Mrs Plunkett reserved the right to call a meeting in August if this is required.


Next meeting

  • September 14 2021

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

      Minutes of Meeting 10th August 2021



Mrs I Plunkett, J Moracova, Mrs L Stormonth, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs E McNally, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs M McAulay, Cllrs Lennie, Hendrie and McNair



This meeting was called regarding a proposal to utilise the Lottery Funds received May 2020.

Mrs Plunkett laid out a proposal to host a pantomime for the people of Old Kilpatrick by the people of OK. Isobel met with 2 actors/producers/directors that live in bowling who wish to help to bring the community together. They have been actively looking at musicians, dancers, makeup artists, actors who would like to build the spirit of getting all in the community to work together to bring a pantomime to the village. So this would be they write, produce and perform a pantomime where weekly rehearsals, and the need to pay musicians etc which would involve employing people within our community. We have £5214.67 of lottery funds and Isobel has checked with the lottery people who would be happy for us to use the money in this way.

Pete and Nick Green would be happy to come and do a presentation about this proposal. They are looking at performing 2/3 nights in December at a suitable location. With the Napier Hall not available they are looking at other venues within the community like school hall, scout hall or the OKFP Hub. Part of the production would actually make it local with jokes about OK/Clydebank and there will be a need to make it inclusive.

All Community Councillors thought this to be a great idea and agreed that Isobel should take this forward.


Erskine Community Council happy to look at a joint walk in memory of the Erskine bridge 50 years anniversary.

CC Forum will be launched on 8/10/21 and 2 reps are invited to attend from each community council. The kind of things that would be discussed would be Scottish Community Development, Boundary changes, input from Licensing and Planning. Also looking at can we use our Admin grants for development of community councillors incorporating the use of technology like I pads , laptops for community councillors.

Elaine has received a request to renew our Zoom license for next year and it was thought that this should be renewed for us to use and indeed other groups within the community.

Marie McNair has chased up the speed counts which were promised to be put in place re the slowing down of traffic through the village. She is also looking at the issue of the lights out at the crossing at Napier Hall. Also the street lights in station road. The issue of the new Pavilion also will be chased up as this should have been completed in July 2021.

Issue raised about meeting in person now that rules have been relaxed and Isobel will look at using the twisted thistle room at the back for this purpose as some CC’s would like to resume face to face meetings with the option of Zoom when required. Hopefully this can be resolved for our next meeting on 14th September 2021.

Isobel wished to offer a thank you to our Councillors for attending our meeting so regularly and for taking an active role in our community. She has found out that we are one of the few CC that have representation.

Cllr Lennie has asked that we raise at our next meeting about Youths gathering in and around the village and that perhaps we need to involve Y-sort it. At present only 1 person has been charged which seems very low given the issues that have arisen over the last few months. Marie McNair says she still has links with health and social care and they could also be invited to be involved in this issue.

Next meeting

  • September 14 2021 (venue to be announced prior to meeting)

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of meeting 14th September 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs E Stormonth, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs M McAulay, Mrs E McNally, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs A Hamilton, Cllrs Hendrie, McNair and Lennie.


J Moracova, D Keenan and Cllr Casey
Minutes of June and august meetings approved by Mrs M McAulay and seconded by Mrs I Plunkett.

Chairperson Report

Need to look at outstanding issues and set dates. Liz has emailed this to all but as very few had this to hand it was agreed to put on the Agenda properly for next month.
It is still the intention to relaunch the WDC CC Forum on 8/10 but because of ongoing situation the numbers will need to decrease to allow face to face meetings. The first one will be on Zoom with a view to hopefully resuming face to face meetings when the consultation document is launched in DEC/JAN.
Draft consultation for the scheme of Establishment due out DEC/JAN. With this in mind we will delay our AGM until then. At this point Isobel asked if everyone was happy to continue until we have the re-elections hopefully at the start of 2022. Cllr McNair said that the Community council elections may be delayed until May 2022.
Short discussion took place about the number of community councillors and who was able to participate given that there are still rules about meeting face to face. Going forward we need to consider how people can attend the meeting using a landline number to dial into Zoom meetings and whether this was practical. The majority of the community councillors wished to resume face to face and it was reported that Whitecrook CC met recently face to face for the first time. Isobel said she would take advice and look at holding the meetings in Twisted thistle, Liz agreed to find out about availability at Bowling Club and Davis agreed to look into the church hall availability. AP. Liz and Davis to email Isobel with their findings.
Isobel asked if there were any new issues to be added to our existing document. Alison raised the issue about the Free Bus picking up people from Bowling through OK to Dalmuir and a short discussion took place. Councillors to look into this issue.

Councillors Report

Marie McNair reported that the Pavilion is delayed and it is hoped to have the utility onsite in October 2021 with a view to it being completed March 2022. Comment was made that it has been constantly delayed and we are looking for reassurance that no further delays will take place. Traffic Calming- again issue raised with Gail McFarlane about the counters throughout the village however Isobel raised that perhaps this should be delayed as not much traffic going through the village at present to the bridge repairs and they should wait until the bridge is re-opened. A resident has raised about the dis repair of Station Road and potholes are scheduled to be sorted now with a full resurfacing taking place next year.
Isobel raised the issue about all the changes/organisation of the departments in the council and that could one of the councillors bring information on all departments for the next meeting. AP. Councillor Lennie will get this information and bring to meeting and email the info to Isobel prior to meeting.
Moira asked if there was any truth to the old Playdrome site turning into a play park? It is zoned for Retail/commercial but also they are looking at housing and so no plans for a play park.
Isobel raised about the new heating system at the waterfront and could this be extended to Old Kilpatrick. Cllr Lennie said in time that may be possible but will take time to get all the partners involved. Isobel asked if we should lobby for this and was advised that we could put a request to Michael McGuiness, Economic Development Manager.

Treasurers Report

Balance as at 31 July 2021- £6837.31
Expenses for new zoom license £ 143.88
Balance as at 30 Aug 2021 £6693.43 (this still includes the lottery funding recd
May 2020)
Elaine will soon be applying for our new Administration Grant.
Issue with obtaining the refund for the port a loo (for last year's summer party) still ongoing.
Isobel advised that a newsletter will shortly be getting distributed and we once again will share the cost with AOK.

Next meeting

  • 12/10/2021

Old Kilpatrick Community Council

Minutes of Meeting 12 October 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs M Mcaulay, J Moracova, Mrs C Hutchison, Mrs R young, Mr G King, Mrs E Stormonth, Mrs D Robertson, Cllr McNair. Derek Halden (Sustainable Transport).


Mrs E McNally, Mrs A Hamilton, D Keenan, Cllr Casey, Hendrie and Lennie
Minutes of previous meeting approved by Moira McAulay and seconded by C Hutchison.

Chairpersons Report

Firstly like to record our thanks to Twisted Thistle for allowing us the use of their private function room for our first face to face meeting since March 2020.
Planning AGM 4/11/21.
Community Council forum had first meeting by Zoom on 8/10/2021. Mainly to discuss the Scheme of Establishment looking at the redesign and any issues that may arise eg. Training, community asset transfer, participatory budgeting and creating more to support and for CC to become the community anchor organisation. A public meeting will be held in November with the document going to council in January and if adopted then elections will take place in May with Community council elections after that.
Isobel attended the opening of Bowline as an invited guest of Scottish Canals.

Treasurers Report

Balance as at 30th September 2021 £6693.43 (no income or expenses for month of September.) Still trying to obtain a refund for the Port a loo. Admin Grant application still to be submitted but this will be done shortly.
Introduction to our speaker Derek Halden (Sustainable Transport) who has been commissioned by WDC. The National Government are looking at having Net '0' Carbon by 2035 and Derek is specifically looking at Transport within WDC. How do we get from 40% to 0.? This is all about carbon reduction looking at all modes of transport and how we introduce Electric cars and reduce the number of cars travelling outside WDC which is the case at the moment to get the services they require. How can we empower local communities to have what is required in our local community. Interesting statistic is that 17% of carbon emissions are from white vans. Derek is working on a strategy within the council and looking to produce a Climate Change action Plan. He is looking at how the council can partnership up with appropriate companies to help. He asked for our thoughts on how we can create more local services. We discussed electric car charge points, car clubs, reducing car trips to school to encourage children to walk. A report will go to council within the year on how we can do shorter trips, travel local and decarbonising buses, transport, Lorries and cars. Final action plan Document will need to be approved by council before public consultation.

Review of Outstanding Issues

We looked at each issue and agreed actions. (Please see separate sheet)

Remembrance Sunday

Elaine has the Wreath and it was agreed that Moira and Isobel would lay this on Sunday 14th November 2021.
Xmas Meeting suggestion that we ask Twisted thistle to put on a buffet and some refreshments giving them business by way of a thank you. Liz to find out details and bring to next meeting.

Next Meeting

9 November 2021 (Twisted Thistle unless otherwise advised)

Issue Date Raised Comments Update/Resolved

Pavilion/changing Facilities

2/3 yrs

Still not removed as per October 21 meeting. Utility being built for October with completion March 2022. Marie McNair has confirmed this was approved.


AP.Isobel has written to Angela Wilson(Strategic Director) and to I Bain and received no response as per Nov meeting.
Strategy Document
Lusset Glen
Nov 20 M Spurway producing strategy document by end of year then a public meeting will take place. As per oct meeting, still ongoing
Scheme for establishment ongoing Special zoom meeting 5/5/21. Updated councillors at May meeting and advised of boundary request to include Western isles estate. Short discussion at June meeting Draft consultation document due Dec21/Jan22 . Still on track.
Garage Sites Portpatrick Road Ongoing Inspection/review May/June 21 Still ongoing no report received yet as per October meeting. AP Isobel has written to John Kerr for this report or update. No response as per Nov meeting
Empty Housing
Bridge Keepers Cottage
House at bottom of station road
Feb21 John Kerr spoke at April meeting . Building Control Inspection Reports due over coming months J Kerr to provide update. Isobel has written to John Kerr and no update provided as per Nov meeting
Car Parking re Kilpatrick Hills Feb21 Paige Klinkman (Forestry Comm) Gail McFarlane (Road transport) attended Mar 21 meeting . update email rec 19/4 Planning permission secured to have temporary car park at the gas governors opened up from 23/4. New bins also installed at this site. Landscape Architects to further look at development of a new car park in the field across from the gas governor. Temp car park now open and lots of bins in place. Gail McFarlane has still to produce Transport Strategy Document. This needs to be chased up. Isobel has written to Paige Klinkman but no response received per Nov Meeting
Police Crime reports Mar 21 First report received 13/4/21. No longer have a dedicated Community Police Officer for our area. Any issue raise with Local police/ Brian Simpson, Community Engagement TEAM. Report received and documented in June meeting.
Isobel has been receiving reports but nothing much on them. Cllr Casey advised she had communicated with Colleen Wylie (Chief Superintendent) and will get back to us about Police attending our meetings.
Care Home site   No updates yet. Possible social housing but no clear update per November meeting.
Bollards at Station Road Apr21 Still not fixed. Cllrs to raise issue. Liz and Moira confirmed this has been resolved
Crossing Lights @ Napier Hall Apr 21 Intermittent fault. Still has faults on occasion. One side was replaced but think maybe not all lights talking to one another as some lights on and some not. Still ongoing per Nov Meeting
Traffic Calming/signage in village Jan 21 Traffic counter to be delayed until bridge repair complete and traffic through village returns to normal. Gail McFarlane to report on this once complete Contact Gail McFarlane once we are ready for this to start.
Lottery Funding rec'd May 2020 Ongoing Suggestion re Erskine Bridge 50 year Celebration on hold.
Isobel asked for permission at august meeting to use these funds to stage a pantomime for the village (details in august 2021 minutes?) this was approved.
Isobel advised Panto to be held in Scout Hall on Friday 17th Dec at night. A matinee performance on Saturday 18th and an evening performance on same day. Rehearsals have commenced and this will be a free event but ticket booking will be required. Also reported that Bowling were interested in having this performed in their hall. It is hoped that as many community councillors will be able to attend a performance.
Covid Testing Centre Napier Hall Ongoing How long will this be in place? Still required will be updated by councillors when they have more info.
Cleaning of 3 signs at start , middle and end of Village. Dec20 Alison provided Liz with a name to get quotes ( £80 per sign with us providing the materials) Issue with the sign at the bridge so maybe put on hold until it is complete. Still on hold for discussion when bridge re-opens.
Production of leaflet to explain role of OK community council Jan21 Alan Karas could support I'm the production of leaflet Need to look at this prior to May/June CC elections. As boundary changes being looked at then a leaflet would be required to reach out to the Western isles estate
Signage on cycle path between Erskine Ferry & Bowling Harbor Nov 20 Shared path needs signage for walkers/cyclists Liz contacted Sustrans and rec'd a reply from Simon Phillips who is going to contact Scottish Canals to discuss maybe a project/trial of signs from Erskine ferry to bowling . harbor. Last email rece'd was 20/5. Liz has chased this twice in August and 3 times in September and received no response from Sustrans. To be looked at again. Still no response per nov meeting
Refund of money paid for Port a Loo May 21 Elaine advised that we have a £200 offer. As we didn't cancel immediately this may be all we can hope to get back as the invoice was paid in full prior to the event we originally booked for. As per nov meeting Elaine will try one more time to obtain a full refund but it was felt by the majority that £200 was better than nothing.
Mansefield Crescent Road sign October 2021 Sign at wall at start of crescent has been painted over. (same as wall of house) Marie McNair to look into this issue. No update yet per nov meeting
Information/Direction signs Oct 2021 Look at putting directions to local points in village in prominent areas eg. The station to allow visitors to access the village more easily Carolyn will look at station and investigate. Carolyn has stated discussions with Scot rail .
Stone and Wire Cage in Glen which holds the bridge October 2021 It has detached and is blocking the burn. Council are aware and are in communication/ dispute with company who erected it. (as advised by Isobel) its on the Lusset glen to do List.


 Old Kilpatrick Community Council
Minutes of meeting 9 November 2021


Mrs I Plunkett, J Moracova, Mrs E McNally, Mrs L Stormonth, Mrs M McAulay, Mrs A Hamilton, Mr G King, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs C Hutchison, Cllrs Casey & Lennie. Nick Wright (SCDC) and Alan Karas (WDC).


D Keenan, Mrs R Young, Marie McNair
Mrs Plunkett introduced our speaker Nick Wright who is from the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) who has been commissioned by WDC to look at the Scheme of Establishment for Community councils. The scheme was reviewed last in 2015. Nick is working on the Draft document at the moment and should be out in early 2022. There have been continuous consultations. Nick summarised some of the issues we are facing which was highlighted in a previous Zoom meeting. Our challenges are, getting more members to come to our CC, some jargon can be off putting, why do we need to justify ourselves, basic info on funding support, need dedicated officer support, Boundary issues taking in the western isles estate, participatory budget, improve communication channels, more mentoring/training, clearer expectations on the role of CC members, induction pack for CC members, how can we remove inactive members, how to support sub groups.
Nick is working on 5 documents, Scheme of Establishment, Code of Conduct of CC, Model constitution, Standing Orders and Handbook/induction Pack.
There are 2 workshops coming up on Zoom, Monday 15th at 6pm and Wednesday 17th at 12pm. We can look at consultation document on www.scdc.org.uk/wdc-event. If necessary we can respond to consultation by 21/12/21. In the scheme he has tried to tackle our issues in the draft Document. With regard to Boundary Issues an email should be received shortly by Suzanne mason. A discussion took place on how to get new Community Councillors and other reps from our local groups. Nick advised there will be clearer rules in the new document and how to deliver projects, clearer guidelines on how to attract new community councillors. This document will confirm how many CC's we can have, co-opted members and associates with clearer guidelines on who can vote etc.
Discussion on participatory budget took place and Alan Karas to get more info.
Question raised about how we can access iPads, Pc's etc to deal with Admin issues.
We also need to look at how we can include the western isles estate into our community council.
Isobel thanked Nick and Alan for attending the meeting tonight.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Approved by Mrs M McAulay and seconded by Mrs C Hutchison.

Treasurers Report:

Balance as at 30 September 2021 £6693.43
Expenses (Wreath) £ 37.40
Balance as at 31 October 2021 £6656.03

The admin grant application has been sent.
Also recently paid out £315 for our share of the Action OK/ Community council newsletter which has still to come off our figure.
The Treasurer reported that she has paid £5000 being the lottery funds to Peter McMaster who is organising the village Panto. It has been made clear that we require receipts etc to confirm how this money was spent. She advised that the budget spreadsheet received was actually for £9030. The treasurer was concerned about the size of funds required to put on this panto and Liz Stormonth also expressed her concern as to the amount of money being spent on a village panto when indeed no request or further info had been provided since the Zoom meeting in August where Mrs Plunkett had made the original proposal that we could use these to put on a Panto. Chair Person advised that she did not wish to discuss this at the meeting and would discuss it at another meeting.

Xmas meeting:

Liz Stormonth reported that the Twisted Thistle were able to provide an afternoon tea style buffet at our meeting on 14 December at a cost of £9.95 per head. Given that they are allowing us to use their private function suite it was felt we could give them the business as some way of thanking them for the use of the room. After discussion Liz has to book for 12 people and this will be served in the pub. It was agreed we would start the meeting at 7pm for about an hour then move to the pub area where our buffet would be served. It was also agreed that all individuals were happy to pay for the buffet themselves.

Councillors Report:

Cllr Lennie advised that a walk about had been done by estate management team highlighting some minor issues in the village re untidy gardens, issues of fly tipping , close cleaning etc but in the whole we don't have anything major to concerns ourselves.
Issue was raised about Graffiti at the school.
Cllr Casey advised she had been speaking with Coleen Wylie (Chief Superintendent) about when the police will return to CC meetings. She advised that a New Social care service document had been put to the council but thought that this would take some time to work through.
It is hoped the new Health Centre would be ready Jan/Feb 2022.

Review of Outstanding Issues:

New updated version attached to this minute however as we were running out of time no progress on any items took place.

Next Meeting

  • 14 December at 7pm at Twisted Thistle.