Ordinary Meeting of Kilmaronock Community Council

Monday 11 January 2021 at 7.30pm

Zoom Video Conference


KCC : Gavin MacLellan (GM/Chair), Andrew Sinnott (AS/Trs), David Scott-Park (DSP), Bob Balmer (Honorary), Anita Anderson and Rory MacLeod (RM)

WDC : Cllr Sally Page (SP)

KCT : Bob Shand

Plus 20 other members of the public

GM welcomed Anita Anderson and Rory MacLeod to the meeting and they were unanimously co-opted to the CC. Later on they introduced themselves.


Jim Morrison and Sarah Guy.

Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda


Minutes of meeting on 2nd November 2020

Proposed as accurate by GM, seconded by DSP.

Matters Arising and Associated issues

None other than already on the agenda

Treasurers Report

  1. Outgoings : Monthly subscriptions to Zoom and monthly web hosting.
  2. Current account balance : £847.89
  3. Benevolent fund balance : £424.01 pending issue of a cheque (multiple signatories being needed).

Need new signatories (at least one)

Planning Matters

No further news on Core Path ADD26 Appeal - Reporter’s advice to Minister was dated 10 Dec 2020. Kilmaronock Community Council 2020/0055 – Ross Priory – Review of LLNP Planning Committee Meeting and update of Planning Authority Committee Meeting, appeal to Minister.

Discussion on the committee meeting and the inbuilt presumption of approval as recommended by the Planning Officer. Concerns from the floor over inattention of committee members, imbalance of speaking time weighted against public submissions and the planning officer’s casual unchallenged dismissals of any points raised. The process only allows the public speakers to be questioned with no counter questions allowed. There is no community representation on the committee. General agreement that the Planning Process was not best practice and the Committee were not fully aware of the complex issues.

After letters from Councillor Page, the Minister for Planning called in the decision by LLNP on EIA screening for review. Should an EIA be deemed necessary then the planning application would have to be resubmitted.

KCC will write to the Minister highlighting the shortfalls of the screening and confirming KCC as an "interested party".

RM asked for a vote of no confidence in the planning committee. As there was no notice given on the agenda for this it was agreed that it was not competent for tonight’s business so would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting in March. That allows time for the NP CC Forum to consult more widely (see section 12 below).

GM to write a follow up letter regarding our experience at the committee meeting and in support of Sally’s letter to the minister.

2020/0293 – Tullochan Farm, Arisaig – No Comment

2020/0205/DET - Erection of ancillary residential unit incorporating existing double garage The Lea Rig Duncryne Road Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8SA

Near neighbours expressed disagreement with applicant’s reasoning on the necessity of the new build.

Evidence that the existing private sewage handling provision (septic tank) is either defective or insufficient was presented and discussed. Effluent overflow is flooding the road and reportedly entering surface water courses. The owner has not responded to concerns raised by neighbours or authorities. None of the official bodies have been able to resolve the issue – Scottish Water, SEPA, NP and WDC all have been notified by neighbours. Concerns over the limitation of the "tied" cottage since Section 50 agreements are not enforced and the accuracy of the drawings.

WDC Reference Number: DC20/253

Address of Proposal: Landfill Site Auchincarroch Road Jamestown Alexandria G83 9EY

Proposal: Amendment to Condition 1 of planning permission DC07/233/FUL to extend the time of the approved landfilling operation and restoration by 15 years.

Discussions resulted in decision to invite operators of the landfill site to give a short presentation on their operations and proposed extension to the time line.

AS to follow up on an invitation to a future meeting

Amendments to planning permission (2018/0349/DET) for the change of use and erection of second floor extension to garage/workshop (Class 5) to form a dwellinghouse (Class 9) Kilmaronock Community Council

The Garage Duncryne Road Gartocharn G83 8RY

Ref. No: 2021/0003/DET

No comment

Erection of replacement canopy

Loch Lomond Homes And Garden Centre Stirling Road Balloch Alexandria G83 8NB

Ref. No: 2020/0282/DET

No comment

Change in use of the land, formation of bellmouth access onto A811, creation of hardstanding and erection of fence and gate (retrospective)

Plot B4 Little America Site Land At Mid Gartocharn Farm Gartocharn G83 8NG

Ref. No: 2020/0265/DET

Owner of the site present to discuss further to previous meetings.

KCC concerns are of setting a precedent for every plot of the sub-divided field having access to the A811 and the remaining hedgerow being intermittently removed.

RMc expressed safety concerns being close to a bend on the A811

GM to follow up with Planning Authority on response from Roads dept and Police regarding safety.

Community Matters

Food Growing Initiative

AS gave a short PowerPoint presentation to introduce the opportunity for a village community garden. The presentation will be placed on the website with these minutes.

In summary, KCC will facilitate a consultation to look at the options for a community food growing garden in the village. This will include local demand, type of use – food, flowers, wildlife, sensory or combination. Funding and assistance in starting up is available but enthusiastic volunteers will be needed to drive success.

Comments during the meeting


- Everyone in village has a garden so not needed

- Outsiders from village won’t be appreciated

- Sometimes these gardens start out beautiful but deteriorate over time


+ Not everyone in village has a vegetable patch or fruit trees

+ Opportunities for communal sharing has wider benefits such as expertise and experience

Kilmaronock Community Council

+ Not everyone has the expertise to grow successfully, this would enable training

+ Produce could be sold or donated to the community

+ People may be more proactive as part of a community approach

WDC - Participatory Budgeting – phase 5

Closing date for applications is 25th January. Voting will be exclusively online due to COVID-19. Guidance on applications and how to vote are on the WDC website and will be on KCC site shortly. If any village projects are submitted, we will advertise and highlight the voting instructions more widely.

Kilmaronock Community Trust

Bob Shand chair of KCT presented the following :

KCT AGM: we will hold our Annual General Meeting on 17 February 2021 at 7.30 pm using Zoom. This is our first AGM in our new status as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Members will be notified of the agenda and joining instructions nearer the time. If anyone is interested in joining us as a member, please contact Elaine Ellen or myself and we will send you an application form.

Paths: Although we were not successful in obtaining a National Park Grant for the Dumpling Path repair work, you may have noticed that some surfacing and drainage works have been completed. We thank Alan McMullen and the West Dunbartonshire Environment Trust for managing and doing this work, free, in downtime before Christmas. Further work to resurface the further muddy section is a much more expensive project and we are still pursuing funding options.

The National Park have now amended their conditions for the Grant for the Aber Dam bridge works and we are closer to accepting this offer. It would include using volunteer effort for the decking repairs and some routine inspection & maintenance work such as clearing leaf debris. We hope that WDET will be able to project manage the repair work and I'd be happy to hear from anyone who is available to assist with the ongoing maintenance.

Superfast Broadband: Jackie Baillie MSP has obtained a statement regarding Gartocharn from the relevant Scottish Minister.

Mr Wheelhouse advises me that the remaining premises in the Gartocharn area, which do not currently have access to superfast broadband, are included in the intervention area for the R100 programme. This means you will be reached either via the contract they have with BT for delivery across Central Scotland or will be eligible for the main voucher within the Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS).

Access to superfast broadband will be provided for your property through the R100 Central lot contract.

It does appear that further detailed survey work is continuing in the area, conducted by Morrison Utilities.

National Park Issues

A lot of discussion during the planning section. Suggestions that it is time for a review of the purpose, effectiveness and governance – 15yrs plus should be sufficient time for Kilmaronock Community Council Performance to be evaluated dispassionately. Something for the next government term to consider – see section 12 below.

West Dunbartonshire Council

KCC still waiting for a response from WDC roads, Derek Barr regarding our overdue meeting with them.

Cllr Page gave us an update that she will have a meeting with Gail MacFarlane to discuss the A811 issues – still no signs of the signs which were part of the previous resurfacing upgrade. Lomond Rd bridge works are due for completion mid-May.

WDC have handed out almost 9000 devices for children’s home learning.

John MacDonald, headmaster of Gartocharn Primary has devised the home learning – Campus Online for WDC

Citizens Advice Bureau – 16500 issues handled – still open for face to face sessions if needed

Homelessness Seminar – 1021 cases handled – Zero instances of rough sleeping

NP Community Council Forum

A Forum of 9 Community Councils have been formed to address cross park issues. The Forum is seeking consensus on matters of common concern.


Police Report

The Community Police Team has been restructured hence we have not been receiving crime reports since October. As soon as new contact information is received it will be posted in the News section of our website.

Scottish Water Annual Consultative Meeting 2020 – closing date for online questions is 20th January – more info on our website and following the link here : Annual Consultative Meeting - Scottish Water

Next Meeting

Monday 1st March 2021 at 19:30

Please send in any agenda items in good time to secretary@kilmaronockcc.org


WDC have a new head of waste services, Kenneth Lang, could be an opportunity to invite him to make a presentation – could tie in with a landfill presentation from Barr’s if it can be arranged.

Meeting closed at 22:05

Ordinary Meeting of KCC

Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.30pm

Zoom Video Conference


KCC : Gavin MacLellan (GM/Chair), Andrew Sinnott (AS/Trs), Jim Morrison (JM/VC), David Scott-Park (DSP), Bob Balmer, Anita Anderson (AA)

WDC : Cllr Sally Page (SP)

LLTNPA : Willie Nisbet (WN)

MSP : Maurice Corry (MC)

Balloch & Haldane CC : David Keown

Plus 14 other members of the public


Bob Shand, KCT

Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda

JM is neighbour of one planning applicant (PSC/2021/0002), AS is neighbour of another (2021/0055/HAE).

Minutes of meeting on 11th January 2021

Proposed as accurate by GM, seconded by AS.

Matters Arising and Associated issues

AS has been in contact with Kenny Lang, Waste Manager at WDC. Kenny is keen to engage with local communities and will attend a future meeting. He is also following up with a contact at Barr Environmental to get them to come along too. Our preference is to hold a physical meeting post-COVID restrictions. Next meeting 17th May is probably too early so we will keep in touch to follow up.

Treasurers Report

  1. Outgoings : Monthly subscriptions to Zoom and monthly web hosting. This month we also purchased a Data Storage HDD for record keeping and handover after elections.
  2. Current account balance : £740.74
  3. Benevolent fund balance : £424.01 pending issue of a cheque (multiple signatories being needed). Kilmaronock Community Council.

AA has agreed to be a new signatory and the long, complicated process with the bank is underway.

The end of financial year is Feb 28th, the service contract on the website is due for renewal. The new quote, for the same service, is for the same cost of £120. Unanimously approved.

GDPR – We are in the process of registering with the ICO – this will cost £40 per year. Unanimously approved.

Planning Matters

Three new applications since the last meeting :

Erection of replacement shed, greenhouse and drystone wall

Boturich Cottages, Boturich

Ref. No: 2021/0055/HAE

KCC – No comment

Creation of wetland scrapes, 4 no. pools and field drainage system

RSPB High Wards Farm Gartocharn

Ref. No: PSC/2021/0002

Note : Application for a EIA Screening Opinion with reasons not to require full EIA given. Not the application itself.

After discussion around EIA requirements and the nature of the project it was decided to make no comment on the screening.

KCC – No comment

Proposed partial demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension

Dunag House Church Road

Ref. No: 2021/0029/HAE

KCC – No comment

Land at Dumbain Rd, Haldane

2019/0175/DET / Review Reference number 2021/0002/REVREF

Review of Refusal

A second housing scheme for Dumbain Rd was refused by the Planning Authority in 2020. The applicant is appealing so it will go to the Local Review Body. WN clarified the difference between appeals going to the LRB and the reporter.

Planning Application - Lea Rig 2020/0205

A neighbour to Lea Rig, with concerns, gave an update on the septic tank issues and has now managed to contact and inform SEPA of the works. Cllr Page has requested that WDC Kilmaronock Community Council building control inspect what has been put in place and that they liaise with SEPA as the outflow is clearly not satisfactory.

Planning Approval – Ross Priory -2020/0055

The appeal by Councillor Page and the KCC for an EIA to be requested for the THF development at Ross Priory was rejected.

Letter from Kevin Stewart, Minister of Planning attached. SP was not satisfied with the response so has corresponded further with the minister and a new case number has been opened.

Community Matters

Food Growing Initiative

Following the introduction of the Community Garden proposal last meeting, CC members agreed to arrange a Post-COVID consultation/presentation whenever deemed safe to meet in the Millennium Hall. AS was in communication with Andy Devine from WDC who is keen to assist with the consultation/presentation and can bring along existing community garden groups to share their experience and advice. Only one other response was received from the local community, Mary Sweetland shared her experience with Lomond Community Gardens & Allotments Association. They have a small well organised and popular garden/allotment at Lomond Parish Church. Mary has offered her expertise and has provided an example of a constitution and operational rules as used by her group. Anyone else with interest or expertise is welcome to contact us any time : secretary@kilmaronockcc.org

It is recognised that most villagers have their own garden so the demand may well lie outside the village. It was also noted that there are villagers with their own garden who may just need assistance and perhaps that is another way we can develop community growing. Hopefully. we can meet safely this year to start making plans for next year’s growing season.

Smartocharn – The Annual Village Litter Pick – Postponed!

This year, as for 2020, COVID restrictions prevent us having a communal event at the usual ‘harvest’ time which is chosen to get the job done before vegetation growth and increased traffic of the Spring and Summer months. We will keep an eye out for an opportunity later in the year but will certainly prepare for the 2022 event to be bigger and better. Thanks, as always, to Peter Page for taking a lead on this.

Kilmaronock Community Trust

Bob Shand chair of KCT sent apologies for absence and a short report :

  • Kilmaronock Community Trust held their 14th AGM on 17th Feb and confirmed the election of six Charity Trustees. Janet Beveridge has stepped down and we thank her on behalf of the community for 18 years service to KCT and its predecessor organisation. AS was elected as trustee to represent KCC.
  • We have agreed a contract with LLTNPA for funding the work to repair the bridge at Aber Dam and the materials should be delivered in the next few days. Alan McMullen and his team at WDET have kindly agreed to Project manage and undertake the work.

Kilmaronock Community Council

  • The Trustees will meet soon to appoint a Chair and other officers, and to start to prioritise the projects and initiatives we intend to progress in the next year. We are always happy to hear from members of the community if they have any projects they would like us to get involved in and which fit with our Charitable aims.

AS added that the present Community Action Plan remains live until replaced by the new format which has yet to be defined. Community consultations for a new "Local Place Plan" will be planned when we know more.

National Park Issues

CC’s were recently notified of the winding up of the Community Partnership whose role will be absorbed by the NP’s Countryside Trust. All Community Councils within the Park will be invited to be "members" of the Trust though this is not detailed any further. This was welcomed as a start for CC representation and communications by the chair. KCC have expressed interest in membership. WN gave a little bit of background to the change and said there would be a bit more money available.

West Dunbartonshire Council

Cllr Page gave an update on WDC business along and will tomorrow have a meeting with Gail MacFarlane, Chief officer - Roads and Neighbourhoods at WDC, to discuss the A811 issues.

KCC met with WDC roads, Raymond Walsh and Derek Barr attending. Discussed previously planned work on the footway alongside A811 between Balloch and Gartocharn, the status of replacement signage, flooding at Tullochan Bend and Arisaig Farm, Church Road continuing work on the back roads etc.

We discussed the online fault reporting system and were advised that it is best to back up any report with a phone call to the WDC "general complaints" phone line 01389 737542.

Flooding at Milton Grove is under investigation by WDC Roads dept.

The recent road accident on A811 caused the back roads to be chaos again – it has been suggested repeatedly that a one way system be introduced during such emergency diversions. Ultimately the back roads were closed and drivers diverted via Duntocher. WN suggested that KCC liaise with Croftamie CC and Police Scotland to sort this out. GM said there was a plan developed and we will follow up why it was not used. SG pointed out that verges had been damaged since the extra traffic was not managed and will forward photos for us to pass on to Raymond & Derek.

KCC(AS) to follow up with Police Scotland and contact Croftamie CC for their views.

SP will be reviewing the back roads in her meeting with Gail MacFarlane following the Dash Cam survey of 3 years ago looking at verges and passing places.

Residents of Church Rd reported that issues with the road surface and the drainage have still not been addressed. Roads dept are aware but it seems that Scottish Water are the root cause and need to be prompted again. SP will follow up with Gail MacFarlane. MC advised that any Health & Safety issues should be highlighted as that would improve chances of repair.

NP Community Council Forum Kilmaronock Community Council

The survey mentioned last meeting has gone live. There has been mixed feedback, some welcoming the opportunity to have their say, some concerned about the pre-amble. A revision will be made to reflect some comments from attendees.

DSP asked what the contact details will be used for and GM clarified that they are only used internally to determine residency or not. They will not be passed on to anyone in compliance with our GDPR policy.

WN once again explained the role elections play in selecting board members not representatives.

GM summarised that progress is being made in CC representation within LLNP but there is more to go and the survey is one step on the way.


Police Report

The Community Police Team has been restructured hence we have not been receiving crime reports since October. As soon as new contact information is received it will be posted in the News section of our website. MC will assist in getting us reconnected to the local policing team. AS has been trying and will continue to try to get the new contact details.

Online Workshops

NPF4 – Several online events were held for CC’s across Scotland to comment on the Scot Gov position statement on the National Planning Framework (#4). GM and AS attended separate sessions and compiled a summary response which can be seen on our website.

Zero Waste/Circular Economy – Similarly, several online events for this too. GM and AS also attended separate sessions.

Scam Share Bulletin from Trading Standards – Cyber scams & attacks advice – will be posted on our website.

Scottish Government responses to letters from Jackie Baillie on our behalf are appended to these minutes.

Next Meeting

Monday 17th May 2021 at 19:30 – AGM followed by ordinary meeting – most likely still a Zoom format anticipated.

Please send in any agenda items in good time to secretary@kilmaronockcc.org


Lambing Time

The farmers of our community are having issues with dog walkers added to their daily work. Dogs were recently chasing pregnant sheep at Wester Cameron. This can easily cause aborted lambs when sheep are close to lambing or worse death of sheep too. Please remember to keep dogs on leads when on roads or paths next to fields of sheep. Kilmaronock Community Council

Meeting closed at 21:27.

Ordinary Meeting of KCC

Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.30pm

Zoom Video Conference


KCC : Jim Morrison (JM/Chair), Gavin MacLellan (GM/Vice-Chair), Andrew Sinnott (AS/Sec), Anita Anderson (AA/Treasurer), Sarah Guy, Rory MacLeod (RM) and Bob Balmer.

WDC : Cllr Sally Page (SP)

Plus 13 other members of the public


David Scott-Park, Bob Shand

Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda

Planning Matters - AS is applicant for listed building consent (2021/0091/LBC).

Minutes of meeting on 1st March 2021

Proposed as accurate by GM, seconded by AS.

Matters Arising and Associated issues

Since November 2020, AS has been chasing information about the reorganisation of community policing and trying to find a liaison contact for crime reports and other community advice. No response.

JM said he has had some contact and will pass it on to AS.

Treasurers Report

  1. Outgoings : Monthly subscriptions to Zoom and monthly web hosting.
  2. Current account balance : £466.79
  3. Benevolent fund balance : £424.01 pending issue of a cheque (multiple signatories being needed).

AS will hand over as Treasurer to AA once completion of bank access arrangements. This year’s grant application is awaiting procedural clarifications from WDC.

Planning Matters

Three new applications since the last meeting: 

Alterations to approved layout of existing camping and caravan park to site a maximum of 40 static caravans, 22 touring caravans and 10 chalets

Lagganbeg Caravan Park Ross Loan Gartocharn West Dunbartonshire G83 8NQ

Ref. No: 2021/0127/DET

Erection of extension to workshop/storage building

Lagganbeg Caravan Park Ross Loan Gartocharn West Dunbartonshire G83 8NQ

Ref. No: 2021/0125/DET

AA shared concerns over existing issues with sewage and waste water soakaway and excessive flood lighting all night.

RM agreed as the area is a flood plain – soakaway issues are common in winter periods particularly and that existing lighting is excessive.

GM asked if there was already separate provision for disposal of chemical toilet waste from mobile homes.

SP supported the points raised by RM & AA. Recently spoke with owner who promised to do something about the lighting. SP also raised question over another temporary structure which seems permanent. SP would like to arrange a site visit to follow up with owner.

Note - There were no concerns over the planned expansions in themselves.

KCC (JM) will join Sally for a site visit to talk to the owner.

Demolition of part of garden wall and erection of single storey ground floor front extension

South Stables Cottage Boturich Road Balloch Alexandria G83 8LX

Ref. No: 2021/0091/LBC

KCC : No comment.

Little America 2021/0012/REVREF – Applicant appealing the refusal decision for development of a Little Americas plot. No documents available for viewing but the applicant was present and re-iterated his view that he ought to have a new access point. He says he was sold another plot of land and it seems was not aware of what he had bought at an auction. At the moment, because he had to remove the gate, he is choosing to park on the roadway as a protest. He does not want to park around the corner and walk a bit further, nor cross a muddy field.

JM asked what the applicant wanted KCC to do but there was no clear request and the applicant accused community councillors of bias against outsiders, spreading of misinformation to the press and collision with the NP to use planning laws against him.

GM suggested Mr Hall should seek reparation from his lawyers and surveyors who completed his contract, he also objected to the accusations against the community councillors. The Chair requested muting the applicant’s call since this matter is outside KCCs remit.

Community Matters/Local Place Plan


As part of the new planning process to align with Community Empowerment, Local Place Plans will replace Community Action Plans. ScotGov have yet to provide details to local authorities and in our case LLTNPA. When they do, community engagement will take place and KCC along with KCT and other local bodies will have the assistance of WDC and LLTNPA to organise consultations and develop the plans.

JM – As it is linked to planning process KCC ought to take the lead.

Community Garden

The next steps are to be able to hold a presentation and discussion open to the community. With lockdown seemingly about to end in the summer, preparations to hold an event in the Millennium Hall can restart.

Public Toilet Facility

This has been raised again but without definite plans it is not possible to apply for grants. Viable solutions need to be discussed such as locations and responsibilities for upkeep.

SP – NatureScot have funding available for Temporary Portaloos – possibly KMHA will look into this.

GM suggested engaging with owners of House of Darroch as they have space and may be repurposing some of their business on site.

Kilmaronock Community Trust

Bob Shand chair of KCT sent apologies for absence and a short report:

Aber Dam Bridge Project

The project to renew the decking on the footbridge at Aber Dam has been held up due to the discovery of serious rot in the wooden supporting beams. KCT are now awaiting an inspection by a structural engineer, arranged by the National Park Authority who funded the work and are ultimately responsible for the maintenance costs. It is not expected that remediation will happen in the immediate future but the decking timber has been delivered and WDET are ready to install this when it is deemed safe to do so. Unfortunately, the path remains closed with signposted diversion via the Aber "horseshoe" road. We are also discussing alternatives such as stepping stones as a temporary measure for fitter path users.

Dumpling Path Repairs

KCT have submitted a new Funding Application, on behalf of the community and the landowner, to complete the repairs, drainage works and resurfacing of the Dumpling Path. This application is under the Nature Scot "Better Places Green Recovery Fund."

Community Action Plan / Local Place Plan

Like KCC, the Community Trust have now had communication from the NPA inviting us to participate in, and apply for grant funding to support preparation of such a plan. As with the predecessor CAPs we will seek to work collaboratively with KCC and other local groups to maximise the benefit to our community.

National Park Issues

GM sent the Survey report to James Stuart at LLTNP.

Participation by membership of the Countryside Trust will not replace the desired Community Engagement we seek with the NP at more strategic level.

RM asked about the vote of no confidence proposal. JM explained that this was replaced by cooperation with Forum of CC to run a park wide survey and work together in the interest of CCs. Some CCs as well as KCC have completed surveys. The principals of the Community Empowerment Act and of collective groups engaging together is worth pursuing and KCC will play a part in this.

SP pointed out that next year is the 20th anniversary of the formation of the NP and is lobbying to have a review of the NP and what it has achieved and how things may be able to be done better.

GM commented that the new LPP provides an opportunity to tighten up on some weak aspects of the Local Development Plan that are somewhat subjective which developers and Planning Authorities have exploited in the past.

West Dunbartonshire Council

Cllr Page expressed thanks to JM for standing in the election and to the WDC team of returning officers for the outstanding job of organising the polling and counting especially considering the extra challenge of social distancing due to COVID.

Regarding the issues at Lea Rig, WDC Environmental Health are satisfied but are yet to visit the site. SEPA are still to look at the run-off situation.

Roads update – a full copy will be sent to the CC :

  • New signage for A811 – delayed due to fire at storage depot – some need reordering.
  • Old redundant street furniture will be removed
  • WDC contacting landowners regarding water run off to the road. Help is being offered to resolve issues.
  • No more progress on the Trunking of the A811 or the crossing at Reid & Robertson
  • This summer, work on back roads on ditching and clearing WDC owned passing places.

Community Council Forums

NP Forum - See NP section above.

WDC Forum - AGM being prepared but no date set as yet.


Alasdair Dalton, Environment Protection Officer Greater Glasgow and Clyde Estuary Team SEPA got in touch :

"In our role as the regulator of the landfill site it has been suggested by several members of the community who I have spoken to that there is a desire from the local community to engage with Barr about the activities on the site. When this suggestion has been raised with Barr, they indicated that they would also like to have greater engagement with the local community. If SEPA can facilitate this, we think it would probably benefit all parties involved. "

KCC (AS) will respond and follow up to see how best to accomplish this.

Next Meeting

Monday 5th July 2021 at 19:30

If we can be back in the Hall, we will invite Kenny Lang and Barr Environmental

Please send in any agenda items in good time to secretary@kilmaronockcc.org


A resident brought up the state of the field behind the Millennium Hall. Weeds are overgrown and there are tyres and other junk lying about. The place is an eyesore. Leylandii are growing and negatively impacting the view. The question of the road construction materials was raised again. GM suggested we have a word with the NP to enforce the Planning consent if there are concerns.

KCC (JM) to discuss matters with NP.

Meeting closed at 21:06.

Annual General Meeting of KCC

7:30 pm 17th May 2021

Virtual Meeting Online


CC : Gavin MacLellan (Chair/GM), Jim Morrison (Vice chair/JM), Sarah Guy, Andrew Sinnott (Treasurer/AS), Anita Anderson (AA), Rory MacLeod (RM) and Bob Balmer (acting Secretary).

WDC Cllr Sally Page (SP)

Plus 12 members of the public


David Scott-Park

Minutes of the AGM on 18th May 2020

The minutes were proposed as accurate by JM and seconded by AS.

Chairman's report

This was an unusual Year due to the Covid epidemic which has disrupted normal life and has prevented any form of Community Meeting, however we have made full use of virtual meetings, online opinion polls and improved digital communications with the Community and with third parties. When we started the year in May 2020 there was uncertainty and it was felt inappropriate to hold a May CC Business meeting whilst we all had other priorities and concerns for each other. The remainder of CC Business meetings were held by virtual meeting and were well attended – possibly more than actual meetings.

We held virtual meetings in July, September, November, January and March.

During the year we co-opted two new Community Councillors, we welcome Anita Anderson and Rory MacLeod.

Each meeting was attended by 5 or more Community Councillors and between 2 and 25 members of the public. Each meeting is subject to a Notice and draft agenda and is open to the public which enables open discussion and feedback before CCs make decisions. We also record our discussion and decisions in our Minutes of Meetings which are available on our website and on WDC’s website.

Once again, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all Councillors for their continued support, time and interest in the Community Council which in turn supports our community as a whole. Thank you to Andy SINNOTT who has done a great job as Secretary, Treasurer, and attending external events for the CC and most of all taking the Minutes and promptly issuing drafts. I also wish to thank Bob Balmer who has been providing a valuable service managing all incoming communication in our virtual mail room. Thank you again.

The year was also notable in that WDC spent over 12 months repairing Balloch bridge and traffic lights have been in place for a year on the Endrick bank near the Croftamie junction at Catter. With these disruptions and Covid restrictions there was little progress on road improvement, safety signs and roadside pathway servicing and upgrading as had been agreed with WDC, we hope these works will proceed in the coming year.

Loch Lomond Trossachs National Park

There were a number of events during the year associated with our work:

Reporters Response to the Planning Application at Ross Priory 2020/0055 – Kilmaronock Community Council

This Application was for a large loch side development of modern design that would be visible for many miles around and to be used for select training – not open to the public. The project therefore was outside any predetermination by the Local Development Plan and fully qualifies for an EIA.

KCC asked the Planning Committee to request an EIA to be submitted following substantial representation. KCC submitted a letter to the Planning Minister requesting the Application be called in since the site was on green field land on the loch side and should be subject to protection from development under the terms of the appointed LLNP – we were later advised this letter was lost. However, the Committee did not ask for an EIA and the application was approved but soon after Councillor Page and the KCC submitted requests to the Minister for a screening for an EIA. We again asked for the Application to be called in. In February we were advised by the Minister that an EIA was not required and it would not be called in. We understand the LLNP were acting on pressure from Scottish Government who suspected the project would fail an EIA, and did not express an independent and subjective appraisal. However, the Application is still not showing Approved on the NP portal.

Reporters Response to LLNP application for a Core Path to be established on School Road to Auchencarroch Road. KCC had objected in 2019 to this proposal on grounds of safety to users and impact on local business, but these were not considered by LLNP. The Reporter reviewed the submissions and concluded in favour of the LLNP.

Planning Application Claddoch Cottages - the CC, in its capacity of Statutory Consultee had submitted concerns for three aspects of the project. We suggested this could be discussed by means of a Committee Meeting. However no Community dialogue was made and the LLNP has approved the application.

Given the above rulings failing to respect the Community views, the Community Councillors are not satisfied with the level of Community Consultation and dialogue afforded from LLNP and are concerned that our rights as Statutory Consultee are not being respected.

In March 2021 the CC as part of the LLNP Forum of Community Councils undertook a survey of the views of the LLNP. This Community report is attached to this AGM Report and indicates substantial concern with operations of the LLNP. A copy has been issued to the Chairman of LLNP and our MSP asking for a review of the LLNP.

Community Garden

The CC have worked with a local landowner to propose a Community Garden in part of a field in the village. This is unique opportunity for the village and we hope a leadership team will come together in the near future.

Community Council Elections

KCC is formed under the Establishment of Community Councils and procedures of West Dunbartonshire Council. Under this document we have agreed to Elections of the CC on a 4 year cycle and these were due on May 2020. However, WDC decided to delay the process and review the Establishment Document during 2020 and 2021. We are advised that the term of this CC will now be extended until the new Establishment is in place, this will be later in 2021 or early 2022.

As Chairman I feel a term of 5 years is sufficient and I will retire after this meeting. I therefore take this opportunity to thank the Community for supporting the Community Council and for the contribution given from all those Councillors who have served during the last 5 years. The CC is in good health and my successor will ensure continuity of the work by the CC.

Lastly, I also wish to record that we have completed our affairs in accordance with the West Dunbartonshire Council procedures for Community Councils and Minutes for all our meetings are available on our website.

Treasurers Report Kilmaronock Community Council

The treasurer reported on the 2 accounts held by KCC. Fiscal Year (FY) ran from 1st March 2020 to 28th February 2021.

The main account having a closing balance of £732.35

The Benevolent Fund having a closing balance of £620.81 with one unissued cheque for £196.80

The accounts were examined and approved by David S. Taylor and are presented tonight. Copies of the audited and signed accounts are appended to these minutes.

During the Fiscal Year, the office of Treasurer was borne by Andrew Sinnott. The account signatories were Andrew Sinnott & Ivan Mavor, who resigned in December 2020. Ivan will be replaced as signatory by Anita Anderson. After this AGM, Andrew Sinnott will hand over as Treasurer to Anita Anderson.

Explanation of Expenditure

Rental of Meeting rooms in KMH / Zoom subs: £157.40

Comment : There was one meeting in KMH prior to lockdown, all others were held using the Zoom platform. Zoom subscriptions were monthly independent of number of meetings.

Website : Development (£250) Maintenance (£120.00) and hosting (£120.00)

Comment : Development costs a one off fee. Maintenance and hosting will be ongoing annually.

Expenses : £69.98

Comment : Portable hard drive purchased for storage of KCC archives due to upcoming election.


The account ran a deficit of -£84.09 due to underfunding. Note – Actual expenditure (£747.38) was reduced below budgeted expenditure (£920) to keep the deficit as low as possible as we received only £663.29 from WDC.

We are in dialogue with WDC regarding the annual WDC Grant to clarify the amounts received and the levels of reserve to be held in the account as there is a discrepancy between the guidelines and practice.

Secretary's report

The secretarial work has been split between Chairman, Treasurer and Bob Balmer. An official secretary will be appointed tonight.

Election of Office Bearers

WDC are responsible for the election process and this is in delay. Until the new elections are completed the office bearers will be :

Chair : Jim Morrison

Vice chair : Gavin MacLellan

Secretary : Andrew Sinnott

Treasurer : Anita Anderson

Prior to elections, new potential CC candidates will be sought. We encourage anyone over the age of 18 to come forward. 

Appointment of representatives

Andrew Sinnott will continue to represent KCC as a trustee for the Kilmaronock Community Trust.

Appointment of independent examiner

David S. Taylor is re-nominated for this position pending his acceptance.


None raised.

Date of next AGM

Monday 16th May 2022 @ 7:30 pm

Programme for forthcoming general meetings (preliminary)

5th July 2021

6th September 2021

1st November 2021

10th January 2022

7th March 2022

16th May 2022

Kilmaronock Community Council

Ordinary Meeting of KCC
Monday 13th September 2021 at 7.30pm
Verify Video Conference

1) Sederunt

KCC : Jim Morrison (JM/Chair), Gavin MacLellan (GM/Vice-Chair), Andrew Sinnott (AS/Sec), Anita Anderson (AA/Treasurer), Rory MacLeod (RM) and David Scott-Park (DSP). WDC : Cllr Sally Page (SP)
Plus 8 other members of the public

2) Apologies

  • Sarah Guy has resigned from the CC due to work commitments.
  • JM proposed a letter of thanks to be sent.

3) Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda

  • None.

4) Minutes of meeting on 5th July 2021

  • Proposed as accurate by DSP, seconded by AA.

5) Matters Arising and Associated issues

6) Treasurers Report

  • Outgoings : Monthly web hosting and annual subscription to Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland.
  • Current account balance : £1018.01
  • Benevolent fund balance : £424.01

7) Planning Matters


2019/0175/DET Local Review - 2021/0002/REVREF Land at Dumbain Road
The planning application was rejected on Landscape character due to the higher ground of the green field site compared to the neighbouring previous development. The objections raised by KCC and others were assessed but not accepted, however the review body requested up to date information on housing need and a site visit. 

Kilmaronock Community Council
We can make new submissions by 16th September.
AS will send a summary to CC’s asap
Lagganbeg Caravan Park
Planning permission was granted with conditions. SP will write to SEPA.


Erection of 2 no. glamping pods for holiday let 
Ballagan Farm Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8LY
Ref. No: 2021/0247/DET
This one came up after our last meeting and has passed through the process before this meeting.

KCC has no comment
Conversion of traditional farm outbuildings to form holiday letting accommodation Little Duncryne Farm Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8NG
Ref. No: 2021/0233/DET

KCC has no comment

Works to footpath including installation of boardwalk and drainage measures Whinny Hill Balloch West Dunbartonshire Ref. No: 2021/0231/DET

KCC has no comment

Sub-division of garden ground and erection of dwellinghouse with detached garage and waste water treatment plant The Aber Mill Ross And Aber Road Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8NQ
Ref. No: 2021/0280/DET

This one, at the suggestion of the agent, was sent to us asking for support. The applicant was present to explain the plans. They have no desire to leave the community after being here so long but find their present home unsuitable for them going forward. The plan is to move to the new house and sell the old house.
Although the Local Development Plan has a presumption against new housing the CC note that there seems to be no issue with new build accommodation for tourism. It will be a long while before we can influence the next development plan but we feel that more family housing for locals or even new residents should be preferable to tourists as it would provide pupils for the local school and build the future community.

Restoration of former church building including: replacement slate roof; repairs to Bellcot; dismantle and rebuilding of chimney stack; repointing; removal and replacement of concrete steps and handrail on north elevation; removal of pews; and other repairs and alterations Kilmaronock Old Kirk Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8SBRef. No: 2021/0308/LBC
KCC very supportive of this project to save the church for the community.

Duck Pond
No formal planning application as yet but correspondence was received describing the intention to convert a marshy field, of little agricultural value, to a duck pond with viewing hides open to the public. A car park is proposed and the existing farm track access from A811 to me moved to improve sightlines for safety. This field is adjacent to the football field. KCC discussed this and will wait for the formal application to be submitted in order to see the detailed plans.

8) Community Matters/Local Place Plan

LLTNPA chaired a video conference on 1st Sept to discuss Local Place Plans and their importance in formation of Local Development Plans.
The existing LDP (due to be replaced) will carry over until 2024 to give time to create and adopt LPP’s to feed into the new LDP.
In the meantime, community engagement is needed to develop the LPP. Help is available with organisation and funding of a development officer to coordinate the consultations. 
KCC will liaise with the NP to get funding.
Community Garden
AS has re-engaged with Andy Devine of WDC to start looking at organising an event in the Hall. The idea is to get some subject matter experts and those with experience of starting community gardens to talk to the community and answer any questions. KCC would assist with starting a Community Garden Society to run it. 
Glass Collection Bins
None in village, nearest is at Ballagan Garden centre. Previous discussions have highlighted the noise associated with using them and the amount of broken glass and other litter (plastic bags usually) that need clearing up.

9) Kilmaronock Community Trust

LPP – KCT are keen to be involved with the community consultation and any steering group.
Willing to help with funding applications.
Paths – Dumpling lower section complete. Aber path still closed while further bridge options are being investigated. SP has forwarded some picture of walkway bridges made from gratings for their consideration. GM would still like to see some design specifications. AS confirmed that the bridge is the responsibility of the NP (KCT has it in writing).
New members – Anyone wanting to be involved or know more should get in touch. They will be very welcome.

10) National Park Issues

GM still planning a meeting with MSP Jackie Baillie which has been postponed for a while now.
Flamingo Land are submitting new plans for Balloch and the Save Loch Lomond campaign group are reorganising themselves in readiness.

11) West Dunbartonshire Council

Community Council Forum
An online event is planned for Friday October 8th to discuss the future of the WDC CC Forum. Guest speakers from council and the SCDC consultation team will give an update on the Review of the Scheme of Establishment and each CC will be invited to join the discussions.
It is time for an update. Last meeting was Feb with some ‘promises’ made for end of summer regarding the footway on the A811 and signage on A811 and the back roads. We can ask again about speed limits out-with the village itself (suggested to be 40 similar to
Stirling stretches of A811). SP will attend having already spoken at length with Joyce White (CEO). 
This time we will try to get Gail Mcfarlane along as she missed the previous ones. GM suggested getting another councillor to attend with SP.
Councillor Page
At the special meeting of the Council regarding Community Council structure, SP made 3 points that will be taken into consideration.

  1. Funding should not be tied to per capita population Kilmaronock Community Council 5
  2. The survival of CC’s are dependent on their status
  3. CC’s have difficulty in entering dialogue with authorities such as Council, National Park, SEPA etc CC elections will be held after the council elections in 2022. Regarding the cemetery, it will not be extended, there are 30 more years capacity just now. SP raised a motion at council on Water Safety that was supported. Multi agency response has resulted in more rescue equipment in key areas. SP suggested a supervised swimming area.

12) Correspondence

Police Crime Report

  • We received the appended report in good time for tonight’s meeting.
  • Waste Handling/Landfill Presentation AS remains in correspondence with Kenny Lang (WDC) & Alastair Dalton (SEPA) awaiting the opportunity to invite them to a physical meeting in the hall.


  • SP and other neighbours of RSPB site had a meeting with RSPB management. SP has questioned some of the information in the funding application with the National Lottery.

13) Next Meeting

  • Monday 1st November 2021 at 19:30
  • AS will check on what is needed for a hybrid meeting back in KMH
  • Please send in any agenda items in good time to secretary@kilmaronockcc.org  

15) AOB

  • The July issue of the village magazine, Gartorag was the final issue.
  • KCC would like to minute our thanks to Team Rag (Sheila, Elaine and Sandra).
  • Meeting closed at 21:15h

Community Council Report

Name of Community Council: KILMARONOCK
Date of Report: 4th September 2021
Submitting / Attending officer: PC Karen Pettigrew
Crimes/Offences that have occurred in community area since last meeting

Police Report covering the period 1st June 2021 – 31st August 2021

The Crimes can be summarised as follows;

  • Murder/Attempt 0
  • Serious Assault 0
  • Robbery 0
  • Assault with Intent to Rob 0
  • Wilful fire-raising 0
  • Common Assault 1 (Enquiries complete – no persons charged)
  • Possess Knife/Offensive weapon 0
  • Theft/Att Housebreaking – Domestic 0
  • Theft by Housebreaking – Commercial 0
  • Theft by Shoplifting 0
  • Theft (Unclassified) 0
  • Possess Drugs 0
  • Possess With Intent to Supply 0
  • Breach of the Peace/Disorder 2 (a 34yr old female arrested and other is still an ongoing enquiry)
  • Vandalism 1 (Not detected)
  • Vehicle/traffic Crime 2 (A 25 yr old male reported for offence and 22yr old male reported for offence)
  • Fraud 0
  • Firearms Act 0
  • Breach of Bail 0
  • Reset 0
  • Rape 0
  • Other 0

The above excludes fixed penalty notices issued in respect of anti-social behaviour, non-endorsable and endorsable offences (Road Traffic).
Updates on previous actions Incidents of note or crime trends

Forthcoming events / Initiatives 

  • This month – Issues raised at the meeting

Contact Us

I would urge the community to continue to use Crimestoppers if wishing to leave anonymous information regarding incidents which are happening within the community. The telephone phone number is 0800 555 111 and is operated 24hrs a day. It should be noted that due to a recent  restructure within Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Division we no longer have a dedicated Community Policing Officer for your area. Information contained on this form has been gathered by an officer from the Community Engagement Team. Any issues raised at the meeting will be disseminated to either Local Policing or Problem Solving Team officers. If you wish to contact us direct with any specific complaints or concerns, please contact the following based at Dumbarton Police Office; Community Engagement Team Sergeant – Brian Simpson Tel: 101

Ordinary Meeting of KCC
Monday 2nd November 2021 at 7.30pm
3TVerify Video Conference

1) Sederunt

KCC : Jim Morrison (JM/Chair), Gavin MacLellan (GM/Vice-Chair), Andrew Sinnott (AS/Sec), Anita Anderson (AA/Treasurer) and David Scott-Park (DSP).
WDC : Cllr Sally Page (SP)
LLTNP : Willie Nisbet (WN)
Plus 8 other members of the public

2) Apologies

Bob Shand

3) Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda


4) Minutes of meeting on 13 September 2021

Proposed as accurate by GM, seconded by DSP.

5) Matters Arising and Associated issues

The operators of the Auchencarroch landfill site, Barr Environmental have been hit with a £99M fine by HMRC and are appealing for the second time. Hopefully there is some news before our next meeting.

6) Treasurers Report

a. Outgoings : Monthly web hosting.
b. Current account balance : £1001.23
c. Benevolent fund balance : £424.01

7) Planning Matters

2019/0175/DET Local Review - 2021/0002/REVREF Land at Dumbain Road
Kilmaronock Community Council
The planning officer’s representation to the LRB explained the original refusal decision in context of the previous 2015 application which the  developers referred to in support of their 2019 application.

WN informed us that the LRB had upheld the original decision to refuse. 


2021/0359/DET - Further application (under section 42) for planning permission for demolition of existing farm outbuilding and erection of dwelling house approved under 2014/0169/DET without occupancy restriction (condition 1)
High Duncryne Farm Gartocharn G83 8SA
KCC has no comment
2021/0352/PPP - Erection of dwelling house

Land Adjacent (WNW) To Kerrknowe Badshalloch Road Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8SB
KCC has no comment
2021/0336/DET - Change of use of guesthouse (use class 7) to residential dwelling house (use class 9)
Old School House Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8SB
KCC has no comment
2021/0334/DET - Change in the use and extension of workshop and store to form dwelling
West Cambusmoon Farm Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8RS
KCC has no comment
Lomond Banks (Flamingo land)
Some people have received glossy brochures, most have not. Some project information is on their own website (https://lomondbanks.com/). No prior notice of recent consultations were given to KCC. The ones we knew about in August were cancelled. GM expressed concern over the proposed loss of the car park site opposite Balloch Station. This will disincentive rail travel and thus lead to more car journeys instead of rail journeys and on road parking nearer the station. 

AS - The previous plan of re-siting an alternative half-way down Pier Road is not acceptable even if a shuttle service was provided. The present available information is not clear if an alternative car park will even be provided. Sacrificing a local public amenity for private gain should be discouraged if not prevented. Lots of publicity about world class treatment of visitors but none about any treatment of locals.
Kilmaronock Community Council
KCC to make representation on this and advise public to add their own comments via the Lomond Banks website.
SP – Fiona Robertson is the PR person for the consultation will be happy to meet groups with concerns.
Solar Farm at Ross Priory – No plans have been submitted but concerns were raised over the potential negative visual impact due to alteration of the landscape.
2021/0280/DET - Sub-division of garden ground and erection of dwelling house with detached garage and waste water treatment plant
Aber Mill Gartocharn Alexandria G83 8NQ
The applicant asked if the CC had written a letter of support based on the discussions at the last meeting.
JM/GM will follow up.

8) Community Matters/Local Place Plan

JM was in contact with the NP regarding funding and SP with WDC but no response yet from either.
Broadband Rollout continuing. There is no community project but individuals can track their connection delivery on the Digital Scotland website by putting in their postcode and address into the following site : https://www.scotlandsuperfast.com/. A quick check on a small selection of
local postcodes show a range of dates from March to June 2022.

9) Kilmaronock Community Trust

Aber Dam Bridge.
KCT has been awarded the funding from the National Park for replacement of the bridge. We are currently obtaining new tenders from a range of suitable suppliers including those suggested by members of the community. As in previous awards, the National Park are seeking to include some obligations on KCT which we cannot agree to so we are still in negotiation, however we are confident that the work will start by the deadline which is the end of February, depending on availability of materials.
New members
Anyone wanting to be involved or know more should get in touch (kct@gartocharn.org). They will be very welcome.
Kilmaronock Community Council

10) National Park Issues

We have an upcoming meeting with other CC’s & the NP regarding the Planning Process.

11) West Dunbartonshire Council

JM, GM and AS attended a zoom meeting with the head of WDC Roads dept. Everything had to be explained again so that they could make a new plan. All the previously agreed work has been shelved for various reasons. Next meeting scheduled for end of November.
WN raised the issue of the A811 collapse into the Endrick on the Stirling side and that we ought to apply pressure to Stirling Council via WDC. SP informed us that stabilising work is due to commence around 18th November.
Review of the CC Scheme of Establishment
A meeting is due for the second round of consultations. GM cannot attend so gave us some points to pass on from him, that communication and respect between CC’s and Council is a 2-way street. Recent derogatory comments from Cllr Jim Bollan ought to have drawn an apology from WDC.
Councillor Page
Cllr Bollan has received many sharp emails regarding his comments about CCs but is unrepentant.
SP also had discussions about roads and the fault reporting system. Here is the link to the Council’s website where the online form can be completed - https://www.westdunbarton.gov.uk/roads-parking-travel/report-street-issues/potholes/
There is a similar page for reporting blocked gullies leading to flooding and many other issues.
Barr Environmental having received a huge fine and a change in operating procedure are charging more for their services which is a huge hit on WDC budget.
WDC refused planning permission for a development on greenbelt land but ScotGov overturned it.
There is a national Defibrillator register, AS confirmed that the village Defibrillator is on the Scottish Ambulance Service register and Trossachs Search & Rescue site. 
There will be a collection of garden tools at the upcoming Fri coffee morning to donate to CHAS.

12) Correspondence

Police crime report appended.
Kilmaronock Community Council
Waste Handling/Landfill Presentation
AS remains in correspondence with Kenny Lang (WDC) & Steven Devine (SEPA) and now plan to do this at the next meeting in January in the hall.
Forestry & Land Scotland have advised us of an upcoming Ross Woods path survey.
VoL Trust – Brought our attention to the reduced opening days of BoS branches in Alexandria & Helensburgh and their concerns over a future permanent closure. GM spoke to branch manager and they are expecting to go back to 5 day operation by end of the year.

13) Next Meeting

Monday 10th January 2022 at 19:30 back in KMH
Please send in any agenda items in good time to secretary@kilmaronockcc.org

14) AOB

DSP reported a deep pothole at Mill Loan, SP has reported it with pictures.
WN asked that if not meeting in hall we consider using a different online platform – there are too many difficulties for those without superfast broadband.
A couple of meetings ago, complaints were made regarding the state of the field behind the hall. It has been deliberately left to overgrow and had leylandii planted to disturb the view. As it is private land there is little that can be done unless there are proscribed vegetation e.g. noxious weeds.
Meeting closed at 21:05h
Kilmaronock Community Council

Community Council Report

Name of Community Council:- Kilmarnock
Date of Report:- 28/10/2021
Submitting / officer:- PC Dale Logsdon
Crimes/Offences that have occurred in community area since last meeting

Police Report covering the period 01/09/2021 – 28/10/2021

2 reported crimes.
The Crimes can be summarised as follows;
Mobbing and Rioting : 0
Wilful fire-raising : 0
Common Assault : 0
Theft/Att Housebreaking – Domestic :
1 – Occurred at Gartocharn Primary School. Unknown person
did damage door frame and pull door open before gaining
entry. Nothing reported stolen.
Theft (Unclassified) :
1 – Occurred at Robin House Hospice. Unknown persons did
force padlock from outside container and steal hedge
trimmer. Enquiries ongoing.
Possess Drugs : 0
Breach of the Peace/Disorder : 0
Vandalism : 0
Vehicle/traffic Crime : 0
Fraud : 0
Breach of Bail : 0
Other : 0
Kilmaronock Community Council
The above excludes fixed penalty notices issued in respect of anti-social behaviour, non-endorsable and endorsable offences (Road Traffic).
Some useful links for crime prevention;
Updates on previous actions
Incidents of note or crime trends
Forthcoming events / Initiatives
This month – Issues raised at the meeting 
Contact Us
I would urge the community to continue to use Crimestoppers if wishing to leave anonymous information regarding incidents which are happening within the community. The telephone phone number is 0800 555 111 and is operated 24hrs a day.
It should be noted that due to a recent restructure within Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Division we no longer have a dedicated Community Policing Officer for your area.
Information contained on this form has been gathered by an officer from the Community Engagement Team. Any issues raised at the meeting will be disseminated to either Local Policing or Problem Solving Team officers.
If you wish to contact us direct with any specific complaints or concerns, please contact the following based at Dumbarton Police Office;
Community Engagement Team Sergeant – Brian Simpson
Tel: 101