Meeting to be held on Tuesday

12 January 2021

at 7pm (virtual Zoom meeting)


  1. Previous Minutes/Matters Arising
  1. Questions to Councillors/Police
  1. Dumbarton East Station update
  1. St James Retail Park
  1. Treasurer's Report
  1. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9 February 2021 at 7pm

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Zoom Meeting held on Tuesday 12 January 2021

at 7pm


  • Jim Crosthwaite
  • Fran Annis
  • Dorothy Heron
  • Darren Gibson, Dumbarton & Vale of Leven Reporter
  • Stephen Burns, WDC
  • Jane Brown
  • Iain Ellis
  • Maurice Corry, MSP                             


  • Mary Hudson
  • Cllr Brian Walker


Previous Minute/Matters Arising

  • Previous minute of 8 December 2020 was read and approved.

Dumbarton East Station

  • Dumbarton East station is being monitored and at times pigeons still appear to be gaining access but it is not known exactly where they find a gap.

Questions to Councillors/Police

  • Fly tipping is become a problem in the area at several locations. Mr Corry, MSP, said this problem covers many regions and he will raise this issue at First Minister's Questions.

St James Retail Park

  • An unacceptable amount of fly tipping has been dumped beside the charity collection point in St James Retail Park. Regular photographs have provided a daily increase record in rubbish which should have been taken to the waste disposal at Dalmoak. The Park is not owned by West Dunbartonshire Council and they are therefore not responsibility for clearing this site.   The owners, Legal and General, have been contacted by WDC and arranged to clear the site but within days, the amount of rubbish slowly built up again. The owners will arrange for CCTV cameras to be activated and signage to be on display pointing out that fly tipping is an offence and anyone found guilty will be heavily fined. An extra hazard due to the extra exposed rubbish is the appearance of more rats than usual.
  • It has also been reported that dumping of rubbish near the gasworks in Dumbarton has been a problem.
  • Excess feeding of birds down by the quay and other parts of the town has become an issue which the Environmental Health Department is aware of.

Treasurer's Report

  • Mary reported there is £2266.69p in the bank and petty cash of £48.34p


  • Mature trees in Posties Park have been removed but it is understood this is to allow an entrance to the new facilities being built there.
  • Maurice Corry, MSP, gave detailed information on the opening of the Vale of Leven Mental Health Unit at the VoL Hospital and said this unit is a very welcome addition to the area. It gives mental health support to people from the armed forces and also to the community in general.  The unit will be able to take up to thirty five people from the forces and a Mental Health Nurse is located in the Hospital. The Vale of Leven Hospital will be a centre of excellence for this work. This is the first Hospital to do this and others will follow in Edinburgh, Rosyth, Leuchars, Lossiemouth and throughout Scotland.
  • FAMS (Families Against Murder and Suicide) should also be able to access this facility.
  • It is good for this area to have the Vale of Leven Hospital attain a high profile. There have been fears in the past of the hospital being closed and Jackie Baillie has worked hard to keep the hospital to the fore.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9 February 2021 at 7pm


Meeting to be held on Tuesday

9 February 2021

at 7pm (virtual Zoom meeting)


  1. Previous Minutes/Matters Arising
  2. Questions to Councillors/Police
  3. River Wreckage
  4. St James Retail Park
  5. Treasurer's Report
  6. AOB
  7. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7pm

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Zoom Meeting held on Tuesday 9 February 2021 at 7pm


Cllr David McBride, Fran Annis, Dorothy Heron - Secretary, Darren Gibson - Dumbarton & Vale of Leven Reporter, Stephen Burns - WDC, Jane Brown, Iain Ellis - Chairperson


Mary Hudson, Cllr Brian Walker

Due to problems accessing the meeting this evening, Jim Crosthwaite, Cllr Karen Conaghan and Maurice Corry, MSP, were unable to take part. For future meetings Stephen will send out a code/link prior to the meeting.

Maurice Corry, MSP, has intimated that if there any matters he can assist with, please contact him via the Scottish Parliament email:

Previous Minute/Matters Arising

Previous minute of 12 January 2021 was read and approved.

Dumbarton East Station: It has been reported there are dead pigeons in the netting at Dumbarton East Station. Somehow pigeons are gaining access behind the netting and get trapped.

St James Retail Park: Following the recent amount of fly tipping beside the charity collection point at St James Park, the owners of the property arranged a cleanup, which had to be repeated as rubbish continued to be left beside the containers. It would now appear the situation has greatly improved. Thanks expressed to the Dumbarton & Vale of Leven Reporter for highlighting this issue.

River Wreckage

Tenants are now being housed in the housing development at the Quay. The amount of wreckage in the basin and further up the quay is not the best outlook. We are aware there is a problem finding out who the owners are and WDC are reluctant to remove them as they would have to store them until collected, if ever. It would appear there is not a solution which the Council can take at this time. Members decided we would wait and see if the tenants raise this issue.

The new walkway from Lidl along to the town centre is open and is being well used.

Questions to Councillors/Police

Community Engagement Team Sergeant Brian Simpson had arranged for a police report to be submitted to this meeting for the period 12 January to 8 February 2021.

Dorothy read out the list of crimes for this period and the more detailed report will be sent out to members with the minute of this meeting.

As always, the community is urged to use Crimestoppers if wishing to leave anonymous information regarding incidents which are happening within the community. The telephone number is 0800 555 111 and is operated 24 hrs a day, or Sergeant Simpson can be contacted at Dumbarton Police Office, Tel 101.

Questions for Councillors: Is it known when WDC will bring in the law for non parking on pavements being illegal?

Iain E questioned the state of the road from Dumbuck to the traffic lights. The road is in a bad state of repair. Greenhead Road also required repair. The road at the roundabout also requires attention which should be carried out by Transerve.

The cycle path needs some attention and Cllr McBride will raise this with Iain Bain. Iain also asked if a dog bin could be put at the top of Third Avenue at the entrance to the cycle path.

Iain E asked if anything is known about the budget for 3 March. Nothing known yet but there may be a freeze on council tax; information will be available later in the month.

Treasurer's Report

Mary had intimated that there is £2266.69p in the bank and petty cash of £48.34p.


 Pizza Shop shutters: The paintwork on the shutters of the pizza shop in Castlegreen Street has been the subject of a complaint from a resident in the area. It is hoped there will be a swift resolution to this.   As a new business, the Community Council feel they would support the business.

Date of next meeting

  • Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7pm

Community Council Report

Police Report covering Dumbarton East and Central between the period of 12/01/2021 to 08/02/21 inclusive. 

The Crimes can be summarised as follows;

Murder/Attempt                                      0

Serious Assault                                         0

Robbery                                                     1 - Threats made over domestic television

Assault with Intent to Rob                        0

Wilful fire-raising                                      0

Common Assault                                       4 - 2 x within domestic dwellings. 2 x within local supermarkets, (1 in relation to COVID compliance within store)

Possess Knife/Offensive weapon              0

Theft/Att Housebreaking – Domestic      0

Theft by Housebreaking – Commercial    0

Theft by Shoplifting                                   3 - Within 2 separate high street stores

Theft                                                           4 - 1 x domestic garden bench which has been recovered. 3 x theft of fuel

Possess Drugs                                             3 - 3 x personal possession within High Street and St James Retail Park

Crimes/Offences that have occurred in community area since last meeting

Possess With Intent to Supply                     0

Breach of the Peace/Disorder                      7 - 6 x within retail establishments. 1 x on High Street.  

Vandalism                                                    3 - 2 x business premises, (1 x High Street, 1 x Broadmeadow Industrial Estate Street). 1 x rocks at Dumbarton rock.

Vehicle/traffic Crime                                    7 - 5 x various offences throughout Central and East. 1 x theft of m/v by unknown means. 1 x attempt theft from vehicle within retail car park. 

Fraud                                                              0

Firearms Act                                                   0

Breach of Bail                                                 1 

Reset                                                               0 

Rape                                                                0

Other                                                               3 - 2 x counterfeit money being presented to staff in High Street stores. 1 x attempt to pervert the course of justice. 

The above excludes fixed penalty notices issued in respect of anti-social behaviour, non-endorsable and endorsable offences (Road Traffic). 

Contact Us

I would urge the community to continue to use Crimestoppers if wishing to leave anonymous information regarding incidents which are happening within the community. The telephone phone number is 0800 555 111 and is operated 24hrs a day. 

If you wish to contact us direct with any specific complaints or concerns, please contact the following based at Dumbarton Police Office;

Community Engagement Team Sergeant – Brian Simpson

Tel: 101

Meeting to be held on Tuesday

9 March 2021 at 7pm (virtual Zoom meeting)

  1. Previous Minutes/Matters Arising
  2. Questions to Councillors/Police
  3. Law for Non Parking on Pavements
  4. Budget
  5. Treasurer's Report
  6. AOB
  7. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13 April 2021 at 7pm


Dumbarton East & Central Community Council

Zoom Meeting held on Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7pm



  • Cllr David McBride
  • Jim Crosthwaite, Vice Chair
  • Dorothy Heron, Secretary
  • Darren Gibson, Dumbarton & Vale of Leven Reporter
  • Alan Karas, WDC
  • Iain Ellis, Chairperson
  • Maurice Corry, MSP


  • Mary Hudson
  • Jane Brown

Previous Minute/Matters Arising

  • Previous minute of 9 February 2021 was read and approved.
  • Dumbarton East Station: The dead pigeons caught in the netting have been removed and there does not appear to be any further problem.
  • River wreckage: Adverse comments have now appeared on social media about the wreckage in the basin at the new footpath by pedestrians using the footpath.

Questions to Councillors/Police

  • Jim C asked about the mooring/pontoon on the river near the play park which appears to be full of rubbish. Jim will send Cllr McBride a photo and Cllr McBride will make enquiries.  
  • The law for non parking on pavements: this issue was raised and it would appear West Dunbartonshire Council has had no definite information about this. Maurice Corry, MSP, said amendments have to be made and he thought there were some issues about it. Dorothy will contact Jackie Baillie MSP to see if there is more information available from the Government.
  • Re Dumbuck Hotel, there has been a lot of conflicting reports online about the plans for the hotel. The owners have stated they are refurbishing and making the hotel into holiday apartments.
  • Cllr McBride had asked Ian Bain about the cycle path and the issue of a dog bin at the start of the path. Ian Bain had reported back that there is a bin 50 yds into the cycle path and that the area in question was not overgrown. It was said that it would appear garden rubbish is being dumped on the cycle path.
  • Dogs Loan: (along past Mary Fisher Crescent).   It was said drinking parties had been taking place in this area.
  • Excess bird feeding on the quay continues.
  • A police report as below has been submitted by PC Martin McKenna.

Community Council Report

  • Name of Community Council: Dumbarton East & Central
  • Date of Report: 07/03/21
  • Submitting officer: PC Martin McKenna

Police can be contacted if any further information is required by Community Members. Crimes/Offences that have occurred in community area since last meeting:

  • Police Report covering the period 09/02/21 – 07/03/21 inclusive.
  • 20 reported crimes
  • The crimes can be summarised as follows;
  • Common Assault  -   1 (Undetected)
  • Theft/Att Housebreaking – Commercial -  2 (Undetected)
  • Theft of pedal cycle  - 1 (Undetected)
  • Theft by Shoplifting - 5 (Detected)                              
  • Theft (Unclassified) - 4 (Undetected)                                 
  • Possess With Intent to Supply  - 1 (1 Detected)
  • Vandalism - 1 (Undetected)
  • Vehicle/traffic Crime - 3 (3 Detected)
  • Breach of Bail - 1 (1 Detected)
  • Culpable and reckless conduct -  1 (Enquiries ongoing)

The above excludes fixed penalty notices issued in respect of anti-social behaviour, non-endorsable and endorsable offences (Road Traffic).

Contact Us

  • I would urge the community to continue to use Crimestoppers if wishing to leave anonymous information regarding incidents which are happening within the community. The telephone phone number is 0800 555 111 and is operated 24hrs a day.
  • It should be noted that due to a recent restructure within Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Division we no longer have a dedicated Community Policing Officer for your area. Information contained on this form has been gathered by an officer from the Community Engagement Team. Any issues raised at the meeting will be disseminated to either Local Policing or Problem Solving Team officers.
  • If you wish to contact us direct with any specific complaints or concerns, please contact the following based at Dumbarton Police Office;
  • Community Engagement Team Sergeant – Brian Simpson
  • Tel: 101


  • Cllr McBride reported the final list for the budget will decided today. WDC do not know how much they will get from the Government. Council tax freezes expected. The budget meeting will be held on Monday 22 March when the budget will be set. Full details will not be known for two or three days.
  • Budget cuts: Lollipop staff, cuts to community groups, charities etc expected.   Decisions will be taken on 22 March.
  • Re Chief Executive stepping in to take the Sheephill issue back to the Council. This was discussed.

Treasurer's Report

  • The Treasurer has reported there is £2266.69 in the bank; £48.34 in petty cash.

Date of next meeting

  • Tuesday 13 April 2021 at 7pm

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council
Meeting held on 12 October 2021
at 7pm in St Augustine's Hall



Dorothy Heron, Secretary
Jane Brown
Jim Cormack
Jacqueline Bruce
Cllr D McBride
Cllr Brian Walker
Jim Crosthwaite, Vice Chair
Cllr Karen Conaghan


Mary Hudson
Iain Ellis

Previous Minutes/Matters Arising

Previous minute of 14 September 2021 was read and approved.

Questions to Councillors/Police

Bins at quay: Council litter strategy still not completed.

Cllr McBride said Greenspace do their best with the litter problems locally and this could be brought to the notice at the Town Centre Forum.

Resurfacing of pavements and tree solution in Silverton and Overtoun Avenues: WDC Councillors will be briefed this month on the solutions for carrying out this work.

There has been no movement on the castle lighting. Enquiries will be made at the Town Centre Forum.

The football club is under new ownership; the new owner is Norwegian businessman Henning Kristofferson and his Cognitive Capital Ltd group. One third of Council staff will return to work in the office this month.

Police report not available this month.

Tree Preservation Order at Havoc

Members are asked to support the tree preservation order at Havoc by logging into to support the petition.

Costa Drive Thru at Morrisons

An email has been received from a Dumbarton East resident asking for support in objecting to the application for a drive thru Costa coffee structure situated in Morrisons car park. Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed we would submit an objection to this application.

Litter Pick: Saturday 16 October

Dumbarton Overtoun and Silverton Community Council had arranged a litter pick for 16 October but this has now been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

Treasurer's Report

Mary had submitted the information that there is £2266.69 in the bank and £48.34 in petty cash.


The Rialto Cinema has been taken over but information is scant at present.

Posties Park work is very slow but materials would appear to be the problem.

Sandpoint is closed off but the reason is unknown.

The Carmelite Chapel has now been demolished.

The plaque outside Glencairn House has disappeared. Cllr McBride will make enquiries.

Jim Crosthwaite advised that the AGM of Dumbarton Station Trust has taken place.

Jacqueline mentioned that Dumbarton People's Theatre has had to cancel their panto and other productions again this year. Cllr McBride will check out the position with the lighting problems.

It was noted that the walkway from the Health Centre to ASDA, along Meadowbank Street, the bricks on the ground are broken and potentially dangerous. Cllr McBride will make enquiries about this.

Dorothy will arrange for our meeting dates to be included in the Community Advertiser for public information.

Date of Next Meeting

  • Tuesday 9 November 2021 at 7pm in St Augustine's Halls.
  • The AGM will be held in January 2022

Meeting to be held on Tuesday
9 November 2021
at 7pm in St Augustine's Church Halls

1. Previous Minutes/Matters Arising

2. Questions to Councillors
Levelling Up Fund
Costa Drive through at Morrisons
Walkway - Torc Sculpture/Housing Development Benches (Dunbritton)

3. Costa Drive through at Morrisons

4. Bins - preferably compaction system

5. Treasurer's Report

6. AOB

7. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14 December 2021 at 7pm

Dumbarton East & Central Community Council
Meeting held on 9 November 2021
at 7pm in St Augustine's Hall

1. Present:

Dorothy Heron, Secretary
Jacqueline Bruce
Cllr D McBride
Cllr Brian Walker
Jim Crosthwaite, Vice Chair
Mary Hudson, Treasurer
Mick Doyle, Head of Programme, Scottish Community Development


Jane Brown

2. Previous Minute/Matters Arising

Previous minute of 12 October 2021 was read and approved.

3. Draft Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils, WDC

Mick Doyle from SCDC attended the meeting to give information on the draft document for the Scheme of Establishment. The Community Empowerment Act will feature in this. The "Stronger Voices Group" has been set up and Community Councils are represented on this. The first draft will be discussed and the consultation process finishes on 21 December after which a second draft (final) will be compiled. Comments on the first draft must be made by 21 December or the opportunity will be lost. A handbook will also be up for comment.

Engaging in the Community: there was a suggestion that the scheme should try to support communities to see if they can expand the membership and diversity. Young people should be encouraged to be involved.

Community Council boundaries have been looked at though no definite agreement has been reached where, if any, changes should be made.

3. Bins at the quay and Lidl areas

Jim Crosthwaite, Dorothy and Jacqueline met with Andy Devine, Greenspace Officer for WDC, to discuss bins which would be suitable for areas where seagulls are a problem in that they enter the bins and drag out rubbish. It was confirmed that the bins at Lidl are owned by WDC although the Lidl staff regularly clean the car park. Greenspace are looking to trial gull proof bin covers and will keep us informed.
Jacqueline suggested a 'Neat Streets' project to promote taking care of your local area. This will link to other litter pick projects locally. Street messages on pavements and promoting community events were suggested.

Litter at East End Play Parks: The Astro turf area generates a large amount of plastic dumped in the park despite a bin at the Astro entrance. This is an ongoing issue.

Knoxland Square: the state of some of the benches in the Square was discussed as they are badly in need of repair. Apparently there is a backlog for repairs. If materials were provided, some members would be willing to undertake bench repairs. There is scope to develop the beds at the square if there was interest. Andy would supply bulbs for planting around the square. Gardening tools will be necessary. This would be part of a bigger project for the route down to the castle. Jacqueline has approached Knoxland School and the Cubs 1st Dumbarton to see if they wish to be stakeholders.

4. Questions to Councillors/Police

West Dunbartonshire Council has received nearly £20million from their successful bid from the Levelling Up Fund to transfer the town centre and help fund Glencairn House in the aim for it to be a museum/library/hub.

Costa Planning Application: Dorothy to write to Joyce White, Chief Executive, WDC, re the Costa application for a drive through at Morrisons. An objection to this application from the Community Council has been submitted.

Walkway: Information from the Town Centre Forum meeting held on 18 October. The walkway had been completed to the Lidl site. The pathway has not been adopted until snagging complete. It is unknown when this will be taken forward. Signs should be on the walkway by December. Benches will be installed and a torc sculpture will be put in place.

No police report received this month.

5. Treasurer's Report

Mary reported there is £2149.90 in the bank and petty cash of £48.34p.

6. AOB

Alternatives Community-based Recovery run the Sweet Success Cafe in the Concord Centre four days a week, Tuesday to Friday, 11am to 3pm, and as part of World Kindness Day have been giving away scones all week in the town centre area.

Community Council meetings are now included in the Community Advertiser.

7. Date of next meeting

  • Tuesday 14 December 2021 at 7pm

Meeting to be held on Tuesday
14 December 2021
at 7pm in St Augustine's Church Halls


1. Previous Minutes/Matters Arising

2. Questions to Councillors

3. Costa Drive through at Morrisons

4. Community Council Boundaries

5. Knoxland Square Project Proposal

6. Treasurer's Report

7. AOB

8. Next Meeting:

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 11 January 2022


Dumbarton East & Central Community Council
Meeting held on 14 December 2021
at 7pm in St Augustine's Hall


1. Present:

Jacqueline Bruce
Cllr Brian Walker
Jim Crosthwaite, Vice Chair
Jane Brown


Cllr D McBride
Dorothy Heron

2. Previous Minute/Matters Arising:

Previous minute of 9 November 2021 was read and approved.

3. Questions to Councillors:

Have all the Quay Walkway snags been completed and has WDC adopted the walkway? Cllr Walker will seek an answer to this.

Has there been any progress with the new owners of Dumbarton Football Club regarding access to the football grounds to erect stanchions to illuminate Dumbarton Castle? Cllr Walker will seek an answer to this.

Cllr Walker was made aware that a new resident of the Dumbarton Quay flats who has moved in directly opposite the floating raft/pontoon of buildings, had voiced concerns that this was an eyesore; Cllr Walker was asked if he could try and find out (presumably from the harbour master) if anything could be done about improving or removing this.


Cllr Walker was advised that there had been yet more infill at Sandpoint Marina and a boundary fence that previously surrounded the area had now all but disappeared, requiring only a small step to get over it. Additionally in infilling all the previous "Rock Armour" that previously delineated the boundary, it had also covered beyond that fence line, and in doing so the infill had encroached yet again further into both rivers and was asked to look into this matter. Cllr Walker advised that there was a Google Maps facility that enables looking back at older images, and that might be useful to assess the changes being made.

4. Knoxland Square Improvement Initiative:

Jacqueline reported on progress on the Knoxland Square Initiative and said she will provide a written update.

5. Boundary Consultation Report:

The extract from the SCDC First Stage Boundary Consultation Report was briefly discussed. There are three main proposal categories.

1) Where new housing has been built, residents should be consulted as to which CC would best suit their needs/identity.

2) Where difficulties arise in maintaining CC memberships, the possibility of increasing /decreasing the areas might help the situation.

3) In areas which lack any CC at all, the proposal is to incorporate adjacent areas into an existing CC.
To be further discussed.

5. Costa:

The recent (well received) rejection of the Costa Coffee Drive Through was discussed. This CC visited all the local cafe owners and made them aware of the proposal and furnished them with the application's reference so that they could read the detail of the proposal. It is understood that owners did follow up on this and made their own objections as did many locals. This Community Council, through Dorothy Heron, lodged an official objection and Jacqueline Bruce attended the Planning meeting in person and spoke well on the CC's behalf against the proposal. There is of course the possibility of an appeal but for now all in attendance were satisfied with the results.

6. Next Meeting:

The next meeting is due to be held on Tuesday 11 January 2022 which will be the AGM.