Quarterly meeting of the West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum
Wednesday 6th September 2023 @ 19:30 in Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels Hub


1) Welcome


Alexandria: Tilda McCrimmon, Apologies from Barbara Barnes

Balloch and Haldane: David Keown, Lynne Somerville

Bonhill and Dalmonach: Jack Fordy, Apologies from Fiona Jenkins

Bowling and Milton: No rep

Clydebank East: Alistair Conaty

Dumbarton East and Central: Dorothy Heron, Jim Crosthwaite

Faifley: No rep

Kilmaronock: Andrew Sinnott (Forum Secretary)

Linnvale and Drumry: John Hainey

Old Kilpatrick: Rhona Young, Rena Mackenzie, Isobel Plunkett (Forum Chair)

Parkhall, North Kilbowie & Central: Drummond McNair, Anne MacDougall

Silverton and Overtoun: Apologies from Rona Wilkinson (Forum Vice-chair), Linda McCowat, Rose Harvie

WDC Your Community Team: Alan Karas

Isobel commenced with sending good wishes to Rona who could not be with us tonight.

2) Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.

Alistair Conaty provided the following correction to the previous minutes which were then adopted.

“I have had ongoing health problems for the last 12 years and have carried out my role within the Community Council during it and this was not the reason for resigning.

There was a difference of opinion within the group and I decided it was best to leave and concentrate on my role as Treasurer for the Clydebank East Community Council.”

Rhona Young (OKCC) requested a hard copy of the agenda as she has no access to email or a computer to print her own. It is the responsibility of each CC secretary to ensure all CC members have the info sent by the Forum.

CC liability insurance

If CC’s want to hold an event that is not covered then they should contact the insurance company direct to arrange any additional cover as necessary.
The contact information for the insurer is appended to these minutes.

3) Treasurer Report

Current balance is £3,982.14
Outgoings : £17.86 to WD Leisure Trust on 14th June

4) Guest speaker

Elaine Troup joined via Zoom to run through a presentation on the recent changes to the Communities Team and some programmes for the future. The presentation will be mailed along with these minutes.

5) Community Councillors Discussions

Code of conduct

After discussion it was agreed that the Forum should proceed with updating the handbook to clarify how to deselect Community Councillors who are found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct. The Forum executive will propose amendments and follow up with WDC to get them implemented.

50th Anniversary of CC’s in Scotland

It was agreed to plan a commemorative event for WDC community councils.
Several suggestions put forward to consider :

  • Civic reception
  • Formal dinner
  • Link up with CC’s across Scotland
  • Encourage youth to attend
  • Entertainment from boy band “Just The Brave”

Anne MacDougall and Lynne Somerville both volunteered to assist in the planning.

6) AOB

During above discussions, it was mentioned that WDC will not be doing a Christmas Lights switch on and that perhaps Community Councils could do this instead to raise their profile.
There was no time to discuss other topics so they need to be sent in for the next meeting agenda. One was Sex Education and the other was Parking & Traffic in Dumbarton.

7) Date of Next Meeting

The next business meeting will be 6th December @ 7.30pm, notices will be sent out with venue location in good time but please send in any items for discussion as early as possible. The executive will meet as needed before then.

Quarterly meeting of the West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum
Wednesday 7th 2023 @ 19:00 in Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick


1) Welcome


Alexandria: Tilda McCrimmon, Barbara Barnes

Balloch and Haldane: David Keown, Lynne Somerville

Bonhill and Dalmonach: Jack Fordy, Fiona Jenkins

Bowling and Milton: No rep

Clydebank East: Alistair Conaty (CCF Treasurer)

Dumbarton East and Central: Dorothy Heron

Faifley: Tricia Lorimer

Kilmaronock: Andrew Sinnott (CCF Secretary)

Linnvale and Drumry: John Hainey, Mary McAleer, Gavin Lawson Apologies from Lorraine Hamilton

Old Kilpatrick: Rhona Young, Rena Mackenzie Apologies from Isobel Plunkett (CCF Chair)

Parkhall, North Kilbowie & Central: Drummond McNair Apologies from Anne MacDougall

Silverton and Overtoun: Rona Wilkinson (CCF Vice-chair), Linda McCowat Apologies from Rose Harvie

WDC Your Community Team: Alan Karas, Rona as vice-chair chaired the meeting.

Andy apologised for the confusion about the start time in the invitation. Future meetings will
start at 7.30pm. Each CC provided their latest contact details.

2) Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.

Rona provided a correction to the previous minutes which were then adopted .

Rhona Young (OKCC) requested a hard copy of the minutes as she has no computer. Maybe others have a
similar issue. There is a need to be inclusive.

Forum secretary to ask each CC contact person to create and distribute hard copies as needed by
their CC members.

The constitution was signed by vice-chair and secretary.
A scanned copy will be made available for anyone who wants one.

The CC liability insurance has been renewed by WDC. The forum was asked if they could take over the responsibility for this going forward.

After discussion it was agreed that we do not have the capacity to do this so the responsibility
will remain with WDC.

The forum agreed that the existing cover was adequate and that if CC’s want to hold an event that
is not covered then they should contact the insurance company direct to arrange any additional
cover as necessary.

The contact information for the insurer will be provided to all CC’s by the forum secretary.

WDC had proposed that the Forum assist in the allocation of any surplus CC admin grant money each
year by helping identify worthy proposals from CC’s that wish to apply.
The Forum agreed to do this and will discuss the mechanism with WDC.

3) Executive Reports

The treasurer presented a hard copy of the bank statement. Current balance is £4000
The balance is from WDC grant for this year and the last (both £2000).

It was noted that the Treasurer has tendered his resignation and therefore there is a call for a
volunteer to take over.
Forum secretary to ask for volunteers when sending out the minutes.

4) Guest speaker

Elaine Troup was to give an update on the structure of the Communities Team post budget cuts. Alan
Karas explained that so far there has been no final decision on the make up of the teams going
forward hence the Forum exec agreed to postponed her address.

The Forum expressed appreciation and gratitude for the support of the communities team workers
especially those in the front line like Alan Karas and Megyn Tyrell.

The following were suggested as future attendees :

Peter Hessett to address slow response times (no response sometime) of WDC chief officers
Andy Devine/Ian Bain – Greenspace to talk about ground rent and community growing spaces, grass and
hedge-cutting scheduling etc.

Rose Harvie (SOCC community councillor) to talk about food growing
Scottish Water to talk about roadworks and reinstatement of roads and verges post-work and waste

SEPA to talk about pollution of watercourses.

Exec to discuss and send out invitations.

Rona promoted a Community Green Energy meeting to be hosted by SOCC and asked all CC’s to
come along.

In discussion it was asked whether the Forum itself was a Statutory Consultee on any matters. It
was thought not, just the individual CC’s.

The exec will follow up to confirm.

5) Community Councillors Discussions

Andy (Forum exec) presented the findings and suggestions from a review of the Handbook in relation
to meeting minutes, IT policies, Email address consistency and provision of IT equipment and
consumables for CC’s and ideas for a website and formal email address for the Forum itself. The
Forum needs an official Email address and will set up a domain for this. There was a discussion on
the option to use subdomains for CC’s to give consistency.

CC’s will continue to use their own email/online resources but it is noted that this could change
in the future should they wish.

Same for websites, the forum will wait until the uses for a Forum website is more clearly defined
and needed.

Exec will ask WDC if we can load Forum minutes & agendas on the WDC Community Council part of their

Temporarily the minutes and some other documents are being hosted on the Kilmaronock Community
Council website (https://kilmaronockcc.org/cc-forum-info) In discussion, some representatives proposed a WhatsApp group for those interested.

David Keown (BHCC) will follow up (Exec to send latest CC contacts to David)

Rona (Forum exec) presented some legal advice given on following up on breaches of the Code of
Conduct. Several other CC’s have had issues within their committee which have been handled in
different ways with different outcomes. The forum noted that there is no provision for de-selection
of a committee member (other than removal of an office bearing position). The forum agreed that
there ought to be a mechanism in the Scheme of Establishment and wonder why there is not, it was
suggested during the recent review but was not included. It is 4 years until the next review but we
can look start looking into it now.

The Exec will follow up to see if this is an oversight or legal reason for not having a dismissal

Drummond (PNKCCC) spoke on WDC response times. There is a stated 10 working day limit to respond to
any query which is never adhered to. In fact, multiple requests sometimes never responded to.
In discussion it was found that most if not all CC’s have experienced the same issue. Sometimes
appealing to an elected member helps as they often prompt the officers to reply. It was noted that
some elected members are more helpful than others. Some CC’s have elected members attend all their
meetings, some have none at any. At least one elected member cannot do Mondays due to a clash with
a political party meeting.

It was discussed whether elected members are duty bound to attend CC meetings.
The Forum executive will look into this and kindly remind them if so. Peter Hessett is top of the
list for an invitation to the next Forum.

6) AOB / Positive News Stories

Both Balloch & Haldane and Linnvale & Drumry CC’s have been revitalised and are represented
tonight. Well done to the volunteers stepping up to stand for election in sufficient numbers.

Bonhill & Dalmonach CC will be holding a Dr.Bike event at the Lomond Church Eco-
Fair on Saturday 10ᵗʰ June. Also, a project to upgrade the Dalmonach steps to include an accessible
ramp has started.

After the meeting closed, David Keown (BHCC) discussed the idea of providing ID cards for community

Exec will check if any other CC’s wish to have ID cards.

7) Date of Next Meeting

The next business meeting will be 6ᵗʰ September @ 7.30pm, notices will be sent out in good time but
please send in any items for discussion as early as possible. The executive will meet as needed
before then.

Quarterly meeting of the West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum
Wednesday 1st Mar 2023 @ 19:00 in Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick


1) Welcome


Alexandria: Apologies from Harry McCormack

Bonhill and Dalmonach: Jack Fordy, Fiona Jenkins

Bowling and Milton: Shona Brown

Clydebank East: Alistair Conaty (CCF Treasurer)

Dumbarton East and Central: Dorothy Heron

Faifley: Apologies from Tricia Lorimer

Kilmaronock: Andrew Sinnott (CCF Secretary)

Old Kilpatrick: Isobel Plunkett (CCF Chair)

Parkhall, North Kilbowie & Central: Drummond McNair, Anne MacDougall

Silverton and Overtoun: Rona Wilkinson (CCF Vice-chair), Rose Harvie, Linda McCowat

WDC Your Community Team: Alan Karas, Apologies from Clare English

Issy welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed thanks to former Chair Drummond McNair and Secretary Jack Fordy for keeping the Forum going prior to the pandemic shutdown.

Alan handed out copies of the latest Community Councils Handbook. The contents will be for the Forum to review and revise on a regular basis e.g. annually.

2) Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.

Issy went over the role of the CCF as outlined in the inaugural meeting in December and introduced the office bearers/executive committee. The office bearers were appointed for 6 months to get the Forum up and running, after 6 months the Forum will have the option to elect office bearers as per constitution.
Alistair has set up the bank account and Alan is in discussion with WDC Finance to get grant money transferred to the new account. At the moment, WDC cannot find details of the old account which they need for their internal processing.

Drummond agreed to look for any documents he may still have copies of but confirmed that all such original material was passed over to WDC at a meeting in Church Street, prior to the pandemic shutdown.
Funding was briefly discussed, should the Forum seek funding for its own projects or just support individual CC’s in their projects? No conclusion reached, as it is unclear if our constitution allows for fund raising.
The status of the constitution was discussed – a new one was written but not signed off prior to the pandemic shutdown. The final version should sit with Brian McQuillan’s old files. Alan has a copy of those. Otherwise, we have to go back to the 2015 version and rewrite it all again.

Rose brought up the issue of office space for the use of the Forum, this led to a discussion on access to computers and printers etc. Most CC’s use their own resources for CC business, some back charge for consumables some don’t. Some standardisation of what other consumables such as software licences, internet access and more should be reimbursed and how is needed so that WDC don’t just take community councillors for granted. It was agreed that this would be explored further along with IT training on best practice for handling and storing documents and email. Issy suggested a sub-group be formed to look at this and report back.

Other discussion topics were difficulty in recruiting new CC members, grant application delays due to admin requirements, inconsistent treatment of similar issues across different CC’s by WDC.

It was highlighted that not all the details on WDC Community Councils web page are correct – Contact name, details of meetings and listed Agendas and minutes. It was suggested that each CC take responsibility for checking their own page and informing WDC of any changes needed.

CC Forum logo – Shona volunteered to design a new one, Jack happy with the existing one.


Alan will liaise with Drummond on account info
Alan to check through old files from Brian for the existing constitution document.
Andy to form a sub-group with Dorothy & Linda to investigate IT support for the Forum and all the individual CC’s.

Shona to design a new logo for the Forum

Each CC secretary to check their details on the relevant WDC web page and that their Agendas and Minutes are posted up to date. Andy to circulate a note to that effect.

3) Guest speaker

Unfortunately, Clare English had to pull out at the last minute in order to attend the WDC meeting on the budget cuts.

Alan covered the work that the Communities Team do as well as his own remit.

Of course, it was noted that the funding cuts being discussed at WDC may well have an impact on that work going forward.

4) Budget cuts

WDC were meeting today to finalise the balancing of the budget by agreeing to cuts and/or reorganisation.
It was noted that restructuring often gives the chief officers a chance to duck issues as they deny responsibility of what went before. It also usually leads to a reduction of experience levels.

For the Community Team, 2 options were presented – one a straight cut of 50% across the board and two a restructuring of the team with resulting cuts.

By the end of the Forum meeting, it had been announced that option 2 had been chosen.

5) Positive News Stories

Parkhall and Old Kilpatrick CC’s worked together to host a Christmas Sing a long for staff and patients at the new Clydebank Health Centre financially supported by the Provost.

Clydebank East CC has an annual Gala Day

Bonhill & Dalmonach CC organised a Winter Warmer event to provide a warm space with refreshments. Jack also noted that Y-Sort-it were doing well in his area with jumble sales etc, and the Community Garden at Bonhill is a success.

Silverton & Overtoun CC had a meeting with Just the Brave and are looking at having a Mental Health Awareness event with all Mental Health Associations but with Just the Brave as Headliners to attract the young! Details to be finalised but in late Autumn.

Rona recommended using EventBrite in a Reservation capacity as it does not involve selling tickets or a cost but gives advance notice of interest in an event.

6) Diary Dates for Forum 2023

Forum meetings will be the first Wednesday of every 3rd month commencing March 2023, afternoons in winter months, evenings otherwise.

Wed 1st March @ 7.00pm
Wed 7th June @ 7.00pm
Wed 6th September @ 7.00pm
Wed 6th December @ 3.00pm

So far, all we have found available is the Napier Hall, if anyone has alternative suggestions then let the committee know.

7) Date of Next Meeting

The next business meeting will be 7th June, notices will be sent out in good time. The executive will meet as needed before then.

Inaugural meeting of the West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum
Wednesday 9th December @ 19:30 in Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick

1) Welcome


Alan Karas (WDC), Isobel Plunkett & Rena McKenzie (OKCC), Rona Wilkinson & Rose Harvie (SOCC), Dorothy, Heron & Jim Crosthwaite (DECC), Alistair Conarty (CECC), Andrew Sinnott (KCC), Tilda McCrimmon & Barbara Barnes (ACC).


Jack Fordy (BDCC) & Anne McDougall (PNKCCC)

2) Inaugural AGM & election of office bearers:

The following were elected to the Executive committee:

  • Chair : Isobel Plunkett (IP)
  • Vice-chair : Rona Wilkinson (RW)
  • Secretary : Andrew Sinnott (AS)
  • Treasurer : Alistair Conarty (AC)

The first order of business was to agree the following items:

CC forum business meetings will take place once a quarter with interim meetings of the executive committee once monthly. Executive meetings either online or, in the nicer weather, in person.

  • A new Logo will be created
  • A social media presence e.g. Facebook will be set up.
  • A website will be created
  • A new bank account will be opened


AC will set up the bank account with Bank of Scotland.

The executive committee will allocate the actions for the other items at their next meeting.

3) Community Council Forum Role

a) Training/Development - Coordinate training and development of community councils.
Suggested topics :

  • Planning (Development management) via Planning Aid Scotland & WDC workshop event
  • Finance via WD Finance dept [Adrian Gray happy for a member of his team to speak to Forum]
  • Upskilling new community councillors via a potential training manual
  • Open university courses

b) Dialogue with WDC – arrange audiences with key Heads of service
Suggested services :

  • Roads
  • Greenspace
  • Planning
  • Finance

c) Supporting community councils
Suggested topics:

  • Code of conduct issues
  • Leadership development
  • Minute taking tips
  • Sharing case studies for common issues

Training sessions could be short form prior to business meetings or longer form workshops with no business meeting.

Heads of services to be invited to business meetings.


Executive committee to collect training topic suggestions from active CC’s

Executive committee to schedule and invite key heads of service to business meetings

Executive committee to liaise with WDC Communities Team to arrange training sessions.

The group discussed attendance at CCF meetings/training sessions

a) Travel expenses - AC noted that attendees will be entitled to claim Travel Expenses

  • AC will create a suitable claim form for attendees to use.

b) Meeting times will be decided by executive committee.

  • RW works office hours so is unavailable for daytime meetings.

c) Meeting locations will be varied to cover all of WD and not necessarily restricted to church halls and community centres.

d) Meetings need to be attractive to members as everyone is a volunteer and attendance is to be valued.

  • Refreshments will be available.

4) New Community Council Handbook

The CC handbook will sent to all CC’s. A hardcopy will also be given to each CC. The CC Forum will coordinate any necessary updates (as a minimum) every 12 months.

5) AOB

The following points were raised :

• Alexandria Community Council set up in the summer 2022
• Good pieces of local community empowerment for training video
• External funding for CCF and local CCs
• Exploring employing a minute secretary for CCs
• WDCT looking for links with CCs to support the HATS project.
• CCF rep on the Access Panel Forum? Rose Harvie

6) Diary Dates for Forum 2023

To be decided and published in January 2023.

7) Date of Next Meeting

The next business meeting will be at the end of Feb 2023, notices will be sent out in good time. The executive will meet to catch up in January.