
Stephen Burns - WDC & Acting Chair,

David Keown CC,

Lorna McCallum CC,

Pamela Scott CC,

Lynne Somerville CC,

Jim Biddulph, Gillian Clark, Police Scotland on behalf of Stevie McGarrigle


Kristen McIntyre, Alison Lindsay, Ava Somerville

Welcome and Introductions

1. Police Scotland gave a debrief on local activity specific to anti-social behavior in and around the main areas of Balloch. 

It was discussed that the Transport Police should be invited to a meeting to discuss them having a presence on the trains to try and deter gangs of drunken youth from attending.  All were in agreement that something needs to be done as all other visitors suffer as a result as well as the local landscape from vandalism.

Police Scotland confirmed that their new Chief Constable was keen for the force to have a presence at ALL WDC CC meetings to ensure a joined up approach in tackling issues felt by the local communities.  Police Sergeant, Stevie McGarrigle badge # LM41 will be in attendance at all future meetings.  

DK to notify the police of the next meeting date and the new central email for BHCC when confirmed.

2. Jim Biddulph confirmed that WDC were issued with a cheque to the value of £3287.52 when the former BHCC was dissolved.  

SB is to confirm with WDC how BHCC will be reimbursed for this amount.

Jim will work with BHCC to sign over the BHCC bank account to the new treasurer and office bearers.  2 x signatories are required and a new address for ALL banking correspondence to be sent is required. 

3. Gillian Clarke previous BHCC Secretary confirmed that she had handed the new laptop purchased by BHCC and an old printer to the WDC reception for the attention of Suzanne Mason. 

SB to chase this and return to the BHCC at the earliest convenience.

4. Confirmed that CC’s are entitled to £800 funding per annum.  

UPDATE: At the quarterly CC Forum LS & DK attended on the 7/6/23 – it was discussed that due to not all WDC CC’s forming that there was left over CC funding to be divided between all active CC’s. 

Request for SB to chase for an answer on this.

5. Pamela Scott was co-opted to BHCC, proposed by Lynne Somerville, seconded by Lorna McCallum.

6. David Keown CC was proposed as Chair by Lorna McCallum, seconded Lynne Somerville.

7. Lorna McCallum CC was proposed as Secretary by David Keown, seconded by Lynne Somerville.

8. Pamela Scott to consider whether she wishes to take the role of Treasurer.  Decision deferred until next meeting, but it is essential that a Treasurer be appointed.

9. Lynne Somerville suggested that a PR, Communications and Events role be created in support of the BHCC.

10. Ava Somerville to assist Lorna with the drafting of future minutes.

11. Lynne Somerville offered update on Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) training session.  Slides forwarded in separate email for ALL’s review. 

Lynne will contact PAS to enquire if there is any online or recorded resource the other CC’s can access. Update will be offered at next meeting.

12. BHCC to re-register with the National Park for all planning applications to be shared with the group.

13. Lynne Somerville to share Planning and Building Standards Weekly List sent to her on the 23rd May 2023.   Email forwarded in separate email for ALL’s review. 

*NB No further lists received since from WDC.   DK to update SB when a central email is confirmed. SB to update Lorna’s email with immediate effect.

14. Lorna McCallum offered update on the planning application # DC23/046 March 2023 for the old disused boiler house in Dalvait to be turned into either a late night fast food takeaway or a builders depot.     Neither would be suitable for multiple reasons such as but not limited to;

  • Elderly residents
  • No parking
  • Breach of health and safety laws
  • Breach of food hygiene laws

David Keown was happy to attend the next WDC planning meeting with LMc to voice concerns and oppose the plans.

Update: Lorna confirmed that the application had been withdrawn but an eye needs to be kept on this incase the proposers resubmit an application at a later date.

15. Gillian Clark offered update on Balloch Castle Country Park Regeneration Group and Friends of Balloch.

Consultation conducted and they have a new volunteer who is experienced in and will be able to help with funding bid applications.

They have engaged the following stakeholders: -

  • Peter Hessop, CEO WDC
  • Heather Reid, Chair National Park
  • Jackie Ballie, MSP
  • Keep Scotland Tidy

BHCC will promote this group wherever possible.  GC will attend all future BHCC meetings.

Date of next meeting:

  • Tuesday 5 September @ 19:30 Balloch House Hotel