Community Planning West Dunbartonshire (CPWD) is the management group of community planning partners for the area and oversees delivery of the West Dunbartonshire Plan for Place - our Local Outcome Improvement Plan.

The Management Group, which meets quarterly, is the final approval and scrutiny body for the partnership and is responsible for agreeing the joint priorities for community planning and the resources required to deliver progress.  The group is made up of a number of key public, private and community organisations with a West Dunbartonshire responsibility or interest. 

View CPWD’s Management Group minutes and supporting documents

Our aim in West Dunbartonshire is to ensure that people and communities are genuinely engaged in the decisions made on public services which affect them: supported by a commitment from organisations to work together in providing better public services.

We will ensure that activity is coordinated and focused on the value of working in partnership, particularly:-

  • realising added value of working in partnership;
  • enabling existing and new partnership working to deliver outcomes;
  • providing a strategic overview which acknowledges interfaces and dependencies; and
  • mitigating the shifting social and financial impact of decisions to other partners

 The CPWD Partnership Agreement details working arrangements for the partnership.

Delivery & Improvement Groups

The five priorities detailed in the West Dunbartonshire Plan for Place are delivered on behalf of Community Planning West Dunbartonshire by partnership Delivery & Improvement Groups (DIGs) attended by key services and agencies who can ensure the necessary actions happen and improvements are delivered.

Delivery of the aspirations and priorities set out in this plan is monitored through DIG action plans, which are reported to CPWD on a regular basis. 

The DIGs are:

  • A flourishing West Dunbartonshire
  • An independent West Dunbartonshire
  • A nurtured West Dunbartonshire
  • An empowered West Dunbartonshire
  • A safe West Dunbartonshire

A key role of Community Planning West Dunbartonshire is to improve outcomes for local people and communities.

The 5 Delivery & Improvement Groups (DIG) support delivery of the priority outcomes for Community Planning West Dunbartonshire, bringing together key partners to plan and deliver improvement activity over the period of the plan.  This is detailed in DIG action plans, approved and reported through regular community planning meetings.

The performance of all of this activity links directly to the West Dunbartonshire Plan for Place.  Progress and impact is monitored and recorded through our performance management system and reported on a regular cycle though meetings of Community Planning West Dunbartonshire. 

Community Alliance West Dunbartonshire

The Community Alliance ensures communities and individuals within the area can easily get more involved in Community Planning. The Alliance brings together representatives from neighbourhood, interest and user groups across West Dunbartonshire with the intention of identifying issues of common concern. To ensure that the Single Outcome Agreement and CPP are delivering on what local residents are highlighting as a local priority.

Further information on the Community Alliance will be added as it develops. 

Community Planning Support

Dedicated Officers are in place to facilitate the community planning process and help deliver on the outcomes of Community Planning West Dunbartonshire.