Groups looking to deliver Local Place Plans within West Dunbartonshire may be eligible to apply for funding from the Council’s new Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) Community Grants initiative if their Local Place Plan will seek to support the delivery of capital improvements to their area.

Community Councils and local Community Groups are eligible to apply, as long as they meet the criteria set out in the guidance.

Applications should set out your group’s proposals for the Local Place Plan, including your approach to community consultation, proposed capital improvements projects and place-based regeneration.

The Council’s Regeneration and Planning teams have worked together to establish further direction around applications to support the preparation of a Local Place Plan:

  • Local Place Plans are eligible for Small Grants of up to £5,000 only. This will generally be via the Small Grants Pot. If you are applying for a larger capital project from the Large Grants Pot, and wish to include a Local Place Plan to support the development of other capital projects in your area, then your bid can include up to £5,000 for the preparation of a Local Place Plan.
  • Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they can develop and deliver the new Local Place Plan quickly, and are expected to have approached a consultant prior to submitting their application.
  • If you are seeking to prepare a Local Place Plan which will prioritise the delivery of capital projects in your area, then this fund may be able to assist with that plan making process. Your Local Place Plan can also include a broader vision for the area as well as longer term projects. Unfortunately this fund cannot support the preparation of Local Place Plans which will not support the delivery of capital projects.
  • The Council will not accept bids from two different organisations for the same local area. If more than one group comes forward for the same community, then we will only accept a joint application.
  • As with all other Small Grants Pot applications, winners are chosen based on a public vote; and where a local place plan proposal is part of a Large Grant Pot application, successful applications will be chosen by a panel of council officers..


If you are interested in applying for a Community Grant for a Local Place Plan and you have some questions, please do contact 

Further information is available on our Local Place Plans page.