Town Centre Common Good Fund

The Dumbarton Town Centre Common Good Fund is a grant to support regeneration activity in the town centre. It is a rolling programme and applications can be submitted at any time.

What can be funded?

It can fund specific one-off projects and activities to the minimum sum of £1,000 per project which:

  • Improve the appearance of Dumbarton Town Centre
  • Attract people into Dumbarton Town Centre
  • Create job opportunities within Dumbarton Town Centre
  • Positively raise the profile of Dumbarton
  • Promote awareness of Dumbarton's rich history
  • Contribute towards the development of a larger scale project with a longer-term goal.

How are applications assessed?

The fund is competitive, and applications are considered on individual merit having regard to the above criteria. Applicants who make the most convincing argument for funding and demonstrate how it meets the criteria will be the most likely to succeed. Consideration will also be given to other factors including the potential community benefit offered and the extent of the applicants own fund-raising efforts to support the project or activity.

Who can apply?

The fund is aimed at constituted non-profit making Community Groups, though other organisations, businesses and individuals may be eligible if the project or activity they are seeking funding for meets the required criteria. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Regeneration prior to applying to gauge whether their proposal would be eligible. Repetitive applications from a previously successful applicant will not normally be considered.

How much is available?

The total amount of funds available each year is limited.  Grant levels, although not fixed, will therefore also be restricted. Value for money will be a key factor in deciding what projects and activities are supported.

Find out more

Refer to the Dumbarton Town Centre Common Good Fund Information Note and Application Form

If you require any further information or are considering submitting to the fund, please contact