Taxi/Private Hire Car Driver's Licence – Renewals

Following a decision made by Council on 22 March 2021, all currently valid taxi/private hire car driver’s licence holders will have their licence extended by 1 year.

Drivers will fall into 3 categories:-

Those yet to apply for renewal will have their licence extended by 1 year.

Those who have applied for renewal will have their licence issued for 2 years once granted.

Those that are currently using their 3 month extension period will not have to apply but instead will have their existing licence extended by 1 year.

Applications for the grant or temporary grant of a Taxi/Private Hire Car Driver’s Licence will still have to apply and pay the appropriate application fee. Licences, when granted, will be issued as normal for 1 year/6 weeks.

Taxi/Private hire car driver's licence

Anyone wishing to drive a taxi or a private hire car must hold a taxi driver/private hire car driver's licence. West Dunbartonshire operate 2 zones; Clydebank and Dumbarton & Vale of Leven. Applicants must pass a knowledge test for the area in which they intend to drive before an application form will be accepted.

Applicants must have held an appropriate DVLA driver's licence for a minimum of 12 months.  

Applicants have to declare all previous convictions, whether spent or not, on the application. Once granted, a taxi/private hire cars driver's licence is valid for 1 year.

Temporary Taxi/Private hire car driver's licence

Anyone wishing to drive a taxi or private hire car on a temporary basis must hold a temporary taxi/private hire car driver's licence.  The conditions for a temporary licence are the same as for a Taxi/Private hire car driver's licence.

Once granted, a temporary taxi/private hire car driver’s licence is valid for 6 weeks. Before the expiry date of a temporary taxi/private hire car driver’s licence, an application for the grant of a taxi/private hire car driver’s licence must be submitted to allow the licence holder to continue operating under the temporary licence until a decision is made on the full grant application.


Application for a grant, renewal or temporary licence


  • Grant - £325.50
  • Renewal - £325.50
  • Temporary - £162.75

Payment will be requested at the end of the online application process.