Under Waste (Scotland) Regulations, all organisations big or small must now recycle their plastic, metal, glass, paper and card or risk a fine, while most food businesses will also have to recycle food waste. Waste Services have solutions to enable your businesses or organisation to meet the requirements of the regulations. Please use the contact details below to contact our Team who will assist with your recycling and waste needs.
The requirement to present food waste for separate collection extends to all food businesses that produce over 5kg of food waste per week. Operators in rural areas are exempt from these food waste requirements of the Regulations. A postcode search tool at https://www.zerowastescotland.org.uk/RuralPostcodeSearch is available to determine whether your business is defined as being in a rural area in the context of these regulations.
The Waste (Scotland) Regulations were passed by the Scottish Parliament in May 2012. The Regulations represent the most significant development in recycling for Scotland and are designed to help realise the true value of resources currently thrown away. New estimates from Zero Waste Scotland indicate that Scotland is currently paying £95 million in landfill taxes to throw away key recyclates (paper, glass, metal, plastic, card and food) valued at £97 million. The regulations also offer a potential to boost Scotland’s economy and create green jobs, and will play a key role in helping Scotland reach its ambitious target of 70% recycling of all waste by 2025.