We provide a range of cremation and memorial options. Below is a list of charges as of 1 April 2023.

Cremation (Clydebank Crematorium)

Cremation costs
Cremation Charges Resident Non resident
Adult (18 years and older)  £860.00 £1188.00
7 to 17 years old - -
1 to 6 years old - -
Under 1 year old - -
Adult (Saturday cremation) £965.00 £1274.00
Adult (Public Holiday cremation) £1023.00 £1328.00

(Includes Half Hour Service; Bio-degradable Box; and Dispersal or Interment of Cremated Remains in Crematorium Grounds)


Cremation costs
Cremation Charges Resident Non resident
Use of Chapel (45 minute service) £398.00 £495.00
Direct Cremation (9.00 am - No Service) £462.00 £692.00
Dispersal of cremated remains from other crematoria £113.00 £113.00

(Interment of cremated remains from other crematoria in crematorium grounds is no longer available)


Cremation costs
Book of Remembrance Price
Two Line entry £139.00
Three to five line entry  £174.00
Five line entry plus crest £251.00
Six to eight line entry £217.00
Six to eight line entry plus crest £295.00
Cremation costs
Memorial Leather Panel Price
Two Lines (including 10 years display) £338.00
Three Lines (including 10 years display) £392.00
Ten year renewal £167.00

Family arranged interment of cremated remains.

This can be arranged directly with Bereavement Services without going through a funeral director.