We provide a range of burial and memorial options. Below is a list of charges as of 1 April 2023.


Burial costs
  Resident Non resident
Interment Charges
Adult (18 years and older)   £904.00 £1397.00
7 to 17 years old No Charge No Charge
1 to 6 years old No Charge No Charge
Under 1 year old No Charge No Charge
Adult (Saturday Burial) £998.00 £1500.00
Adult (Public Holiday Burial) £1059.00 £1565.00
Cremated Remains £199.00 £363.00
Cremated Remains (Saturday) £250.00 £409.00
Lair Purchases (Includes Monumental Foundation Fee)
Full Lair (Coffins & Cremated Remains) £1178.00 £2555.00
(Only Full Lairs at North Dalnottar Cemetery & Old Kilpatrick Cemetery can be Purchased in Advance)
Cremated Remains Lair (up to six) £891.00 £1672.00
Monumental Foundations £248.00 £248.00
 (Includes Foundation; Permission and Headstone Maintenance Levy)

Family arranged interment of cremated remains.

This can be arranged directly with Bereavement Services without going through a funeral director.